Ways to Kill a Man... Or Torture or Maim Him...

Chapter 9

81. Hang them with their own intestines.
82. Feed them to a bunch of rabid, starved, bloodthirsty rabbits! Yes rabbits will eat you all!...
83. Let them contract gangrene and watch with some amusement as their skin tissue slowly necrtises (dies).
84. Back to basics, good old fashioned poison.
85. Let them get beaten to death by the unmuzzelled grandmothers with bricks in their handbags...
86. Put them through an old fashioned clothes wringer...
87. Dump them in a pit of quicksand...
88. Pierce a major artery with a paper clip, pen or other household object and watch as the pretty red stuff goes everywhere... (my favourite..)
89. Inject a needle of cyanide, arsenic, or straight nicotine into the blood stream, failing this inject a bubble of air, causing a heart attack.
90. Chinese bamboo torture.