Hate, Love, and Sex Appeal

Poison and Intoxication

"I smell like chocolate and chlorine," I whined as I stepped inside, dripping wet. The mighty thunder shook the ground with it's vigorous roar.
"Yeah you do," said Frank, holding his nose as he walked by me.
I slid my soaked shoes off and took off my sopping pink and orange socks as well. It was beyond freezing in the house, due to the AC, and I began shivering slightly. Tiny goose bumps rose themselves upon my skin.

"You guys are soaked! Hold on, let me get some towels," said Don, Gerard's dad. He walked out and came back with the minute with five different colored towels. We all murmured a simple 'thanks' and started to dry ourselves.
"I call shower!" shouted Gerard as he took off and locked himself inside the bathroom before any of us had time to move.
"Alright..."said Frankie slowly and we all were in fits of giggles at the joke.

"I'm really not wet...I'm just gunna change," said Meg, swiping the droplets from her lanky arms.
"I'll go first in ours then, man," said Mikey.
"Whoa, wait...yours?" I questioned suddenly.
"Yeah, shh, we have one in ours. A bathroom, I mean," said Frank as he took his index finger and raised it to his lips.
"Or...-"interjected Meg from the stairs," Frank and Mikey could just shower in their bathing suits that way it goes faster."
Frankie giggled at the thought and said, "Megsy, are you kidding?"
"Well, I mean it would go faster. You'd have suits on anyway. I really need to shower. I smell gross and Gerard takes forever."
"You go first," suggested Mikey, nodding over at me.
"Yeah, you're covered in crap. All we have is chlorine and rain water. You go first, I'll just shower later."

I wrapped my forest green towel around my shaking frame as I hiked up the stairs. I reached my room and was greeted with arctic air.
"Uh--ah cold," I groaned and quickly grabbed clothes along with a red sweatshirt. I evacuated the room as swiftly as I could.
Frank and Mikey were standing in their doorway, staring at me, both wearing sly smiles.
"Shut up."
I walked over and into their some-what warmer room.
"When did you guys realize that you had a bathroom in your room?"
"Uh...when we opened that door," said Mikey, pointing over to the door hidden over in the corner. Frankie and Mikey shut the door and began toweling themselves dry.
"Thanks." I said as I slipped into the door and soon after, into the hot shower.

I finished up, quickly dried my hair, and pulled the misty door handle. Except it wouldn't turn.
"Hey guys?"
"The door is stuck."
"No, it's not."
"Yeah...it is."
"No, I'm holding it so it can't be stuck."
"Okay, so let go."
"What? Why not?"
"Cause I needa see you in this."
With that, he opened the white door quickly, shoved something in, and closed the door in a hurry.

The gray bag.

I screwed up my face in confusion and poked my bony fingers in and felt silky smoothness.
"Oh...man," I whispered as I pulled out my dress from the thrift shop.
"Frankie," I whined with my face pressed against the crease where the door meets the wall.
I could tell he was folding his arms across his chest, back and head against the door. The famous Iero grin painted across his smug little face.
“Don’t make--”
He shouted and I immediately stumbled backwards away from the door, a tad bit surprised by the shouting. I could barely hear him through the door but I heard him giggling.
“Frank!” I pounded hard on the door with my right fist while grasping the dress in my left.
“I’m not letting you out, just put it on. Don’t make me come in there.”
I placed shock on my face like a mask as I started to removing my clothes again.
A small smirk played across my face.

“Is that a threat, Frankenstein?”
“Yes, it was, Munchkin.”
“I need help zipping the back. Oh and tell Gerard he better hide the knives for showing you this.”
“Will do…hey buddy, hide sharp pointy metal objects and slash or heavy…things.”
“He’s in there?”
“--Yes,” answered Gerard.
“Can you come out now?”
“I need to be zipped though.”

The small framed door was tugged open and Frankie stood in the door way, awestruck.
“Zip.” I said and pointed to my back.
I spun around and he pulled the zipper up. He tugged my wrists across my stomach and rested his chin on my bare shoulder and we both looked into the oval shaped mirror.
“Wow, Bri…”

“Come on out,” said Mikey.
“No, I can--”
Frankie scooped me up over his shoulder without another word.
“Spin,” demanded Frankie as he reintroduced my feet to the ground. He quickly regained stance at the bathroom doorway, blocking my escape.
I sighed and slowly spun obediently and unwillingly.
“Okay, I’m done.”
“Oh God, Bri, seriously, you have to admit, Gee picked out an amazing dress. You look…beautiful,” said Frank as he held my hand and forced me to continue spinning.
“Frank, can I go now? You know how I am with dresses.”

I wasn’t really into wearing dresser too often. I didn’t particularly like how I looked in them. Personally, I thought I was too skinny. Yeah, a lot of people say that I’m “just the right size” but I really don’t believe them. I thought had stick legs, literally they were sticks and I hated them. You really couldn’t find me in dresses too often. You’d be lucky if you did.

“Yeah but that’s before I knew how hot you look in them.”
“I second that,” said Mikey, raising a hand from where he laid on his bed.
“Third. Ya look pretty damn good in my dress.”

I looked over at Gerard who sat against the wall on Frankie’s bed.
I shook my head and gave up a smile and said, “This is your fault I’m stuck modeling right now, I’ll get ya back. Okay, now I’m changing.”
Before another word was spoken I dodged into the bathroom and changed.
I carefully placed the beautiful dress back into the bag and exited the bathroom with my towel and dirty clothes.
“You still wanna go, Bri?” aked Frank.
I stood in the doorway of the room and placed my back against the dull ledge.
“Yeah, how bout you?”
“Go where?” asked Gerard curiously.
“Uh, hello? This is an A-B conversation, C your way out,” said Frank, using his hand signals again.

I laughed at the lame joke and gave him a high five, “Nice.”

“But uh, yeah, sure, I’ll go.”

I went into my room and buried myself into the bed after chucking my soggy towel and dingy clothes into the awaiting hamper. I buried my face within the pillow. A few minutes of rummaging through the blankets and finding a good spot before, “So where ya goin?”

I stayed still instead of continuing my rustling amongst the plushy blankets. The bedside seeped down with weight.
“Whoa, never knew Gerard Way was so stealthy.”
“Ah, well…I try. So where ya goin?”
“Pier. You wouldn’t want to…you know, come would you?”
“Logan’ll be there. So, I dunno. Isn’t it raining?”
“Yes, there is precipitation falling from the sky, you would be correct.”
“So…don’t go.”
I pulled my head up and laid on back with my arms folded beneath my head.
“It’s rain, not acid. I won’t die if I get wet.”
He smirked and laid on his side, facing me.
“Just stay in one night, with just me, Frank, and Mike. Just one night, come on, please?”
“But me and Frank told him we’d be there. Rain or no rain.”
“Lie. Tell him you had to have a family night or something like that.”
“Oh, come on, it’s just one night away from your lover boy. I’m not poisonous, hanging out with me won’t kill ya. Though I’m told I’m intoxicating--”
“Conceited much? And Logan is not my lover boy.”
“Don’t make me tickle an answer out of you.”
“Don’t you touch me,” I said as I smiled.
“Then give me my answer.”
I turned over on my side and faced him and stared into his deep eyes before answering.
“I’ll talk to Frank but I guess one night won’t kill me.”