This Side of Fantasy

Edward Cullen

The hospital wasn't crowded as I walked through the empty lobby to the help desk.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" asked the brown haired nurse, from behind her desk.

"I'm looking for Doctor Cullen's office." I responded.

"He's on the third floor, take the elevator, then make a left, and then a right. He's the last door on the right." she smiled.

"Thank you." I said, heading to the elevator. Following her directions I found myself outside of a wooden door, with Dr. Carlisle Cullen marked on a plaque. I knocked before pushing open the door.

"Ah good morning Lily." he stood as I entered the room.

"'Morning." I said sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"Now what seems to be the problem?" he asked.

Ha ha, beside the fact that you have a secret? "This." I said opening my hand and sitting it on his desk in front of him.

He studied it for a moment. "Well this is unusual." he murmured, low enough that a mere human would have missed it.

I was finding out that I wasn't a mere human anymore. "That's a nice way to put it." his head jerked up to look at me.

"Let's get these stitches out." he walked to a drawer and pulled out a pair of surgical scissors. He cut each one then removed the pieces. "Unbelievable." he whispered, studying the thin line, that just two days before had been cut open. "How..."

I cut him off, "I have no idea. Really I don't."

He nodded, still starring at my palm. We both looked up as the door opened.

"Oh sorry Carlisle, I'll come back." I was in awe, it was the brown headed boy.

"It's fine Edward. Please come in." Carlisle answered.

"I... um, I have to go. Thank you Carlisle, for removing the stitches." I said getting up quickly. Edward watched me with curiosity and confusement.

"Would you be willing to come in when you have your scheduled appointment next week?" Carlisle ask.

"I guess." I said with a nod and headed for the door, sneaking one last glance at the boy named Edward, but quickly looked back to the door. His eyes were black, and he looked pissed. Had I done something to upset him? Surely not I didn't even know him.

I gently closed the door behind me but stopped a yard away to listen to what was being said, or bits of it, they talked insanely fast.

"...control it... must hunt more... not entirely human." Carlisle. What ever happened to patient confidentiality? and what was the hunting part about?

" kill her... appetizing blood ever smelt... can't read hr mind... had to leave." Oh shit! I took off at a sprint, passing the elevator and heading for the stairs. Jogging down three flights, I caught my toe on the last step and wound up hurdling myself into the door.

"Ow." I moaned, slowly picking myself up off the floor. "Why couldn't I get more graceful?" I muttered, pulling open the door. Edward was no where in sight, good.

"Miss." the desk nurse called as I passed her.


"Your heads bleeding, maybe you should get that looked at." she said, her voice rising a bit.

"It'll heal." I mumbled, heading to the exit.

Dinner was quiet, not awkwardly so, just quiet. I'd made chicken pasta, with cesar salad, and my dad seemed to enjoy it. "So how was work?" I asked.

"Mostly paper work today. It's a relatively peaceful town." I nodded. "It's a good way to learn about the town."

I shook my head. "What do you know about Doctor Cullen?" I asked softly, staring at my plate.

"Hmm, the guys were talking about him, oh yeah. Said he moved here with his family a few years ago. Kids are all adopted, I believe theirs, five of them. Told me not to worry they never cause trouble." he shrugged.

"Did they mention names?"

"Why do you ask?" he questioned.

"I was at the hospital to get my stitches removed," I said holding up my hand. "Ran into one of his boys, Edward." I added nonchalantly.

"Yeah Edward, and Alice are juniors in high school, and then Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper are seniors." I nodded, as I got up to wash the dishes. "Just leave them, I'll do it." he said.

"Thanks dad." I said leaning against the sink. "Hey dad, could you do me a favor?" I asked looking over at him.

"Sure kiddo, what is it?" he asked.

I was glad he didn't know I'd graduated already. "Can you enroll me in the high school here?" Kalama High. I'd past it on my way out of town yesterday.

"Sure kiddo, I'll stop over there tomorrow." he paused, biting his lip, "What grade?" he asked ashamed.

I laughed, this was perfect. "Junior." What a perfect way to get to know the mysterious Cullens, and get some information on them from their peers. I grinned as I headed up to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two updates in one night! YAY.

Special thanks to the following, who left comments

It seems to me that this story has a lot of readers, and subscribers but few comments. Let's fix that please? More comments = faster updates.

I'm not used to doing an Edward story, I mean who can do it better than Stephenie Meyer? I'm used to a7x Fan-Fiction. So I apologize if this story sucks, and stays sum what near Meyer's basic outline. Sorry.
