Ways to Kill a Man... Or Torture or Maim Him...

Chapter 6

51. Use a revolving drum (like the rack by where the victim is placed belly down on the table, in the centre is a revolving drum with spikes in it, the drum is slowly turned using a handle) to slowly disembowel the victim...
52. Use the spanish tickler or cats paw to tear the flesh from the victims bones.
53. Hang him up and use him as a giant pincushion-making sure to use darning needles. Let him bleed out...
54. Stake him out on the ground and place timbers beneath the outstretched limbs. Using some form of hard object, smash the bones. Then braid the broken limbs through the spokes of a giant wheel. Stand the wheel up and leave for the victim to die a slow painful death...
55. Suffocate victim using their own skin, freshly peeled back from the flesh...
56. Feed them or make them drink immense amounts of a food or drink until the stomach literally bursts...
57. Teach him that sticking his finger (or other extremities) into a power point socket is actually a good thing...
58. Cover him in clay and bake him in a kiln, a perfect memento of the kill...
59. The classic, beat him to death with a heavy object (preferably metal)
60. Death by paper cuts...