Black Coffee and Mayfair Cigarettes

Why do I still think about you ?

As I go inside, Tré jumps on me and I grin, hugging him tightly back.

"Happy birthday!" He exclaims and I smile. I hug him tighter and laugh lightly as he gives me a slobbery kiss on the cheek. We let go gently. He smiles at me and I kiss his cheek.

"Thank you darling. Come on, I need to attack Mike. Pretend you haven't seen me," I say and we grin evilly at each other. He goes into the living room and I go out the front door. u spark up a cigarette and jump over the fence into the back garden. I sneak into the living room via the patio doors. I spy Mike, he standing talking to my dad and I give the thumbs up to Tré. He winks and starts talking to Mike. I sneak passed the couch and stand on the top of it.

"BANZAI !" I scream and jump on Mike. He laughs and we hit the floor, him on top of me. I give him a cheesy grin and he just puts his nose on mine. I smile and pinch his cheeks.

"He’ so cute!" I exclaim and he pretends to be in a huff, getting off of me and turning his back away. I smile and get up, jumping on his back.

"Aw come on, don't be such a huffy puff." I say and he smiles, catching my legs.

"OK, OK."He says and I grin, licking his face.

"Logan where’s my hug? Or are you getting too old?" Dad asks and I smile. Mike lets me down and I turn to him. He standing in the doorway, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. I grin and run at him, jumping into his arms. He hugs me tightly, somehow managing to keep his balance.

"Happy birthday badger," he whispers and I smile.

"Thanks dad." I whisper back and he smiles at me.

"Go upstairs and get ready, its time to hit the clubs!" He says and I almost scream with excitement. OK maybe I do scream. I grab my bag of presents from Joey and Jake and run upstairs.

I dump them quickly on the bed and run into the bathroom, pulling off my clothes. I turn it on and while I wait, I brush my teeth. I jump in and scrub at my hair with shampoo. I put in my hair dye and jump back out, sitting on the toilet. 5 minute hair dye I love you. I go back in and wait for the water to go from green and purple to clear.

When its finally done, I wrap a towel round me and go into my room. I go into my wardrobe and buried under my clothes, i find my bottle of 'Sours!'. I grab 4 glasses as well and take them to my desk. I pour some shots and smile.

I pull on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and towel dry my green shaggy hair roughly.

"Dad! Tré! Mike! Shots!" I shout and I hear silence then there's rumble of feet. They burst into my room and we all fall on top of each other, me on the bottom.

"Aw come on guys! Get off!"I groan and shove them off of me.

"What do you think this is? The Young Ones?" I ask and they cock their head at me. I stare at them in shock.

"You guys haven't heard of the funniest TV program of the 70's?!" I almost scream and they shake their heads.

"You must watch but for now, shots!" I shout and they grin. I pass them all one and take one for myself.

"Made it to 18 years old! Hopefully I'll be alive for next years too," I say and we smile. I down mine quickly and they copy.

"Now, all of you must go shower and get dressed. That’s what I'll be doing. If you want your make-up done, give me a shout," I say and shoo them out.

I pull off my clothes and dive into my wardrobe and pull out my purple and black striped tights, red tartan mini skirt with chains and buckles and zips ! I have an obsession with zips. I also dig out my purple pinstripe black undies and matching bra.

I pull all of these on and go into my present bag, finding my 'God Save The Queen' tee-shirt and black eyeliner. I pull on the sleeveless-shirt and sit at my desk and mirror. I put on my pale white foundation and draw my eyeliner on heavily. I put my luminous pink eye shadow around it and apply my bright blue mascara carefully. I put on my red lipstick and look at me hair. Time to spike the fucker.

I grab my gel and start making a mo-hawk on the top and on the sides like Vyvyan from 'The Young Ones'.

"Logan? Can I come in?" Dad asks through the door. I go over and open it and he looks at me with angry eyes and I know what’s wrong.

"Eyeliner sweetie?" I ask smiling sweetly. He growls nodding. I take mine from the desk as he sits on my bed. He opens his eyes widely for me and I apply his eyeliner half thick and half light. I kiss his head.

"There. All done," I say and he smiles.

"Thanks baby," He says and hugs me tightly.

"You look so beautiful honey," He says and I smile.

"Thanks dad. Hey um, just wondering, will you be my first dance tonight?" I ask and I see his face light up like a Christmas tree.

"I would love to honey!" He says and I grin.

"Go on you, go get ready!" I say and he smiles leaving. I shut the door and go to my stereo. What to listen to ? Green Day, The Clash, Green Day, Sex Pistols, Green Day... I think I'll listen to my Green Day mix tape. I take it from its case and stick it in, cranking up the volume.

"Soon as your born they make you feel small. By giving you no time instead of it all," I sing along to Green Day's cover of 'Working Class Hero'. I sit on the bed, singing loudly while pulling on my red Doc Marten boots.

"Logan!" I hear Tré whine and I sit up as he crashes into my room.

"Is it your make up honey?" I ask and he nods, sniffling. I smile and sit him down at my desk. I add a heavy thin line of eyeliner on his bottom eyelid and on the top some eyeliner mixed with very, very dirty pink eye shadow.

He grins at his reflection and hugs me tightly. He pings one of my spikes and laughs.

"You look like me except more Mohawks," He says and I laugh lightly.

"Logan!" I hear Mike shout and I go next door to his room.

"Uh huh?" I say and he looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and charming smile.

"Do you think you can do my hair?" He asks politely and I smile, melting inside. He sits on the edge of his bed and I style his hair into his usual messy upright spikes and I smile at him when I'm done. He grins back and soon we're just standing in silence, our faces getting closer and closer...

"Logan! My hair won't sit!" Dad shouts and we jump back from each other, blushing.

"I better go do dad's hair," I say and smile at Mike. He smiles back still red like me.

"Yeah. Um, thanks for doing my hair. "He says standing up. He is so freaking tall but so adorable and handsome. I lick my lips nervously and out of nowhere, he holds mo close and we gently press on each others lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my God ! Yes I chose Mike because he is adorable and perfect for Logan ! I'll show you what I mean in the next chapter !
Thanks for reading !

