Black Coffee and Mayfair Cigarettes

Smoking Cigarettes.

"My dad is Billie Joe? But mum I thought my dad was dead? You're bullshitting me right?" Logan says tilting her head to the side and forcing a smile. Logan's mum, Megan, sighs.

"I'm afraid not. A long time ago, Billie Joe and I were young and stupid, our last year at high school. They aren't the people you think they are Logan but be especially careful around Mike," Megan says carefully her eyes clouding over. She was thinking of that horrible day that turned into a night. That turned into her worst nightmare of leaving Billie Joe. She feels tears stinging her eyes and she fights them back. Logan is silent. Taking in all her mother was saying. What is going on ?

"Why... Why are you telling me this now?" Logan murmurs staring at her mother with those piercing green eyes she inherited from her father. Not to mention her charming smile and reddish brown dollop of hair that was once upon her head. Her daughter dyed her hair a lot and not the most normal of colours. Just like Tré.

"Logan... I am dying. I guess smoking caught up with me and I have cancer. I will die anytime now. There is nothing left to do except tell you how much I love you and I want you to do something for me," Megan says her voice cracking. Her daughters eyes turn the horrible dirty green that Billie Joe's used to when he was angry or sad. She stares at me for a long time then sighs.

"What is it mum?"

"I want you to find your father. He's all the money I have. Including your college fund. And here’s a straight flight ticket to California. Please find him Logan. Tell him I love him and that I left without a goodbye because my family moved and I was dragged too. Find Billie Joe honey, but if you see Mike or Tre talk to them. Tell them who I am and who you are and they'll listen. Tré will listen to you.." she says her voice trailing away and her eyes glaze over, thinking of a memory long forgotten. Logan hugs her mum tightly. She feels those familiar tears again but she holds them back. She needs to be strong for her mum.

"OK mum." Logan croaks and Megan smiles at her.

"That’s my girl." She whispers voice cracking.

"I'll go pack my bag."

"Yeah. You be good baby. I love you."

" I know mum. I love you too. I'll never forget you. You're the best mum ever,"

"Thank you sweetie. I know you'll never forget because I won't either. My little angel."

"God this is getting mushy,"

"Isn’t it just,"

"I'll go get my shit together."

"OK honey." Her mum smiles and with that they both as soon as they hear the slam of their doors, start sobbing. Once Logan has calmed down a little, she grabs her beat up bag from the corner and stuffs it with clothes and important posters. She grabs her make-up and her hair gel. her prized possession. And finally, she put in carefully, her memory box. God this is going to be hard.. Logan sighs to herself and leaves her once welcoming home.
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Its always terrible on the 1st chapter.
hope you enjoyed none the less.
Will be putting up chapter 2 soon
