This Side of Fantasy

New Chief In Town

She'd thrown the ball with so much force, I was unable to see it until the deafening roar of the ball hitting the bat signaled the petite one had managed to hit it, and she ran faster than I could believe. I gazed out to the out field and saw a huge, buff, boy jump a good twenty feet off the ground and grabbed the ball from the air, the ball I hadn't even known was there.

He threw it to home, where another female stood, this one older than the other two. She caught it but wasn't able to tag the petite female. A smaller, more leaner boy moved up to bat. His blond hair was tucked messily under a baseball cap. The blond girl again threw the ball with such a force it became invisible to my eyes.

I watched this time, not the blond boy, but one more beautiful than the rest. He was taller, and fit, his russet brown hair matched him perfectly, he was in a white stripped ball shirt, and I was mesmerized by his handsome face, beyond handsome, he looked like an angel.

He ran, almost to fast to see, after the ball and collided with a blond man. The sound was as loud as thunder, and I feared the angel boy would be hurt, but he jumped up nimbly and helped up the other man, before throwing the ball to home base. The woman caught it and tagged the batter.

"Out!" she called. "Third out, time to switch!" her voice was amazing, but held authority.

The out fielders ran to bat, and that was when I got a good look at the blond man, and I covered my mouth to stifle a gasp. It was Carlisle, Carlisle Cullen. The wonderful doctor! I quietly backed away, hoping they wouldn't notice.

After I was sure I was out of sight, I ran the last mile and a half back to my car. There was when I let out the hysterical scream that had been building up in my lungs as I had ran. Doctor Cullen wasn't human. of that, I was sure. I threw my car into drive and spun around, peeling out to get away from the forest. I had to get away.

It seemed to take forever to get home, and that had me on nails. I was sure they hadn't seen me there, but I had a lot of unanswered questions running wild through my head.

Who were the people he was playing ball with? His family? What are they? What were their names? How did they move so fast? How were they so strong and agile? How could they jump so high, or hit so hard or look so good?

It was all starting to give me quite the headache.

Dad's car was gone when I pulled up so I parked in his spot, to make it easier to take the groceries in, along with my whole new wardrobe.

I had dinner ready by the time my dad came home. "Hey dad." I smiled when he walked around the corner and sat at the table. "Did you find a job?" I asked, as I set the plate of chicken and rice tacos down in front of him.

"Sure did Lils. You're looking at the new Portland chief of police." he said with a grin.

"Wow that's great." I sat down across from him with my plate.

"What happened to your hand?" he asked pointing to the bandage on my left hand.

"Oh this, just a cut, I was cleaning up a vase." I shrugged.

"Clumsy." he muttered, going back into his silent eating. I finished, and began to do the dishes while dad went to watch T.V. He had reminded me of my appointment next week with doctor Cullen. That would be something.

"Shoot." I muttered to myself as water splashed the bandage on my hand. I sighed, turning the last glass upside down on a towel to dry. "I'm going to bed dad." I leaned in the frame of the door, he was watching the recaps of a basket ball game.

"Night Lily, I have to leave early in the morning, first day." he told me, smiling over his shoulder.

"Alright. I'll have dinner ready when you get home. Night." I headed up the stairs to my room. It was a nice room, kind of small but the full sized bed fit nicely. I had a closet and a desk, that held my laptop. There was a window to the left of the bed, and the walls were a light lilac. It was definitely me.

Placing my Josh Groban CD into my radio, I sat cross legged in the middle of my bed as February song begun. I fiddled with the bandage, trying to find the end, and after a good five minutes, I did. When the wrappings feel away, my eyes widened in shock.

It was healed, after one day. It was crazy. And that's when my brain started thinking again. What if I wasn't entirely human either? I grabbed my cell and punched in the number Doctor Cullen had given me.

"Hello?" he asked after the first ring.

"Hi Doctor Cullen, this is Lily."

"Ah Lily, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Do you work tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes I do I'll be going in at seven am. Why?"

"I need you to see me." I answered.

"What's happened?" he asked, a chair squeaking as he leaned forward.

"I'll show you tomorrow, at seven thirty?"

"Alright, seven thirty. My office."

"Thank you." I murmured hanging up. Tomorrow was going to be odd, first I knew the doctor had a secret. Second, how was I to explain how my hand had healed in a little over twenty four hours? Yes certainly odd.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise this story will pick up. PROMISE!

Thanks to the following commenters
lucky_erin47(so sorry I didn't have that on the last chapter)
Alicecasm(As for you... There is nothing wrong with purple stuff! Thank you very much. =P I'ma get you back later for that... I just have to think of something)

Thank you all for the comments! I look forward to more! Because... the more comments I get the more I'll update!
