Black Coffee and Mayfair Cigarettes

The End

We part from each other slowly.

"Logan!" Dad shouts again and we laugh lightly.

"Coming! I better go do his hair before he gets his thong in a knot," I say and Mike laughs. We smile at one another and I kiss him again before quickly running into my dads room. I grab the hair gel and hairspray and run the gel through his hair before messing it up a little. I add hairspray and smile at my work. Dad checks it in the mirror and I pull at little bits of hair so they stick out more than others. His hair is so shaggy and long now. Quite adorable.

"Don't you just look so cute!" I squeal and pinch his cheeks. He grunts pulling away but grins at me.

"18 already huh kiddo?" Dad says quietly and I smile. I sit on his lap and hug him tightly.

"Well dad, you know I'll always be your little girl no matter what," I say slightly louder than a whisper. He hugs me tightly.

"Thanks badger," He whispers and I hear his voice break.

"Hey watch it kid. Don't make me beat you up for ruining my awesome make up!" I say and he laughs lightly wiping his eyes carefully. I kiss his cheek and get up, holding out my hand. He takes it and gets up smiling proudly at me. I wink and he laughs.

"Guys! Taxi's here!" Tré shouts upstairs to us and we run downstairs. I squirt my perfume on quickly and we run out the door into the taxi. I'm in the back with dad and Tré while Mikes up shotgun.

When we reach the restaurant, I link arms with dad and when we go in, they give us dirty looks but because dad and the guys are famous, we get a table right away. I sit next to Tré and Mike is sitting opposite to me. We share secret glances and blow kisses at every opportunity.

A waiter comes over to us and asks us for our order in a fake French accent. I beckon him towards me with my finger and he comes down to me.

"You know you are so full of shit. Don't put on a fake accent just to impress because rather than impressing, you're depressing." I whisper and he stands up straight scowling at me. I just smile sweetly at him and he turns his nose up at me. Tré is giggling and I'm guessing he heard me.

"What do you want?" He asks in an English accent.

"That’s more like it. I'll have spaghetti thank you," I say and he turns to Tré.

"And you sir?" he asks and Tré smiles evilly. He spills out this weird French shit and I can't help but laugh at the waiters look of confusion.

"Basically he wants the same as me," I say and me and Tré do the 'cuteness innocent' smile. He scowls and scribbles down in his book. Dad orders the lasagne and Mike orders the steak. He’s such a typical male, but that’s why I like him. Actually I love him dearly but I can't tell him that. Not yet.

"Drinks?" he finally says and I hum in thought.

"I'll have a pint and 8 of your strongest shots," I say and he stares at me in shock before scribbling it down.

"We'll have a pint too thanks," Dad says and he smiles at me. I feel someone leg rubbing on mine and I look at Mike to see him smiling sweetly. I smile and blush slightly.

"So um, what club are we going to?" I ask and Tré grins.

"I picked the place," he says proudly and I smack my head.

"Oh God not a strip bar..." I moan and they laugh.

"No, no. We're saving that for Frankie," Tré says and I pretend to be sick.

"Well don't give me an invite. Poor kid." I say and we all laugh.

"Here’s your drinks," a young woman comes over with a tray and puts down the drinks and whatnot. Why do I recognize her ?

"Hey you're Logan! I'm that stewardess from the plane remember?" she says grinning and I finally click.

"Of course! Hey!" I say and get up hugging her.

"I never caught your name before," I say and she smiles warmly.

"Sandra. My name is Sandra," She says and she seems so much more happier than before on the plane.

"I'm guessing you left him then," I say and she grins proudly.

"Yes! All thanks to you," she says and I shake my head.

"No thanks to me at all. You did the hard part all I did was push you in the right direction." I say and smile. She looks at me in awe. I just smile at her and put a hand on her shoulder and squeeze it gently.

"Sandra! I don't pay you to jabber!" Someone shouts and I turn around.

"Hey leave her alone! Don't you know who I fucking am!" I shout and he looks at me and his eyes widen.

"I-I'm so sorry. Please accept free drinks all night." He says and I grin.

"That’s more like it," I say and turn to Sandra who beams at me.

"Thanks," she whispers and I hug her tightly.

"You still got my number?" I ask and she nods.

"Good. When you get the chance, call me and we'll get coffee or something." I say and she smiles.

"I would really like that," she says and I nod.

"See you around Sandra," I say and she smiles going back over to the bar. I sit down and Mike and Billie are staring at me but Tré knows its about me knocking out those 2 idiots on the plane.

"That was the stewardess who gave me the painkillers for my ribs and put the splint on," I say and they nod. I pass them all 2 shots and Mike smiles at me.

"To Logan!" They toast and I laugh lightly before downing my 2 shots with the guys. We grin a one another and I find myself giggling at Tré making faces at dad. I feel a hand on my leg and I know its Mike. I smile not looking at him and reach for his hand. He grips it tightly in mine and I blush a little. A perfect romance...

*The Nightclub*

Mike and I are on the dance floor dancing to this amazingly random tune. Without warning he kisses me and I put my arms around his neck and his are on my waist. The lights are flashing everywhere but to be honest, I don't care. Its just me and Mike, everything else is just fading away...

I'm wrenched from Mike and I turn to see Tré, eyes blazing in anger.

"Tré what’s wrong?" I shout over the music and he points at Mike.

"You and him that’s what! You two shouldn't be together!" He shouts and I stare at him in confusion, hurt.

"What? Why?" I ask and he growls.

"He raped your mother that’s why!" Tré shouts in anger and I stare at him in shock. His anger washes away when he sees the tears falling down my cheeks.

"I don't care Tré. I love him," I mumble and his anger flares up again.

"Your mother-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Is DEAD! Get used to it! She wanted me to be happy and I am happy! Happy with Mike! Happy with dad ! And so happy with you but you.." I choke and I run out pulling off my jewellery. I keep running outside, fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. I hear someone scream my name but I don't stop. All the flash backs of hard times run through my head. Mum dying, abuse, rape, fighting with my dad.... I fall to my knees on the grass. My shoulders heave as I sob and when I calm down a little, I feel so tired. I crawl to a nearby tree and just sit there, my back prepped up against the tree. My lifeless body just stays in the same position. My eyelids become heavy and I soon fall asleep.

*Days later*

I wake up again, in the same room. One window nailed shut, peeling wallpaper and a bed with just a sheet, thin pillow and a ripped quilt. Shaking, I get up from the floor, naked, bruised, cut and raped. I lay on the bed, hoping to sleep, hoping to escape this nightmare. Who wrote the plot for this goddamn story? Why me? Why on my birthday?

Stolen from my father, my brother and my lover. God help me. I was kidnapped on that fateful night and I'll never escape the clutches of Aidan. I'll die in this sorry place.

God help me.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end ! Until the next installment of course. This was one of my best stories I think and I would like my subscribers to leave comments saying their screen names so I can put them up a thank you. Without you guys, I wouldn't have written anymore.
Next installment: 'Lost and Found'
