This Side of Fantasy

Going Crazy

Sara had indeed flipped out. She'd screamed like a mad woman at the fact I had a house, cheered about the car, had a pregnant silence at the millionaire thing, and became uberly excited about the beautiful doctor.

We had stayed on the phone for a good two hours before I told her I had to get some sleep. She promised to come out and visit me during spring break, which was in two months for her. I'd graduated high school early.

I was dreaming of walking through the woods when the first of the knocking started. My eyes slowly slid open to see that the clock read 5:30 AM. Who could that be this early? I thought to myself as I grabbed a robe and tied it securely around my waist.

"Coming." I called as I made my way down the stairs.

I pulled open the door to a man's fit back, his black hair slicked with water. "Daddy?" I asked, getting his attention. He turned, he'd lost weight, grew a mustache, and had gray streaking his black hair but it was him. It was my Daddy.

"Lil." he said with a small smile, time had weathered this man.

"Daddy!" I screamed, before wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tight. I felt him wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"Lily, oh how I have missed you." he said quietly.

"Come on, let’s get out of the rain." I said stepping away and moving into the foyer. He stepped over the thresh hold and moved to the kitchen. I followed after him closing the door and twisting back the lock. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked happily.

"Sure, what ever you have."

"Ham and cheese omelet?" I asked.

"Perfect." he answered sitting at one of the kitchen chairs.

I was quiet, waiting for him to talk as I got out the pan, ham, cheese, eggs, and a bowl. By the time I had his omelet cooking he still hadn't spoken. "Um, so... what do you think of my new home dad?" I questioned, turning to look at him.

His eyes widened, "I thought this was Rose's place?" he asked confused.

"Dad, she..." I cleared my throat, "she died a while back, left me everything." I said turning over the omelet.

"Wow." he murmured.

"Are you going to stay with me?" I asked quietly.

"I... yes. I don't plan on leaving. Please can you ever forgive me for disappearing on you?" he asked.

"Of course." I said placing his omelet on the table in front of him. "Enjoy."

"You're not eating?" he took a bite, "Mm this is wonderful. You always could cook." he said.

"Thanks. I don't eat breakfast, but since I'm up already, I'm going to get dressed and get some things done." I turned to go to the stairs then spun back around. "Is that OK?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's fine I have to start searching for a job any way." he said stuffing more food in his mouth.

"OK. Hey try the police station; I heard something about them having a position open." I called as I headed up the stairs. My dad was finally back, and it felt amazing.

My closet was pretty much empty after staying here for almost two weeks. I'd need to fix that soon. I pulled on my last pair of skinnie jeans, which just happened to be purple, grabbed a black long sleeve shirt with hearts on it, and slipped, into my purple and black sneakers. I grabbed the stripped purple hoodie that hung over the chair in my room, before jogging down the stairs.

"Bye dad!" I called pulling open the door. It wasn't storming yet but would be eventually.

"Later Lills." he answered before I shut the door. His old black Toyota sat in front of the house. I walked beside the house down the black topped driveway that led to a one-car garage. I smiled a toothy smile when I pulled the door open, to where my beautiful car awaited me.

I turned it around and began the mile drive to the main road, first trip today would be the store; I need to buy groceries since my father would be staying in the house now. Then I'd head out of town and find a mall or somewhere to buy new clothes from.


I was at the gas station filling up; first the mall, now they were starring at my car while I put gas into it. "What?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest and facing the three teenager boys.

"That car's worth over 100,000 dollars." one of them said dreamily.

"Yeah and your point is?" I asked, grabbing my receipt and heading to my door.

"How do you have it?"

"Dude she's probably a spoiled rich girl." I heard the one closest to him whisper.

"No, I just killed my rich aunt to steal her car." I said with an evil grin.

"W-wha-what?" they stammered in unison.

I burst into laughter. "You should have seen your faces!" I straightened up. "No but my aunt did die and left it for me. Bye now." I said getting into my car and racing away from the three teens. It still wasn't raining which was nice, so I decided to go hike. Following the signs, I made my way to the trail, and parked next to a large patch of bushes trying to hide my car, but not really succeeding.

The trail was dry, and crunched softly under my feet. Pulling my ipod out of my pocket, I put in one ear bud, and flipped to my One Republic songs. They always made my mood chipper. A slight breeze rustled my brown and red hair around my face.

I'd walked maybe two miles, when I heard it. At first, I thought it was only thunder, but then it came more often, by the fifth rumble I'd turned my music off and strayed off the path. I could hear laughter as I neared a meadow, or no, it was a huge field actually. I stood back a bit, but with my enhanced sight, I could see perfectly.

A Petite female, with a pixie haircut, had a bat in her hands and looked ready to swing. A slim blonde female was at what must have been pitchers mound, though it seemed too far, was winding up for the pitch.

And what happen next, well I couldn't believe my eyes.
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I don't know if I should continue on this story. What do you think? I have the next two chapters typed but I don't know, if anyone really likes this story or not.
