Dark Moon


Sora sat on her bed. Ginger, her ginger colored Great Dane, laid her head on her lap. The sun shined brightly through Sora's window. She had a glass dragon hanging in the window. It cast color across the ceiling.
"Sora, come down for breakfast." her mother called up from down stairs.
"I’m coming mom!” Sora pushed Ginger off her lap. She head down stairs.
Fluffy, her mother’s hair ball of as poodle started barking at Sora as she came down the stairs. Ginger growled at Fluffy causing her to run away, yelping in fear. Ginger snorted with glee.
"Ginger you silly dog." Sora rubbed her on the top of the head, "good girl."
Sora sat down at the table. Her twin brother Cory was already there. She stuck her tongue out at him when he moved her chair away from her, causing her to land on her butt.
“Good morning little sister." he pushed her chair back.
"Only by a minute." she poked him with her fork.
“You two knock it off." their dad said as he came into the dining room.
"Good morning dad." Sora pushed him a plate, "Hey dad, can i get my allowance early?" Sora placed her hands in her lap.
"Why?" her dad asked.
"The home coming dance is coming up Friday, and i need to get a dress." she looked at him pleadingly.
"Who are you going with?" he crossed his arms.
"This guy named Ricky. Dad he's really nice."
"I want to meet him."
"I want to meet him, so i can knock his face in if he breaks my little sisters heart." Cory smirked.
"Shut up Cory." Sora threw him a dirty look. "OK, I'll bring him over one day this week so you can meet him."
"You do that. Now hurry up and eat your breakfast or you'll be late for school, you too."
The twins finished their plates, and then went upstairs to get their books. Sora went to her desk to get her lap top and found it missing. She sighed, and then stormed into her brother’s room.
"Laptop!" she crossed her arms.
"I was just borrowing it." Cory hand her laptop.
"I'm driving." Sora said and grabbed the keys to his mustang off his desk.
"But you have your own car!"
"Well you took my laptop. Now go get in the car, before you make me late." Sora went back into her room and grabbed her book bag.

The kids pulled into the school parking lot. Other students came over to them. Cory got out of the car and gave some of them high-fives.
"What’s up rich kid?" Sora's Friend Bailey said as she got out of the car.
"Hey, Bailey. Let’s get to class, the bells about to ring." Sora said.
The group of kids followed Sora, Cory, and Bailey up into the building. Other students waved at them. Bailey stuck up her nose. Sora japed her in the rips.
"Oww. What’s that for?" she Rubbed her side.
"Be nice. There’s nothing wrong with having little money." Sora stopped at her locker.
"Well I like being rich. Anyways, how did poor people get into a Beverly Hills School?"
"They are not that poor. Besides their parents might be one of those actors with just the amount of money to live in Beverly Hills."
"I still think they don’t belong here." Bailey glared at a group of kids.
"Bailey, Why are you my friend?" Sora slammed her locker door with so much force that it fell off its hinges. It lay in a dented pile on the hall floor.
"Whoa! What’s your problem?" Bailey backed up.
"You! You think you’re better than everybody else because you’re rich. The only risen your my friend is because my Father is the richest man in the United States. You Bailey, I don’t think I want to be your friend right now. If you get your act together and stop thinking you’re the queen of the world, I might start talking to you. Kay?" Sora kicked what was once her locker door at Bailey’s feet. “While you’re standing there, you can get me another door."
"What, Do I look like a maid to you?" Bailey shouted.
"Yep, you do. If want to be my friend again, you have to do what I tell you." Sora turned and walked down the hallway. Her group of friends followed, leaving Bailey standing alone in the hallway.
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Chapterr as been revised