Black Coffee and Mayfair Cigarettes

All Apoligies

"How.. how can this be?" Billie Joe asks trembling and I catch him as he falls.

"Easy man. C'mon lets get you inside." I say gently and carry him inside. I lay him down on the couch and stroke his head. He smiles up at me. They all gather round me, Tré and Mike on the couch in front and me and Billie on the other couch. I gulp.

"Yeah, like this isn't awkward for me at all," I say and Mike gives me evils.

"You.. you come out of nowhere saying you're Billie's daughter and expect to welcomed with open arms?" He growls and I snarl.

"Hey! I never asked to fucking come here alright pal! Don't get fucking smart with me!" I spit and we both jump up, our noses practically touching.

"Hey! Enough you two!" Billie says separating us. We glare at each other but our features soften at Billie. I guess we both care for him and don't want him to be hurt.

"Long story short, my mum Megan Hinata Montgomery, your ex, got pregnant with your child and I'm the prodigy of that pregnancy. I never asked for any of this alright ? My mum asked me to come here. My mum is dying man. She has cancer, that’s why she sent me here. By the way she left because her family forced her to and that’s when she found out she was pregnant and she didn't know how to fucking contact. here" I take pictures of her out my bag" This is her. My name is Logan. Logan Rotten Montgomery. Now I don't feel very fucking welcome here so I'm leaving whether you guys like it or not. My mum was right. You guys isn't who I thought you are. You're just spoiled brat assholes who think they can treat anyone like shit. It was nice meeting you Tré I don't mean what I say about you, you are an amazing guy. You were everything I expected and more. Thanks for being so caring and understanding when I needed it kiddo. Goodbye." I say and get up walking away. I hear Tré burst into tears and I fight back my own.

Now what do I do. I spark up a fag and walk away from his home. I know Tré will miss me. Fuck, I know I'll miss the little goof ball.

I puff on my cigarette with my hands in my jeans pockets, just staring at the sky. As I walk past an alleyway, I hear a crying of a kitten. I stop and go in to investigate. There we go. 3 teenage boys throwing a poor innocent kitten about. As they throw it again, I jump in the air and catch it. I take the cigarette from my lips and throw it at my feet, stamping on it. They growl at me.

"You want to dance kids?" I ask threateningly.

"They don't but I do," a low husky voice says from the shadows and out steps a man in a balaclava. I raise an eyebrow. I put down the kitten and it runs off. I spit on the ground where they are standing and I grin at them.

"Alright boys, lets fucking dance," I say and grin at them. Oh shit. My fucking ribs. This isn't going to end well. The man jumps on me and the boys hold me down as he climbs on top of me. I can almost feel my bones cracking from the pressure. They turn me over and my face lands in a fucking puddle. I snarl and struggle to hell but I can't fucking breathe so i stop, breathing heavily. God my fucking ribs. The man pulls down my jeans and pants and unzips his fly. Oh my God... He suddenly pulled off me and the boys scatter. I turn over and pull up my jeans carefully. I grab my ribs and take more of the painkillers. A man picks me up and I start to struggle.

"Get fucking off of me!" I shout and squirm in his arms.

"Hey quit it! Just be glad I literally saved your ass," they growl and stop putting me down. I look at them. Mike fucking Dirnt.

"What the hell do you want?" I snarl and he sighs.

"Look, I'm sorry for over-reacting earlier. I was in shock from the thing with you and Billie and Megan dying. I am really sorry. Tré is pretty tore up about you leaving, so I was uh, wondering if you would come back? Billie wants to talk to you," he says and I look deeply into his blue eyes.

"Alright. I'm sorry too. I guess I'm just a little strung up from the plane and everything. Only for Tré’s sake no one else's. That’s my brother we're talking about, " I say and jog off in the direction of Tré’s house. Mike jogs next to me and he smiles at me. I smile back. I stop and stare at him. he stares back. I hug him tightly.

"Alright we give each other a chance alright?" I say and he nods hugging me tighter. We let go and nod at each other. We walk into Tré’s home and I hear Tré' sobbing still.

"He’s upstairs. 2nd door on the right." Mike whispers and I nod. I creep upstairs and find the door. I quietly open the door and see him on his bed, sobbing his heart out. I walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. He jumps and turns to look at me. I smile at him and he smiles through his tears.

"Logan!" He says and I hug him tightly. I laugh lightly.

"I couldn't just leave you, could I little brother?" I say and he he laughs.

"Na, sis.” He says and we smile at each other.

"So my little one, how’s Billie Joe?" I ask and he stares at the ground.

"He’s really ripped up about Megan and he really wants to talk to you. He's pretty angry," Tré mumbles and I nod.

"Well I have an idea," I say and he looks up at, with his head tilted in question.

*Back in Scotland*
*Megan's P.O.V*

I lay on Logan's bed, staring at her once covered in posters walls. It still smells like her. I feel tears welling up in my dirty green eyes again and I wipe them away. I miss her so much. I miss her saying all the stupid things, bitching about the government and people we saw in the street while having coffee in the cafe, all the laughs and I hate to admit it, but her morning singing too.

"Where you go you know I'll be there, If you should fall you know I'll be there. I'll go anywhere so I'll see you there.." my phone sings and I dig it out my pocket, running a hand through my hair.

Oh my God. Its Logan.



"Oh Logan!"

"Mum, I have missed you so much!"

"I know sweetie,"

"God, listen to us two sobbing our heart out."

"I know. So, how’s the searching going? How come you called?"

"Mum. I found them."


"I found them."

"You're serious?"

"Someone wants to talk to you mum. hold on a sec," Logan whispers, crying and there's silence. Finally, a voice I haven't heard in years comes one the phone.

"Megan?" Tré whispers.

"T-Tré" I stutter.

"It really is you,"

"Oh my God. Tré? Is that honestly you?"

"Yes. Oh dear Lord. I can't believe I'm actually talking to you after all these years. It feels
great after all these years,"

"I know Tré Me too. God listen to us crying. We're like a couple of old biddies,"

"Ha ha. I know. Megan there's something I have to tell you,"

"What is it Tré?"

"Your daughter is amazing. We met on the flight and she is wow. I mean, she saved my life and at least 100 more. She is sweet and -,"

"Wait, how did she save you and all those people?" I ask and I can almost see him smiling in my head.

"Turn on the TV to the news channel," He whispers and I run downstairs and put on BBC1.

"In amazing news today, a young girl, Logan Rotten Montgomery, saved over 150 people lives on flight 230 to California. 2 men who took the plane hostage was caught and tied up by young Miss Montgomery, the girl only being 17 years old. Police in California are looking for her to give her a medal of bravery and -," I almost drop the phone.

"That’s my little girl," I whisper an I hear Tré chuckle.

"She sure is. They have the bruises to prove it," He says and I laugh.

"I've missed you so much Tré. I always watch your interviews and the like. You haven't changed a bit,"

"What can I say. Hey there's someone here who wants to talk to you. Please listen to him," He says.

"Em, OK?" I say and there's banging and then someone answers the phone. Their voice makes my blood run cold.

"Megan please. Hear me out. " Mike whispers and I don't say anything.

"I'm so, so sorry for what I did to you. When I left your home that night, I felt so fucking bad. I..
I tried to commit suicide, but after-wards I survived. I woke up still alive. So I went to psychologist and-,"

"I forgive you."


"I forgive you Mike,"

"But, why?"

"I've always loved you as a brother Mike. Even after it happened. I know you never meant it so, I forgive you."

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Its OK sweetie. Really. There's no need to cry honey. "

"I never thought I hear you call me that,"

"Times change sweetheart."

"Thank you again Megan,"

"Mike. Chill, its all good now mofo. I'll see you in heaven. I'll be the one at the bar,"

"Of course. Good luck with the big guy. Logan is going to miss you,"

"I know she is. Tré and Billie Joe better look after her. Or so help me God, I'll get his wrath on you,"

"I know. I promise we'll look after you, but I don’t know Billie is a little rough right now. He split up from Adrienne not that long ago."

"He better look after her, but until he's ready, I guess if you and Tré wouldn't mind, could you guys look after her?"

"We would be honoured,"

"Thanks Mike."

"Hey, I'll put you onto Logan again. Thank you so much Megan. I haven't help this happy since the day I met you,"

"Thanks Mike. I should thank you too, if it wasn't for you, I would never have fallen in love with Billie Joe and Logan would never exist. Goodbye Mike. I love you,"

I love you too. Goodbye." Mike says quietly still crying. I wipe away my tears and Logan comes back.

"Hi baby," I whisper and I see her cheesy grin in my head as she giggles.

"Frigging in the Rigging mum,"

"Don't even-,"

"FRIGGING IN THE RIGGING! FRIGGING IN THE RIGGING!" I hear her sing loudly and I laugh, she comes back on the phone and laughs with me.

"I see you're still shit at singing,"

"I see you still suck,"

"Oh ha ha kid."

"Mew. Anyways, mum, there's someone I want you to talk to. Can you hold on. This will be the last time we talk mum."

"I know sweetie,"

"I love you so much mum. Please don't leave me mum, I can't live without you, its not-,"

"I know, I know baby. Sh…”

"Goodbye mum."

"I love you Logan Rotten."

"I love you too. Mum. Wait for me up there,"

"Of course I will sweetie. I'll wait for as long as it takes. I love you honey. Goodbye."

*Berkley, California*
*Back to Logan's P.O.V*

"Goodbye mum," I whisper and walk through into Billie Joe's room.

"Get out!" He shouts, looking at me with blazing eyes.


"Just fucking answer it," I growl and walk out the room, closing the door tight. When I hear the sigh of tears, I walk away, with my own streaming down my cheeks. I run downstairs and sit out on the back porch, smoking a fag. I run a hand through my hair and look up at the sky. That’s where my mums going to be. With all the stars in the sky. I hear someone open the patio doors and I ignore them, sparking up another fag.

They sit next me and I glance at who it is.

"Hey," Billie Joe says and I just ignore him, staring up at the sky, puffing intently. He sighs.

"Listen, about earlier... I-, " he murmurs and I look at him in anger.

"I don't want to fucking hear it. You and Mike are fucking disgusting. I mean I tell you my MUM is dying and Mike tries to beat me up while you make me fucking depressed by you being my hero and treating me like shit! No. I don't fucking think so. Apology not accepted," I growl as hot tears sting my eyes. Jumping to my feet, I walk away from him, smoking more faster than earlier. I hear him running after me. He jumps on me and pins me to the ground.

"Fucking listen! I'm sorry! Alright? I'm fucking sorry for being an asshole, I'm sorry for not believing you and I'm sorry for treating you like shit!" He shouts in my face as tears fall from his eyes onto my face. I stare at him in shock and his grip loosens as the tears stream down his face. He closes his eyes tightly, sobbing. I blink and slowly, wrap my arms round him. He embraces my hug and he sobs into my chest. I hug him tighter as we both lay there crying our hearts to the sky, tears flooding every time we want to speak.

We cling to each other, comforting and sobbing to each other, our pain one. Mine for a lost mother, his for his lost lover. This is how our relationship begins. With tears on our face over the loss of Megan Hinata Montgomery.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw. Thats a total shame on Logan and Billie Joe. Glad they're talking though. Sorry it took me so long to write, just got over a break up.