Hate, Love, and Sex Appeal

Always a Reason

My P.O.V

It was around three-ish when we went to the beach. It was packed with loads of people. It wasn't' jam-packed because there was a small population in this town already. It was packed with just the right amount of people. Frankie was attempting to get Mikey into the water.

"Mikey, please? Come one, it'll be fun!"
He softly tugged on his arm but Mikey refused to budge.
"No way, sharks'll get me, dude," he replied in a quiet tone.

"You know how to surf?" Poot asked Gerard.
"Ha, yeah right. I'm not a real...beach-type guy," responded Gerard.
"Yeah, he's more of a hermit-type guy." I joked with a smirk.
"Shut it," he huffed, making a face towards me.

"How bout you? You know how to?" Logan questioned me.
"Naw but it looks fun." I replied, looking out at all the swimmers.
"Wanna learn?"
"I don't know..." I trailed off.

I had been through a lot with large bodies of water and waves. You could look at the ocean and not think twice about how powerful it was. How greedy it was while it quietly waited to claim your soul. The waves could crash you right into the ground with such force. I had nearly drowned because I didn't know how to body surf the correct way. That left a pretty deep impression.

"Don't be scared, it's not that hard. Plus, I'll be there, I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Honest," proclaimed Logan, holding up the scout's honor sign with his hand.
"I guess so," I replied, in a bit of a quizzical tone.
"Hey Poot, board?"
"Yeah, here. I'm goin' for a dip anyway."
Logan grabbed the board and nodded his head toward the water.
"Let's go."
I smiled and tagged along with him.

Gerard's P.O.V

I hate the beach. I don't know why I bothered coming in the first place.
"Mikey, please?" Frankie begged for the millionth time.
"Wanna build a sand castle?" Mikey asked, timidly as he grouped piles of sand together in his bony fingers.
"Mmm...fine." Frankie sulkily agreed.

I laughed and shook my head. I searched for Bri and that guy Logan, now that would be a laugh. I found them at once. Bri was sitting on the surf board and Logan was sitting close behind her.
He's too fuckin' close. She never lets anyone that close besides Frank and Mikey
I noted as he rested his hands on her small hips. I could tell she was laughing, even from a distance. Her face was complete expression, always has been.She always thought she could hide it from me oh but how she's wrong. He was moving his hands a lot, pointing at various places. His head suddenly swiveled around and in an instant they were both laying on the board, paddling.

Holy fuckin' Christ if he were any closer, he'd be in her goddamn pants.

The rather large wave was about to come in and they were both up within the blink of an eye. They rode the wave until it had reached a certain point. She actually managed to stay on. I shouldn't really have doubted that, she was pretty into sports so she would get it within the first few tries. Not too bad though...

"Hey look, she stayed on with Logan," said Frankie.
"Yeah, look at that. Bet you couldn't do that, Gee," stated Mikey, giggling to himself.
"I wouldn't want to if that guy was nearly down my pants," I said as I continued to stare.
"He's not down her pants, he's just holding her so she won't fall off," said Frank in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Yeah, good excuse, don't you think? Frank, all guys have excuses like that."

"So what's yours for being so jealous?"
"What the hell? I'm not jealous of her!" I stated angrily.
"Not her, jackass, him. Why do you care if he's holding her?"
I spun around to face him and Mikey. Frankie cocked his eyebrow and was waiting for an answer.

"Now why would I be jealous of him?"
"Cause he's touching her and you can't stand it because you have no control over it. Does someone have a secret?" He raised his eyebrows again with a heinous smirk plastered to his face.

"No way. Frankie I don't--"
"I think you do."
"Shut it you two. I don't hav--"
"Oh come one, Gerard, face it. You aren't used to seeing her with other guys rather than us. A bit of competition, don't you think? Besides, look at her, I wouldn't blame you anyway. If looks could kill....damn," said Frankie, quite seriously.

I didn't see any point in arguing. Frankie and Mikey were going to see it the way they wanted to, especially Frankie. So I let them.

I mean really me and Brianna? Get real. Why would I be jealous of surfer boy over there? Of all people, him? Ha.
Guys like him aren't nice for no reason. I've seen guys like him. I see the way he looks at her when she isn't looking. There was always a reason and always a need. I didn't trust him and I didn't understand how she did. She claims that she has problems with trusting people. She trusted him and she barely knows him. There was always a reason.