The Craziest Thing

Hookers, James Bond and Kinky Tattoo Shops. Oh My!

"You better put some clothes on. I think walking into the tattoo parlor wearing nothing but a towel would be frowned upon." He smirked.

"Well, if you've forgotten, my clothes are soked thanks to a certain someone throwing me into the pool." I countered, secretly hoping he wasn't planning on me getting another tattoo.

He silently pulled a small black bag out from under our seat and handed it to me with a fake smile that resembled one of a secretary's. "I'll meet you in the car." He walked back out of the sauna.

Pulling down on the hem of the almost non-existant mini skirt I found waiting for me I aproached the car. Of course Jake would pick out the skimpiest outfit I owned for me. Between the skirt, the fishnets and the barely-there tank top I looked like a prostitute.

"Oh, babe, I love the outfit." Jake teased leaning against the hood of his shiny Aston Martin, paid for by his inheritance from when his father died last summer. No doubt it also paid for the extravagance of this date. Needless to say that even without his job as a line cook at one of the best restaurants in the city Jake was well off.

"Well, I figured if you dressed up as an asshole I could wear my hooker costume."

"At least we both look hot in our outfits." He attempted to take me into his arms but I spun away and walked over to the passenger side.

"I know I do, but you I'm not so sure about you."

He stuck his toungue out toward me in a true four year-old manner and hopped into the drivers seat with the grace of James Bond. This brought the thought of a four year-old James Bond, with a mini hand gun and all.

"So... I hope you're the one getting a tattoo because I have enough already." I said with a sideways glance at Jake who was leaning back in his seat with one hand on the wheel and the other on my knee.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't get my girlfriend a tattoo for our anniversary?" Sarcasm colored his tone.

"A normal one that isn't ink-obsessed." I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted and when he responded with a smirk I knew I had lost.

We were immediately greeted as we entered the shop, as Jake was an extremely frequent customer; every time he got drunk enough. "Hey Jake, Susie. Here to get that tattoo of the su—" The owner heavily inked owner, Ryan, was cut off by Jake's death glare. "Oh, so it's a secret. I see..."

"Wait," I cocked one hip to the side and placed my hands on my sides, "Not only am I being forced to get a tattoo but I don't get to know what it is?"

Jake took my hand and led me to the large, comfortable table to lie on. "Nope. Now get on your tummy!" Though he pronounced it more like 'tum-ay'.

"Oh no. A tramp stamp?" I propped myslef up on my elbows.

Ryan wheeled up in his stool with a template in one gloved hand.

Jake lightly pushed down on my shoulder so I couldn't see what he was doing. "Lay down, before I have to tie you down."

I turned my head towards him as Ryan started. "Ooh, is that a threat or a promise?" I teased in a seductive voice.

Ryan laughed and said, "Whoa! If you two are going to start that kinky shit then don't do it in my shop!" He continued to Jake, "Is that good?" He indicated to where I could feel the template had been transfered. Yup, it was a tramp stamp.

"That's hot." He took my hand as Ryan put on the first lines. I had forgotten how much it hurt, and was brutally reminded about thirty seconds into it when he hit my hip bone. I gasped and my eyes went from scrunched together to the size of quarters at the same time my mouth flew open.

Jake just leaned down from his seat, kissed my forhead and whispered in my ear, "I owe you." He pulled back and winked down at me.

Ryan made polite conversation as if he didn't know us. "So, what's the occasion?"

"Second anniversary." Jake replied casually.

I said through a squished mouth because I wasn't allowed to look up, "A medieval form of torture. A scavenger hunt."

"Excuse me?" I could almost see Ryan's confused face. The machine stopped buzzing and so did my ears as the pain haulted with it.

"He's making me go through a scavenger hunt as our date and at the end I find my present." I clenched my teeth and intook a sharp breath as he continued. "Damn, this present better be big."

Jake mimed zipping his lips and smirked. Asshole.

"Do I want to know what you have found already or does it go with that whole kinky thing?"

"Actually we just got here from a cheap motel." I laughed as I heard Ryan sigh and could imagine him shaking his while still focused on my tattoo.

Jake and Ryan finished out the converation as I got lost in the Latin rap sounding through the shop. It wasn't long before Ryan was wiping off the last of the excess ink and directing me to the full length mirror down the room. Walking over I was fully aware of the tender spot on my lower back and the twinge of pain that walking caused it.

I turned and lifted the back of my shirt to reveal the tattoo. It was a black silhouette of the city skyline against a beutiful sunset. Closest to the city was a pink that faded into orange, then gold, blue and purple.

My jaw dropped, it was gorgeous. I flung myself at Jake and he took me into his arms, careful to avoid the small of my back. I whispered into his ear, "I know what it is," and kissed his neck.

While Jake continued off to the glass counter filled with different options for body peircings to pay Ryan bandaged me up and gave me the usual spiel on care. I didn't really pay attention to him, I was too busy thinking of the next part of the Hunt. About a year ago Jake had taken me on a picnic on one of those cliffs like you see in movies. It was out in the suburbs and the view was gorgeous. The entire skyline was visible and against the sunset it was just a black silhouette.

I glanced at the clock, and was glad it was only four-o-clock because it would take a while to get out to the 'burbs.

Finally there, I climbed out of the passenger side of The Aston. Before me lay a red and white checkered blanket, but that was where the similarity to last time stopped. Instead of homemade PB&J's the finest deserts you could ever imagine were spread around. Cheesecake, chocolate fountain (complete with strawbarries, bananas, marshmellows, preztels and vanilla wafers), boxes upon boxes of chocolate truffles of every kind, tiramisu, and—not so gourmet—the makings for s'mores and a small fire off to the side. I turned to Jake, jaw dropped, and fell into his arms in a huge hug that caught him off guard.

Then proceeded to my other love—Godiva chocolate cheesecake.

He fell down beside where I was guzzling down all I could inhale and looked up at the stars.

He simply smiled at me, but I wasn't sure if he knew he was doing it. It was a thoughtful smile, and almost like he was high on life. Like things couldn't get any better at that moment and he just wanted to get lost in what was happening and never found. It was the look I loved when he gave it to me, because I knew it was me that made him feel that way. I pretended not to notice and became suddenly intent on sucking the left-over cheesecake off my fingers.

Apparently I was too absorbed because I was totally surprised when I felt chocolate splatter across my face.

When I lifted my head to look at him Jake was now licking the melted chocolate off his own fingers. I wiped one hand through the goop on my face ate it. In a trully stealth move I leaned forward as if to kiss him, then reached behind him into the fountain and poured a handful over his head. The tables were turned as he tackled me backwards, pinning my hands above my head with one hand—my legs wrapped around his torso. With a handful of melted chocolate he made a smiley face on my cheek, a heart on the other, and then just a smear on my exposed chest.

I laughed and playfully screamed, "Rape!"

It was like we were in high school and there was no Damon or money or work or world. Just Susie and Jake playing around in a nearby park. By the time I surrendered we were both little chocolate monsters, covers from head to toe. He had pinned me down again, this time using both hands, and licked some of the chocolate off my cheek. His toungue continued down, tracing swirls on my neck. . . collar bone. . . and finally just below it when he rolled away and hopped up on his feet.

He strode to The Aston and produced yet another change of clothes for me, and one for him. This on was in stark contrast to the last, being an oversized sweatshirt and some jeans. He gave me some privacy as I struggled to change in the cramped passenger side of his car, as if it was something he hadn't seen before. When I got out the sun had gone down and a perfectly cooked s'more was waiting for me on the bench beside Jake. I sat down next to him and curled into his side. He kissed my forehead. It belonged in a fairy tale, but I was lucky enough to be living it. Jake seemed somewhat tense, even nervous, for some reason.
I looked up at him without moving my head. "So, do I get my gift now, or is there another clue?"

"Actually. . ." He handed me an envelope with what I was guessing had another hint in it.

I reached inside and felt a strip of cloth and something hard and cold. Pulling it out I realized it was a ring—white gold with a huge pale blue diamond in the middle, flanked by to smaller congregations od three diamonds in the shape hearts—with a ribbon tied to it that read "Will you marry me?" And when I looked up Jake was on one knee.

"Well. . . Will you?"
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