This Side of Fantasy

The Cullens

Two day ago, a stack of papers had been on the table waiting for me when I'd gotten up. I was now a junior at Kalama High, and today, was my first day.

Pulling on a pair of jeans, white stripped shirt and my blue hoodie, I slipped into my shoes before grabbing the bag I'd bought yesterday. I had time to spare, but I was anxious to get there. So I skipped out into the cloudy day, and back to my car.

The high school wasn't hard to find, right off the highway. It was large and older looking. I followed a van back to the student lot, my car was the nicest one here, besides a silver Volvo, and a red BMW. I parked at the end of the first row, to avoid cars hitting mine. That didn't stop the people already there from staring at me as I slid out.

"Nice car." called a boy leaning against his truck.

"Thanks." I mumbled, continuing on into the school. First class of the day? Advanced history. It wasn't to hard to find, and Mr. Brimer pointed me to a seat in the back.

After an unsuccessful history, I had Trigonometry, and Spanish four. Spanish four I met two girls, Jenny, and Ashley. They introduced me to Mike and his friend Justin. Jenny insisted I sit with her at lunch. Grabbing an apple and a water, I sat at a table with the two boys and two girls, scanning the room for the one person I came here for.

"Here they come." Jenny whispered to Ashley.

"Who?" I asked before the door opened.

"The Cullens. The big one with the blond is Emmett, and Rosalie. The small pixie one is Alice, she's with Jasper, the one that looks like he's in pain. Then there's Edward." she said the last part dreamily. "Don't even try to go for it, apparently no one seems good enough for him." she mumbled picking at her bread.

Someone had been crushed. I thought to myself. I turned my head to look at the table they sat at, and gave a smile to Edward, who looked less angry today, before turning back around. "Oh my God." Ash hissed.

"What?" I asked.

"Edward's coming this way." she whispered in shock. Jenny had a slight glare on her face.

"Lily." he said quietly, his voice was like music. I turned to look up at him.

"Hi Edward." I answered.

"How's your head?" Now that took me off guard.

"Um... it's uh," I gulped for air. "fine." I whispered.

"That's good. How about you come sit with me today? I have a few questions I'd like to ask you."

The girls eyes were wide when I turned back to face them. "OK." I said grabbing my water and getting up from the table, to follow Edward back to his.

"Lily, my sisters Rosalie and Alice, and my brothers, Emmett, and Jasper." he said puling up a seat for me. I smiled, sitting down in the seat next to him and Alice.

"What did you want to know?" I asked.

"How'd you heal in 24 hours." he whispered, so only we could hear it.

"I don't know." I said.

I could barely hear what Rosalie said but it sounded like, "She's lying."

I shot her a glare. "Really, and how would it be that you know I'm lying, when I truly have no idea what's going on with me?" I asked her.

The whole table was quiet, deadly so. Every pair of strange, beautiful golden eyes, were focused, unblinking, on my face. It made me feel strange but I realized not only they were staring but everyone in the cafeteria had grown silent, and was starring. I felt uneasy.

"What are you?" Emmett asked, and he seemed awed.

"Again, I don't know." I shook my head when Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Alright look, it started when I turned eighteen." I covered my mouth, shoot, I was supposed to be seventeen.

"Eighteen?" Edward asked, a beautiful eye brow arched.

"Yeah." I mumbled, biting on my bottom lip.

"OK. So this all started what? A few months ago?" Alice asked speaking for the first time.

"Yes. It started with the hearing, then my eye sight advanced, now? Now I can heal fast." I touched my head where the gash had healed. "How'd you know I hit my head?" I questioned Edward with a frown.

"We have to go." Rosalie said. I watched as everyone but Edward rose and danced, because their was no other way to put how they moved, out the door of the cafeteria.

"I need to go too." I mumbled picking up my water bottle and leaving the table, dazed and confused. I headed to fourth hour Physics, where I was placed at an empty table. I was resting my head on the smooth black surface of the table.

I felt it move as someone placed their books on the table. I didn't look up though, I wasn't interested. "Lily." That caught my attention.

"Edward?" I questioned, picking up my head. He sat far away from me, but was watching me carefully.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Do you care?"

He thought for a second, "I'm sorry for the interrogation at lunch, we're just... curious."

"You and me both." I mumbled, before the teacher called the class to order.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's another update. Let me know what you all think. I have a bunch of reads and subscribers which makes me happy.

These people made me happy
LoveMeForYou(Dedicated to you)

Comments please? I'll update again if you guys get 16 comments for this story.
