This Side of Fantasy

Get Out

I was unusually cheerful on my way to school. I couldn't figure out why. Alright, so I did know why, and it had to do with the Cullens. One specific Cullen. Edward. I parked my car across the lot from his Volvo, and walked into school with a hop in my step.

I was throwing caution to the wind and going to talk to Edward, rather I was good enough for him or not. All I had to do was make it to Physics.

Which turned out to be tougher than I'd imagined. I couldn't focus on my work, and by the time Jenny and I walked to the lunch room, I had no nails left. The Cullen table was crowded, wait huh? I double checked as I got a water. Yes, there was six of them, another female sat with her back to me. Great! So much for my plan.

I wanted to puke. "Lily, um are you OK?" Ashley asked leaning close to make her voice a whisper.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I questioned through clenched teeth.

"OK." she said, leaving me alone.

We sat in silence for the next twenty minutes, until Jenny gasped. "What?" I asked turning to see what she was staring at, and the anger flooded my veins. Edward Cullen was hugging the female. I could scream from my frustration.

I did the next best thing, I threw my water bottle to the floor, and stormed out of the room. I was planning on skipping Physics, but decided I wouldn't give him that kind of satisfaction. I slammed my locker, shoved Mike Taylor out of my way and walked into Physics class. Slamming my books down next to me as I climbed on the stool.

Edward was smirking! can you believe it? When he walked in and took his seat next to me. "Lily." he said looking ahead.

"Cullen, I'll warn you now. I will kick your ass." I glared at him before looking ahead again.

"Lily, what are-"

"Mr.Cullen, is there something important you'd like to share?" Mr. Sean asked.

"No sir. My apologies." Edward answered.

I snickered, finally Edward getting the attention. "What are you laughing at?" he snapped, low enough that only I'd hear.

"You." I answered.

He smirked again, "Weren't laughing at lunch were you?" he asked.

That sent me over the edge and down to the freezing water below. I felt the anger swimming through my blood, I glared at the beaker on our table.

"Thought so." he whispered. I snapped and so did the beaker, shattering into a thousand little shards, though it was silent and no one seemed to notice. It didn't end there, oh no. The pieces were floating. I panicked, and they all dropped to the table, this time making a lot of noise.

"Screw you Cullen." I hissed, getting up, grabbing my books and heading out the door.

"Ms. Claymont! Where do you think you're going?" the teacher called, but I was out of the door, puling out my phone as I ran to my car.

"Dr. Cullen speaking."

"We need to talk. Now." I said.

"Lily, what's wrong?" he asked.

"A lot." I sighed, "Are you at the hospital?"

"I'm sorry it's my day off," he seemed to think for a bit. "Come to my house."

He gave me the directions which I took down on my note pad. Pointing my car south, heading out of town I began my journey to the Cullen's home.

The Cullen's home, like mine, was deep in the forest. A winding road lead me to a clearing, with trees lining the road to a large, beautiful brown house. I parked off to the side and left the keys on the seat. I said a small help me, before knocking on the large wooden door.

A woman opened the door, and I recognized her as the one that made the calls during the base ball game. "Hello dear, you must be Lily. I'm Esme." She stepped back, "please, come in."

"Thanks, you have a beautiful home." I responded looking around the house, the back side seemed to be all glass, and it was so... open.

"Thank you. Carlisle Lily's here." she called up.

"Send her up." I heard him answer.

"Up the stairs, to the left." she said with a smile.

I found Carlisle in what looked to be a home office, filled with books, and paintings. "What happened Lily?" he asked as I sat down.

I glared at my hands, "Well, it was Edward." I mumbled.


"And a new girl."

"Tanya? She was having lunch with the kids, she's from Denali. Only a friend."

"Ha, yeah I hug all my friends like that." I said sarcastically. "Any way, it angered me, and it shouldn't have. But he just kept pushing my buttons, then I shattered-a-beaker-and-made-it-float." I said, the words spewing from my lips.

"You were able to use your anger to shatter a beaker." he said astounded.

"Yes. Carlisle, what's happening to me?" I was freaked.

"It's the combinations of the blood lines."

"I'm a freak." I muttered burying my head in my hands.

"No, you're not. You are very special." I turned to see Esme standing in the door way. "I wanted to tell you that everyone's home, and Tanya said to tell you good bye." she said to Carlisle.

Great. I over reacted. Now I get to face Edward... Maybe I could escape unoticed.

"Come." Carlisle said, rising. or not. I followed him down the stairs and to the living room.

"What is she doing here?" Rosalie sneered.

"Rose please." Esme whispered sternly.

"I'm going to just go." I said taking a step towards the door. I was in a house full of vampires, and not really scared of them, more of the fact that I was scared of myself around them.

I turned to grab the door handle and ran into Edward. "Ow." I mumbled, rubbing my nose. "Edward." His face worried me, he wasn't mad, nor happy, just cold. He started moving forward, backing me away from the door. "Look um... I'm really sorry about what happen." I said hoping to deter him.

He didn't speak until Alice grabbed his arm. "Stop this Edward." He looked at her and it looked as if he was reading her mind or something. It became his turn to back away from me.

"No Alice!" he bellowed. "Why?"

"Edward, look it's not finale, it's just..."

"NO!" A chill ran down my throat as I bumped into the wall. His family had left us alone, Edward, Alice, and me. "Lily, I have to stay away from you." he growled. "I have tried, and I can't anymore!" he yelled getting dangerously close. "You're like my own personal demon sent to break me down and destroy me."

"Actually I'm a..."

"Pain in the ass?" he asked.

"No I was going for freak." I said with a shrug.

His hard expression changed to pain. "You are not a freak Lily." he whispered, placing one white hand on my cheek, it was cold, ice cold.

"Edward, why?" I asked.

"Why what Lily?"

"Why you? Why do I bother you so much?" I asked, gazing into his liquid topaz eyes.

"I... I can't tell you that."

I couldn't deal with it, he was going to hide the most important thing about himself from me. I shoved him back, figuring he's a vampire I gave a little more umph. Oh no. "Carlisle!" I called. "I think I've gotten the strength part!"

I'd sent Edward backwards crashing into the wall. That wasn't supposed to happen! "I can't take this!" I yelled, running to the door, and then racing to my car; I had to get out, I had to get away from that family. Even if my heart was screaming no!
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get this out. Been super busy. I hope you all had a good Christmas and I wish you all well in the new year!

These are the amazing peoples who made me very happy:
AlishaIeroVeex(Welcome to my story)
HerFamousLastWords(Also welcome to my story)
xRiot!x(Welcome new commenter)
LifesMusik(Another welcome to you)
Jamie.Mayhem(Greetings new reader)

Thank you all so much! Since this one took so long you get the next one up right after!

And sloshopgirl you mentioned that you almost called Lily Bella, I just wanted to say so have I. Kinda sad for me since I'm writing it and can't remember my own character's name.
