Best Friends Ex Friends Till The End Better Off As Lovers And Not The Other Way Around

Ch. 8

Ch. 8

“WTF” I said as I woke up. I got out of bed and ran downstairs. I couldn’t help but laugh at the scene before me. Ryan was lying headfirst on the floor with his shoelaces tied together. Pete was laughing then Jon threw a box of crackers at him Causing Pete to fall on Ryan and then Spencer yelled dog pile. Out of nowhere Brendon comes running and jumped on top of them all.
“Wait how did you get into my house?” I asked.
“We might of sort of broke your door,” Ryan said then shielded his face with his hands. I walked over to my door and saw that they cut a huge whole threw it. I just stared in shock, not because my door was broken but because they did that just to get into my house… I mean they could of just went through the back door.
“You do know that the back door was open right?” I asked them.
“It was?!?!” Pete said.
“Yep.” I turned around and saw Kayla, Crissie, Sarah, and someone I’ve never met before. Almost as if Pete had read my mind he put his arm around her and said, “Taylor this is Lexi, Lexi this is Taylor”
“Hey,” she said then reached her hand out for me to shake it, but I gave her a hug. I don’t like shaking peoples hands its just to serious or formal. Whatever you want to call it. It was quiet for a moment then I remembered last night. I looked around but Brendon was missing.
“So Taylor have you talked to Brendon yet?” Pete asked. I swear that guy should be some professional psychic or something.
“No,” I said then started to play with my hands. The attention was on me again and like I said I hate that.
“Where’d he go anyways?” I asked anyone that would answer. Everyone pointed towards the stairs. I quickly walked up the stairs and found him sitting in my room. I walked over and sat down next to him. We sat in silence for a few seconds then he started to talk, “Look I’ve liked you for a while and I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship and I figured that you could never like me and I understand if you don’t like me and-“ I stopped him right there by kissing him. When we separated we heard clapping. I looked over to see everyone standing in the doorway. The attention was on me again but it felt good now. I think everything is going to get a little better.