A Life for a Life

Scene 9

Scene 9

In the hospital room. Riley and Ellie sit on the bed. Jessica walks in.


They said they can get you a restraining order for now and if he does anything again to just call.


Next time she might be dead. Stupid idiots. So they're not going to do anything?


They said they were but we'll see. You ok?

Riley nods.

Well they said we can go that they got all the information they need.

Riley sit on the bed as Jessica and Ellie leave the room. Silas walks in with a hoodie to cover his face.


Wha?!? No!


Shut up Riley.

He rushes over and covers her mouth.

Don't say anything. I'll uncover your mouth if you swear not to yell.

Riley, tears coming down her eyes, nods.


Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry Silas. I'm sorry.


Stop being a baby. I'm not going to hurt you. I want to...but i won't.


What do you want?


I want you to have the abortion, Riley. I don't want this baby.


I'm scared to. I...I'm not sure what I'm doing. I know that i can't handle taking care of a baby but i don't want to kill it. Please Silas don't make me do it.

Silas grabs her by her arms and shakes her. She cries out, startled.



You have to. It's not that hard. Just go. They remove it and it's over. Come on. I'll take you right now.


Ok. Stop I'll go!

She gets up out of the bed and walks out with Silas. As they leave one way Ellie and Jessica come in the other.


Riley, come on.


She's gone.


What the...? Where'd she go?


I don't know but we better find her.

They exit.
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Eeeeeee!! Scene 9/12!! Sooo close to the end! Please read and comment!

Im hoping that ill find a competition to submit this play into as im getting really good feedback from everyone! Thanks again for reading this far!