Ways to Kill a Man... Or Torture or Maim Him...

Chapter 1

*For sniffled cries use an iron gag.

1. Hang him up by his flesh like a puppet using fish hooks then slowly let him bleed to death.
2. Slice tiny holes up the length of his penis and feed him viagra
3. Hang him up by his ankles, wait for the blood to slowly seep to his head then slice his face with a fine razor, letting him bleed out. Then when he's almost to the point of unconsciousness castrate him with tweezers...
4. Skin him alive.
5. Strangle him with a barbed wire noose.
6. Freeze him bit by bit with liqiud nitrogen then smash him with a hammer...
7. Cut off the top of his skull exposing the brain cavity, and then slowly cut off chunks of his brain until dead. (think hannibal lector.)
8. Give him a cigarette laced with acid and watch him get eaten from the inside out.
9. Tie him to a stake and burn him alive.
10. Burn every single hair on his body one by one with a blow torch. Then roast him...