This Side of Fantasy

Say What

I went to school the next day, though I was terrified to death. However I realized once lunch time came around, that I had no reason to fear, the Cullen's table, was empty.

I sighed, sitting down next to Jenny. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, just been a long first couple of days." I answered, playing with the lid of my water bottle.
"So, did you go home sick yesterday or what?" Mike asked, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I had to leave." I said, not really answering his question.

"So Ashley, are you going to the the..." After the attention was off me, I laid my head on my arms, resting my eyes.

"Lily." Someone shook my arm. "Lily come on, you're gonna be late." I lifted my head to see an empty cafeteria, Jenny was pulling on my arm.

"Coming." I must have fallen asleep. I had to race to make it to physics before second bell. I sat at my empty table, and wondered where the Cullens were.

And so started the routine for the rest of the week. Come to school; no Volvo. Go to lunch; no Cullens. Go to Physics; No Edward. Go home, wondering if it was all my fault they were gone. When my appointment came around, on Monday of the following week, I was wondering if Carlisle would even be at the hospital.

I found myself outside his door, at 6:30 that evening, All the Cullens had missed school again. I knocked, fearing, as well as hoping, the doctor was not there.

"Come in." he called. False hope. "Oh... Lily."

"You told me to come for my appointment, I can leave." I said with a shrug.

"No sit." his voice was firm. I shut the door behind me and sat in front of him. "How have you been feeling?" he asked.

"Fine, no more unusual than normal." I answered. I chewed on my lip. "Are they ever coming back to school?" I asked quietly.

"Who?" he questioned.

Duh "Your kids."

"Eventually. I apologize." he said simply.

I nodded. "So are we going to figure out what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing's technically wrong with you, but you have a gift of sorts. It would run in your family, I believe only the women in the family have the dominant gene." he said leaning back in his chair.

"It? Does it have a name?"

"Yes, but I've looked into your past. Most the time, only one of these blood lines can exist, and neither can be together. Until now." he answered.

"Until now?" I asked a little shaken.

"Yes. You're mother had the half angel blood line." Wait what? "Now your fathers mother, must have had the blood line of a half faery." Say what?

"And those can't exist together in one person." I guessed.

"Until now."

"Until now." I repeated. "So I'm a faery angel?"

"Actually, if I'm right, you're a quarter angel, a quarter faery, and half human."

"That's just great." I mumbled. "So what's going to happen next?" I asked.

He didn't answer for a beat, and that was long enough for me to realize he was going to keep something from me. "Well if it was only the angel blood line, you'd have the healing. And if it was just the faery blood line, you'd have the hearing and sight, possibly smell and strength."

"And combined?" I asked.

"Why don't you tell me, you're the first child that's survived such a combination." he answered leaning forward to rest his elbows on his desk.

"It started with the hearing and eye sight, about a week after my eighteenth birth day."

He interrupted me with a question. "When was that?"

"January 15th." I answered.

He nodded, "Continue."

"After that, I started having dreams. dreams that came true. Then the visions started, which over powered the dreams until the dreams became few, but the visions stayed strong." I said.

"I see. That doesn't normally happen, which leads me to believe that it's due to the combination of the three blood lines."

"OK so what does this all mean for me?"

He sat back, thinking to himself. "I don't know yet. I'd like you to come straight to me if anything else starts to happen."

"I think I can do that." I said nodding.

"Good." His phone interrupted our talk. "Yes?"

"Dr. Cullen, your daughter's here to see you." said his secretary.

"Send her in." he responded.

"I can leave." I murmured going to rise.

"It's only Alice." She glided into the room, on silent feet.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Hi Lily. I apologize for the way Jasper behaved last week, he had way to much caffeine." Wow what a lie she was trying to throw at me. If it looks like a vampire, acts like a vampire, and speaks like a vampire. HM, must be a vampire.

"No harm, no foul." I said. "Look, thank you Carlisle for answering my questions, I must go though." I said standing. "Bye Alice."

"See you tomorrow, Lily." So the Cullens were coming back, finally. I shut the door behind me, but not before hearing Alice cheerfully say to Carlisle, "We're going to be great friends if Edward would get over himself."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's eight, sorry again for my mix up on the chapters. This chapter shopuld make more sense now. thanks to those who commented:


And our new readers:

Thank you all very much. I have my 9th chapter already wrote, so lets get 30 comments and I'll put it up. Thanks!
