The Craziest Thing


I was late, of course. I ran in and hurried to the drive through window.

"You're late… Again." My boss. A creepy, small, chubby guy. Not often does he leave his office, unless it's to reprimand one of us.

"I know, I'm sorry. Traffic." I just hoped he didn't look for my car, because he's just the kind of annoying, high-strung asshole that would do that. He humph-ed loudly and sulked back to his office. Someone at the window yelled angrily into the box. Whoops. I turned back to the window seeing the aggravated looking man in the car.

"Sorry for the wait."

"Yeah, just cash my check."

Someone padded up behind me. "Wow, what an idiot."

Lindsey. My slutty friend. Well, I shouldn't call her that; she's not a slut she's just a tease. And she just happened to have a slutty moment with that cop. She had somewhat pixie-like features with pale flawless skin and icy blue eyes. High cheekbones towered over the planes of her jaw line. She, overall, was a very petite girl.

"Yeah, whatever. That just happens sometimes."

Lindsey caught a glimpse of the idiot in the car and smiled a brilliant smile and tossed her long blonde hair over one shoulder.

The next paper that came through the slot had his number on it and said, "To the blonde."

But hey, that's just Lindsey. Flirting with anything male she sees, and usually getting numbers left and right. That's how she got—and keeps—this job. Like I said, my boss is a small, creepy, chubby guy. And balding. Did I say balding before? Well now I am. I, on the other hand, am lucky to get a passing glance.

And that was just how my day went, nothing really interesting. Accept for this one lady that came through that had about five cats roaming around her car and felt as if she needed to tell me her entire life story through the window. So, needless to say I was relieved when I heard Jake calling my name from the front desk. When he did I was just doodling on a small notepad. I looked out the window just in time see another car in the drive. The guy was bent across the passenger seat rummaging through something on the floor and muttering a couple soft profanities. I heard my name being called from another direction and turned to see Jake leaning over the desk with a cocky smile on his face.

I turned to Lindsey in the next window.

"Cover my shift? Please?" She looked aggravated and sighed. "Come on, it's the two year anniversary of our first date."

Her face brightened immediately. "Where's he taking you?" She sounded eager.

I smiled with excitement. "I don't know." Lindsey squealed and shooed me off.

I sauntered over to the counter with my hands clasped behind my back and a smile on my face, rolling my eyes every once in a while.

"May I help you, sir?"

He smirked. "Well I'm looking for a hot girl to take out tonight. You free?"

"You already asked me, remember?"

"I'm sorry could you remind me of your answer?"

I whirled around to face Lindsey. "Cover for me?" It wouldn’t be that hard the boss wouldn’t be back out until I was long gone. I grabbed my jacket skipped out the door, Jake following.

"So now, will you tell me where we're going?"

As a response he simply handed me a blindfold. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Now, why would I kid about something so important as the two year anniversary of our first date? Now put it on." He gestured to the strip of fabric in my hands.

Neither of us like to call it our "second anniversary" because that sounds like marriage, and both of us have very strong opinions against tying the knot. But still, we like to celebrate it because I think its longest relationship either of us has ever had. Well, except for Damon but I don't when or if I'll see him again. He gets out in one more year but what happens then? I mean, do I leave Jake and go back to Damon? Do I forget about Damon and just stay with Jake? Will Damon forgive me if he finds out? Which, he's bound to. I mean he's friends with Skylar and Julien and Jake. But that brings up another depressing question: what about Jake and Damon's friendship? Will four years be long enough for Damon to forget about all the harsh words between him and Jake after he was taken into custody? Or even to forget about the reason he's there in the first place?

Thinking about this in the car on the way to wherever we were going put me into a depressed mood and it apparently it showed on my face even if my eyes were covered.

"Is there something wrong?" That tone of voice. The one reserved for when only I'm around. Concerned and loving and admiring all in one. Yeah, he talks big, but he isn’t a total asshole.

"No. I'm fine." You know, it's kind of hard to hold a conversation with someone when you can't see them. Apparently it wasn't convincing enough because I could hear his sigh and almost see the disbelieving look on his face. You know, the kind that said, "You know you can't lie to me, so why try?"

"What are you thinking about that has you in such a mood?"

Yeah, he knows me well enough to know that if I'm not talking I'm thinking and usually that ends up with me depressed. "Nothing. I'm fine. Really."

He sighed again because he knew what it was and he knew that I knew that he knew. But I also knew he'd let it go that I'd been thinking about Damon yet again and even worse, that I was thinking about him today in particular—on the second anniversary of… et cetera et cetera. God we have to think of something shorter to call it.

Thankfully, saving me, we pulled up to wherever we were going and Jake came around to open my door for me. With one hand on the small of my back he led me through… this place. Finally he stopped after taking four different elevators and I fell up one flight of stairs. He placed a small plastic square into my hand. Facing me, he reached behind my head and untied the blindfold. Anticipation grew in my throat and finally I opened my eyes for the first time in hours and saw…
♠ ♠ ♠
Susie Q

Damon on your left, Jake on your right.
My boys!!