If I Could Go Back in Time


The next day Mercy was sitting on the couch with Zacky when Austin brought little Austin home. Jami was behind them and it was probably stupid of her to tag along.

“Where is Jenna?” Austin asked.

“She’s upstairs cleaning. She’s mad about something. She won’t tell me what though,” Mercy replied and gave an icy look to Jami.

“I’m gonna go find mommy,” Little Austin said before he took off for the stairs.

Jami rolled her eyes.

“Girl, if you’re going to be in our house, you’re not going to act like a bitch,” Mercy said.

“Excuse me?” Jami asked.

“You heard me.”

“Babe, don’t start anything,” Zacky said pulling Mercy closer to him.

“Pshh, you wouldn’t do anything anyway.”

“Austin, you better make your wife chill out.”

Jami gave Austin a look and he moved away from her.

“You know you’re just a skanky little slut.”

That did it. Mercy was up on her feet and had Jami on the ground, punching her face in before anyone could grab her.

“You stupid bitch!” Mercy screamed. She got in another swing at Jami’s face before Zacky got her away from Jami.

“I told you not to do that, damn Mercy,” Zacky said shaking his head.

Austin had a hold of Jami and she was trying to get away from him.

“Austin! Let go of me. I wanna teach that slut a lesson.”

Jenna came running down the stairs.

“What the hell is going on? All I heard was screaming and someone hitting the floor.”

“Your best friend decided she was going to beat the hell out of my wife. That’s what happened,” Austin replied. He really didn’t look pissed off about it, he looked impressed, but he was trying to look pissed for Jami.

Jenna burst out laughing and Jami glared at her.

“I think we’re gonna go,” Austin said, “Tell little A, that I will see him later.”

Jenna nodded and watched as they walked out the door.

“Babe, let’s go get you cleaned up. She got in a couple of good punches to your face, but you did most of the damage.”

“I’m impressed, bestie.”

“She deserved it. She shouldn’t have opened her mouth.”

Jenna walked into Austin’s room while Zacky steered Mercy into the bathroom.

Jami had busted Mercy’s lip, so Zacky cleaned that first and then moved to her eye before he cleaned up her knuckles.

“I’m really tired all of a sudden,” Mercy said.

“Come on.” Zacky picked her up bridal style and took her to her room.

“Stay with me?” Mercy asked as she climbed under her covers.

Zacky nodded and climbed in next to her.

“You know, you amaze me every day. I’ve known you forever and never known you could throw a punch like that.”

Mercy giggled before snuggling into Zacky.

“It was kind of hot.”

“Kind of?”

“Okay, so it was really hot and I wanted to jump you then and there, but that wouldn’t have been appropriate.”

“When are you ever appropriate Zacky?”

“Eh, you’re right. Get some sleep doll.”

It didn’t take Mercy long to fall asleep in Zacky’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't know Jackie updated...
so here is my chapter.
I love this chapter, by the way.