Ways to Kill a Man... Or Torture or Maim Him...

Chapter 11

101. Set the little green men from the sugar bowl after them...
102. Put them in a sound-proof white room... eventually they'll go nuts...
103. Douse them in a flammable substance and light a match...
104. Let the victim get trampled by a stampede of angry goats... yes i said goats...
105. Give them to my ex-boyfreind.. He'll help you along the way...
106. Flatten them with a steam roller, and then bake them in an oven, people pizza...
107. Pierce their lungs and pump them full of air, watch with amusement as the pretty red stuff comes gushing out... (another one of my favourites)
108. Remove their heart while they are still alive and concious...
109. The infamous death penalty - the electric chair...
110. Decapitate them with a sword...