Ways to Kill a Man... Or Torture or Maim Him...

Chapter 2

11. Make him eat glass; let him bleed out internally...
12. Throw him in a room full of homocidal grandmothers... lord help him then...
13. Chinese water torture...
14. Tie a rope around his neck, slice open his belly then push him off a ledge, the force of hitting the end of the rope will cause the inner organs to spill out.
15. Drown them in boiling oil.
16. Hang draw and quarter him.
17. Let four carthorses walk four different ways, each pulling either an arm or a leg.
18. Make him deaf dumb and blind then set him in the middle of the highway...
19. Feed him alive to a mob of bloodthirsty boars...
20. Push him off a cliff onto jagged rocks in shark infested waters.