This Side of Fantasy

Stay Away

Jenny questioned me non-stop in English, but once the teacher found out she was talking, he had her move to the front. I still didn't know what Edward's issue was, one minute he looked like he wanted to kill me and the next, he was "curious."

I sighed, what are they? Because they surely aren't human, but they had to be something. Jenny met up with me at my locker before my sixth hour study hall. "So, what did he want?" she probed.

"Just had some questions." I answered.

"The Cullens never let people sit with them, and you're here one day and they ask you to sit with them to answer questions about you?" Ow that hurt.

"Yeah Jen, that's it OK?Just, drop it, I have to get to class." I snapped, turning and heading down stairs to study hall.

Mike joined me at my locker after our seventh hour class. "So how was your first day?" he asked casually, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Long." I'd forgotten how long school was.

He laughed, joining my side as I headed for the student lot. It was raining again. "Yeah, it'll get better. So where are you from?" he questioned.

"Tampa Bay Florida." I smiled.

"This weather must bother you."

"Nope, I love the rain." I answered. "It was nice talking to you, I'll see..." I paused, seeing Cullen leaning against my car. "you tomorrow." I finished. "Leave me alone Cullen." I snared when I was close enough.

"Wow, you have a temper." he grinned a heart jolting crooked smile.

"Umm..." I couldn't think. "Yeah... can you move? I want to go home." I said unlocking my doors.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" he asked.

"What kind of stupid question is that?" I shot back. "It's a school day of course I will."

"Good." That was all he said before he walked over to his car. What the hell?

I rolled my eyes as I pulled out of the student lot to head home. Dad was getting pizza so I wouldn't have to cook. However, I had a ton of home work. Something else I'd forgotten about. His new cruiser wasn't in front of the house, but that wasn't a surprise, he was falling easily into his work.

The rain grew stronger while I sat on my bed doing Trig. Dad had come home earlier with a large cheese pizza, and soda. I listened as the phone rang. "Lils!" my dad yelled up a few seconds later, "Sara's on the phone."

"Alright, I'll be right there!" I yelled back. Tossing my book to the side, I jumped up and raced down the stairs.

"Hey Sara." I said into the receiver; sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Lily!" she squealed. "How you doin'?" she asked.

"OK. I have a ton of homework though."

"What?" she was confused.

"I went back to school, seems the beautiful doctor, has a family, and a single son." I went into the story of Edward and his family, leaving out the baseball game, and how odd they were.

Her response was a "Wow." once I'd finished telling my tale.

"Yeah, look Sara, I really have to go. I'll talk to you soon."

"Alright, bye then." she mumbled pouting. I hung up and walked to the front room.

"Hey dad, I'm going to bed." I said.

"Alright. Good night." he answered waving but not looking from the T.V.

Sleep was a challenge. I awoke at four AM, after a dream that had my heart racing. I'd been lying in a dance studio; one filled with mirrors. A man had thrown me, and I was in a pile of glass. I couldn't see the man's face, couldn't see anything. The pain had sent me screaming into my pillow as I'd woke. After tossing and turning, it seemed I was going to have to go through the day, tired.

I was sitting in my car when my dad left at six thirty. By the time I got to school, the lot was full.

"Lil!" Mike called waving from his car. I smiled and politely waved back.

"Good morning Lily." I jumped a foot off the ground, spinning to face Edward.

"What is wrong with you? You don't sneak up on people like that." I scolded.

He grinned. "My apologies."

"What do you need?" I asked hitting the lock button on my keys.

"I wanted to walk you to class." he said.


"To tell you that you should stay away from my family." he said seriously.

I blinked a few times, in total shock. Huh? "What the hell is wrong with you Cullen? One day you're asking me questions the next you're saying stay away!" I yelled. "Well why don't you stay away from me, if I'm not good enough for you or your family." I hissed, Marching away from him, through the side doors of the school and up to my locker. "Stupid Cullen." I muttered, slamming my locker door.

"Hey what's up Lily?" Justin asked, jogging to catch up to me, his black hair a mess.

"Hey Justin." I mumbled.

"You alright?" he questioned.

"Yes I'm fine. Bye now." I said, walking into Advanced history. Actually nothing was alright, one minute Cullen's talking to me the next, he's to good or me. Hardly fair. I couldn't get my head on straight anymore, not since the day I'd turned eighteen. I couldn't face trig. or Jenny in Spanish, so at the bell I raced to my locker and stuffed my books away, before walking to the side door and moving out into the misty rain. Looking around I started off towards the forest, hoping to get away from all the hassle school was becoming.

It was peaceful, but a little dark in the forest. I was wondering aimlessly listening to the birds chirp quietly, I could hear a deer grazing off to my left... wait this seemed familiar. If it was the same as my waking dream, in about two seconds, that deer was going to... The deer took off, making it a good few paces, before it thudded to the ground. It's heart beat was slowing.

It's heart beat stopped, oh no! I turned to run but stilled when I spotted Jasper a few yards away. "Jasper." I whispered, but it was no use. He stalked forward, causing me to step back with each step he took, until a tree pressed into my back. "Jasper, it's Lily." I tried again.

He was crouching down, his golden eyes black, when a roar filled the forest. "NO!" Edward's voice growled before he slammed into Jasper with a thunderous boom, wrestling him to the ground. Jasper was snapping at his face, growling deep in his throat. "Damn it Lily... RUN!" he shouted at me. That was all it took for my feet to start moving. I ran, heart pounding, out of the forest and straight to my car. From there, I drove home, exceeding the speed limit by an unhealthy amount.

My hands were shaking as I sat on the couch in my living room. I needed help with this one, big help. Jasper had been... been... he was like an animal, trying to sink his teeth into Edward. But how had Edward known I was out there, and how did he get to me so fast?

I sent a text to Sara, Sara, I was reading a book, shocking I know, but someone stole it before I could figure out what the main character was.

a few minutes later she sent one back, And?

I sent, OK, he was pale, really pale, and didn't eat. He was fit, and beautiful. But, he almost attacked the lead girl, and she was saved by his brother, the first character, was snapping at his brother like he wanted to attack him.

I sat waiting, growing antsy with each passing minute, for an hour until my phone beeped, signaling I had a text. Sounds like a vampire but I could be wrong.

Why hadn't I thought of that? The Cullens were vampires, it all fit. Could my life get anymore exciting?
♠ ♠ ♠
I put up 8 but now I'm putting up the real 7 sorry for the mix up. I'll have 8 up in a while.

These people rocked my world with comments:

x3Gabbie(Dedicated to yous!)

This chapter is dedicated to x3Gabbie for helping me figure out what to make our star in this story, Lily. Thanks doll! I'm also dedicating this chapter to sloshopgirl because she got you guys this update with her comment. It made me really happy, and made me want to write. So thank you both!