A Life for a Life

Scene 10

Scene 10

In the doctor's office. Silas walks in first. Riley stands in the doorway.


Come on! Stop acting like a kid.


I can't.


Get over here!

He walks over to her and pulls her by the arm.


I'm scared Silas...


It won't hurt. Let's go. Go put your name on the sign in sheet.

Riley walks over to the reception desk Silas by her side and realizes no one is there again. She sees the sign in sheet. She hesitates to grab the pen but Silas grabs it for her and signs her name.


Silas, why don't we keep it? We can raise it together!

Silas walks over and sits down on a chair.

I know I'm not the best person in the world but i know we can do a good job together. Please Silas! I'm really scared and I-


Riley, cut it out! You sound so stupid. I hate when you whine about everything. What kind of mother would you be if all you do is whine?


I can change. I won't whine. Please Silas.


No. Just drop it. We are already here. Shut up now! Your going to do it!

He raises his hand like he is going to hit her. She shrinks back in fear.



She sobs as Silas sat in silence. They sit for a few minutes then a young woman of about 22 walks in. She sees Riley crying and looks at Silas who is angry.


Hello. My name's Diana. I just wanted to tell you real quick that you don't have to have an abortion. I know miss that this is a hard decision for you but-


Hey. Don't talk to her!


Please miss listen to me! Your going to regret it! I had an abortion and they messed up my insides. Now i can't have babies.

Riley sits in tears as Silas gets up.


Get out of here and leave her alone!


Here! Read this!

She hands Riley a pamphlet about abortion.


What the hell are you doing?! I'm going to tell you one more time leave her alone!

Riley looks at the front of the pamphlet and sees a picture of an aborted baby. She throws it on the ground and stands up in horror.


What is that?!!


Thats what the babies look like when they take them out. They tear them apart and throw them into plastic bags like garbage! They just want your money! They don't care about your health or anything!


Thats it!

He pushes her away from Riley. Riley runs out of the room.

If i could I'd rip you limb from limb! Now she's not going to do it!

He pushes Diana and walks out. She smiles and looks up.


Thank you Jesus!

Lights go out.
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Scene 10/12
Sorry its been a while since ive updated!! Ive been busy!! Please comment!!! <----- Seriously though!!!