Black Coffee and Mayfair Cigarettes

Tré is surprised

OH MY GOD! Its him! OK keep cool, Logan don't be a teeny... But I know I'm bullshitting myself. I know I'm grinning like an idiot. Fuck... Tré is grinning back at me. I guess that’s a good sign..

"Well Mr Cool," I say, " Shaken or stirred?"

"Shaken baby," He says and moves wiggles his eyebrows and winks sexily at me. I wink back and give him a majors cheesy grin.

"Wow you smile a lot." He says and I laugh.

"well you have sex a lot,"

"Not point,"

"Oh I beg to differ.."

"I hate you"

"I know I love you too" I say and grin. Wow I'm actually having a laugh and muck about with Tré fucking Cool ! I put my lips to his ear, breathing gently.

"You know you can take off your disguise. I'm not going to be a teeny. I'm not going to be like, OH MY GOD ITS YOU!" I scream in his ear and laugh as he shoves me away, holding his head. People are staring but we just give them the finger simultaneously. We stare at each other and start grinning.

"Creepy?" He asks

"Indeed it was," I say nodding my head.

"So what brings you to Cali?" I ask innocently.

"Um.. I think I live there?" He asks and has this look on his face that says 'I have no fucking idea'. I laugh and ruffle his hair.

"I think.. Well... Billie and Mike live in Berkley, and I live with Mike so.. I'm going to Berkley," He says and grins, proud of himself. I laugh. Well this is the first step of finding my dad. I start pulling off my leather jacket and Tré sees my tee shirt. I blush slightly. He grins and takes my pen from the table. He sings in big letters across it

To my Cookie

I almost start crying and I just grin so hard that my cheeks hurt.

"Thanks! " I say and he grins.

"No problem. Hey.. Is that a tattoo I spy? OH LEMME SEE!" He shouts and I laugh rolling up my sleeve. It shows the Kerplunk! plant and 'Logan Smells' underneath. He starts peeing himself with laughter. I sigh laughing lightly.

"That is frigging awesome!" he says and high fives me.

"Yeah. I've got 5 in total," I say and he grins.

"LEMME SEE!" He shouts again and I laugh. He’s like a kid at fucking Christmas. I roll up my tee shirt for him to see 'GOD SAVE THE QUEEN' on my back with the Queen with the blackout over her eyes and safety pins in her face underneath it. When I turn back round he’s grinning and I roll down my tee shirt at the neck to reveal '80' on the bit between my shoulder and neck. For some reason hes even happier. I roll up my leg to reveal '13' and my last tattoo is a black heart between my index finger and thumb. He grins at me.

"Those tattoo's are fucking hard ass." He says and I grin at him.

"Which one do you think is the best one?" I say and he just grins at me.

"The 'Logan Smells' one?" I ask and he nods. I just shake my head and laugh.

"God, you remind me so much of someone I used to know. " He says and I just smile. Of course I do, I'm her fucking daughter.

"Though I'll admit you do look an awful lot like Billie Joe and personality," He says and I blush. Wow, I'm like my dad...

"So whose that someone I remind you of?" I ask and he just smiles looking at the sky, with his head tilted. He looks so cute.

" Well, you won't know her anyways," He says and I shrug.

"So what ? Story time with Tré Cool sounds awesome." I say grinning and he laughs lightly.

"Well her name was Megan. She had long blond hair and gorgeous green eyes. She had loads of tattoos like you and she was goddamn sexy. Not to mention she had a million dollar smile, kinda like you." He says and I blush.

"What happened?" I ask and he sighs.

"Well Billie Joe fell in love with her. I mean he was in love with her from the first day he met and then Mike when they started talking fell in love with her. The thing is though, she fell deeply in love with Billie Joe. He’s been hooked ever since. He might love Adrienne but, he knows deep down, that if he ever saw Megan again, he would take her back. She was his first and only loved. He was heartbroken for a long time and he never really got over her. Just pushed her to the back of her mind. That’s ‘What’s her name', cos he can't remember. I remember because she was my best friend. I loved her dearly as a sister but then suddenly she just left. No trace. Billie was so distressed that he tried to kill himself. God hope you don't take this to the media. I don't even know why I told a green haired snot nosed kid this anyway," he says laughing and I punch him playfully.

"Watch it punk." I say and he sticks his tongue out at me. I do it back.

"Na I would never do that. That’s personal to you and the guys. Anyways she left because she was pregnant and her family moved," I say and he stares in complete shock.

"What?! How the.." He asks and finally clicks.

"No way. You're..." He stutters, pointing a shaky finger at me.

"That’s right. I'm Billie Joe Armstrong and Megan Hinata Montgomery's daughter,"
♠ ♠ ♠
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