This Side of Fantasy

I Do Too

I didn't intend to be their bait. Nope not even a little thought of it, I was not the same person I'd been before Mr. Claymont found me. I also wasn't going to help the people that kill Innocent, even if Edward was within their group.

Did I make him snap? What about his family? So many question swirled my head as I rub a cloth over my glass dagger. It didn't matter, after I got out of here, I'd become the hunted. Somehow, Samuel seemed to creep into my mind, who was he? He didn't work for Mr. Claymont, and obviously he wasn't with the Volturi. So who was he? I wasn't going to figure it out tonight, so I lay back and tried to sleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke to the sound of foot steps and voices coming down the hall. "Maybe Heidi should accompany her?" It sounded like Jane.

"Nonsense," said a man, "We have her precious Edward, she'll do as told to be with him."

"I suppose you're right Felix."

"I always am, hurry up, I'll meet you in the lounge."

The door swung open to reveal Jane, "Good morning, I'm to get you to the outside world with your instructions."

"OK," I said and grabbed the daggers laid out on the night stand. "Lead the way."

Jane talked all the way to the outside door, and if I was going to do the job at handle, she'd been really helpful. As it is, she was still helpful. "Hurry back," she called and then shut the heavy metal door.

I'd have ten minutes at the most to find a car, then I had to get out of the city. First things first, car. Quickly crossing the crowded street, I began to walk down the sidewalk gazing to see if any of the cars were unlocked.

As I stepped up to a black Ferrari, the window rolled down, "Need a ride?"

"Samuel?" I asked.

"At your service."

"Who do you work for?" I asked, hand resting on the handle.

"All I can tell you is I'm the good guy in this."

"Good enough for me," I said as I slid into the sleek car. "Let's get the hell out of here, I just became prey."

Tires squealed as he raced from the curb and drove down the street, weaving between cars and spaces without a problem, at 160.

"You're not human are you?" I asked already guessing as much.

"Not even a little," he laughed.


He gasped in shock, "How could you insult your savior like that?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know many mystical creatures, just vampires and my kind."

He smiled, "I'm a shape shifter."

"Damn, you mean you can turn into a wolf or something?"

"Yep, Wolf, tiger, panther, what ever you want," his smile sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't love two men could I? This was so messed up and going down on the one way train to hell.

"So let me get this all straight, you're a shape shifter, who works for someone secret, and you saved me because... why did you save me?"

"We try to make sure the people of the endangered species," he chuckled, "Stay alive."

I studied his handsome face, "That's not all is it?" I asked.

"Not really no."

"What else?" I asked.

"I've got a thing for you," he answered, smirking at me.

"Of course you do," I laughed, and I've got a thing for him.

♠ ♠ ♠
Big thanks to:

Kaylen_Lovely(Dedicated to you)
thinkingaboutyou12(Dedicated to you)

I think this story is losing it's fans and that makes me sad. People just don't comment on it that much like they used to.

Anyway let's try for 110 comments.
