This Side of Fantasy

Welcome To The Family

"It is a marvelous evening isn't it, let's take a walk," She said as she stepped closer.

"Lead the way," I said falling into step next to the shorter girl.

"So did you learn anything while you've been holed up in that prison?" she asked casually.

"Yes, I did, but not enough to waste twelve Innocent lives," I muttered.

"Fourteen, two more die this morning,"

"Thanks," I sneered sarcastically. "So I'm assuming I won't be leaving any time soon," I said.

"You assume correctly," she giggled. "After all you've yet to meet the Volturi."

"I suppose that's where we're going now?" I asked as I kept up with her quick stride.

"Nope, we are heading to a hotel for the night and day, then tomorrow night I'm to take you to Aro."

I sighed, I guess my best laid plans to go back to Edward were ruined. "I'm going to die aren't I?"

She actually laughed at me, "No silly, we want you to join our side, Heidi is tired of being the fisherman and the bait, that's where you'll come in. That and we think you're uncle," she cringed at the word, "We think he's creating an army and planning to attack us."

It was the most she'd said since I'd met the girl. "Wow, let's rewind to the bait part," I said still trying to catch up.

"You will catch and bring in our dinner, see since you can be out with out sparkling during the day, you can collect our meals," she replied as we rode the elevator to our floor.

"You mean you want me to bring you vampires innocent humans so you can eat them?" I screeched the last part.

"Innocent, druggies, drunks, bad guys, what ever you can get."

"And if I refuse?" I asked as we walked into the two bedroom suite.

"Oh I highly doubt you'll refuse. You'll still be able to save lives," she said it with disgust, "And we have something to persuade you more than death."

"What?" I asked as I sank down onto my bed.

"You'll see tomorrow night," she smiled. "Good night Lily."

"Night Jane." As she left the room I wondered what they could possibly have to motivate me, nothing came to mind.

* * *

I found myself in a beautiful outfit, but even I noticed that my eyes were missing their spark. I was changed, no longer the teenage girl with a wonderful vampire boyfriend. I was a killer, no better than the vampires that were going to use me.

"Ready? Oh you look wonderfully appetizing." Jane marveled. It was then that a sight came into my mind.

Just one bite, a taste, and I'll turn her. That's all I want.

Jane moved forward, and I moved back. She moved to fast, had my head to the side before I could blink, and bit down hard braking the skin in my neck. Two seconds later, she withered in pain on the floor. A minute later she was dead, and pain was burning me alive.

"Don't do it Jane."

"I... how did you know?" she asked shocked.

"Same way I know the moment you bite me, you'll be signing your death wish," I answered. "Now lead the way, I wish to see what you have that I'll want."

She nodded and walked from the room.

They had Edward. I knew it deep down the moment Jane led me through the office. Deep down I could feel it. "You bitch!" I roared.

She merely laughed, "Figured it out finally?"

"When I get my hands on you I swear to god I will kill you!"

"Sure sure, just not tonight that dress is to pretty."

I followed her, imagining the ways I could kill her and coming up with only one. One impossible one, since I'd told her if she bit me she'd die. Stupid.

I composed myself, squaring my shoulders, and unruffled my dress, as Jane pushed the heavy doors open easily. Four people sat in high chairs, I only had eyes for one. "Jane welcome back." I ignored the man I presumed to be Aro.

"There was no trouble," she said as she went to join everyone.

"I see that our newest member is alive and well."

Why wouldn't he look up? "Look at me God dammit!" Oops did I really just scream that out? It worked, his head shot up and shock crossed his face.

"This has to be a mistake Aro, she can't be the one that's been killing killers."

Before Aro could answer I spoke up. "I am. Edward, I tore myself up deep down when I left you. I was actually coming back once I got away from my crazy-take over the world uncle. Then of course Ms. Jane, I do hate you now, she brought me here."

"Lily, why?"

"Why did I leave? I left because you couldn't because I loved you too much but I didn't deserve your love. I'm still not deserving of it, but it doesn't matter, I'm not here for love Jane has told me I'm to be bait?" I asked, addressing Aro now.

"No!" Edward bellowed, "You can not do this Aro!"

"Calm yourself Edward, Ms. Lily is capable of the job." He turned then to address me, "Aren't you Lily?"

"Yes Aro, I'm able to do that and help if we must go against my uncle, I have learned a lot."

"I see, you must be tired from the stress. Jane dear, do me one more favor and show Lily to her room."

"Good night," I called to everyone then whispered softly, "I'm sorry Edward."
♠ ♠ ♠
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Check out my new A7x story Dark and Dangerous Games

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