If I Could Go Back in Time


It was a few days later that Austin came back to visit his son. Jenna was again cleaning. She was tired of his stupid wife always starting shit, so she spent a lot of her time being upset about it. She felt a tap on her shoulder and jumped from the start. She spun around to see Austin standing behind her.

“What the fuck! When did you decide that you can just walk into my house all the time?”

“When I started coming over here to see my son. Is Mercy here?”

“No. She’s out with Zacky. Why?”

“Jami is in the car.”

“Why do you keep bringing her?”

“She’s my wife Jen, and she wanted to come on our outing today. I told little A that I’d take him to Chuck E Cheeses today. Jami wanted to join because she wants to ‘get to know you’.”

“Get to know me? I don’t have anything to talk to her about Austin; can’t you just take him alone?”

“Jenna, he wants you to come. You know you are his best friend.”

“Fine, but don’t expect me to like it. She came over here to my house and started shit.”

“Jen, she…okay you’re right, I can’t argue with you.” Austin said in defeat.

“I have to change my clothes.” Jenna said and went into her bedroom. She changed into a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with a bandana on her head.

“Mommy, hurry up!” Her son yelled from outside her door.

“I’m coming kiddo.” She said and smiled a little bit. Her son always cheered her up. She applied a little bit of eyeliner and then walked out of her room.

“You look pretty mommy.” Little Austin said.

“Thank you. Are you alright Austin?” Jenna asked, noticing her ex staring at her.

“Hmm? I’m fine; I just forgot how pretty you really are.” He said, she blushed a little bit. She wasn’t used to that. She went with her little boy and his father down the stairs and out to the car where Jami was sitting in the front passengers seat. Jenna could see that she still had the bruises from the fight with Mercy. She laughed softly.

She got into the back seat with her son, and Austin got into the driver’s seat of his car.

“So, hi Jenna.” Jami said with a smile. Jenna rolled her eyes.


“So you’re little Austin’s mom huh?”

“Yea.” Jenna said and took hold of her son’s hand. He looked up at her and smiled.

Austin finally pulled into the Chuck E Cheeses parking lot and parked his car. Everyone got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

After they ate both Austin’s went to play the games that were in there, leaving Jami and Jenna alone at the table.

“Okay, now that Austin isn’t around I’d like to have a word with you.” Jami said coldly.

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Well you don’t have to talk, just listen to me you stupid bitch!”

“Excuse me? You aren’t one to be calling people stupid bitches.”

“I don’t understand you are trying to put that kid on him. Just except that you are a whore and probably don’t even know who his father is.”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

“Because you know I’m right.”

“It’s because I know you’re stupid.” Jenna snapped.

“How dare you?”

“Well you are starting shit. He’s my child’s father, I wouldn’t place that on him if it wasn’t true.”

“Look, keep your little brat away from my house and my husband.”

“Don’t you ever insult my son again!” Jenna snapped getting out of the booth and standing strait. Jami also got to her feet and stood very close to Jenna.

“It’s not my fault the little bastard doesn’t have a father. You should keep your legs closed.” Jami said. It was taking all of Jenna’s strength not to attack her, the way Mercy had, and she wasn’t a violent person.

“Shut up. You won’t talk about my son that way. I can’t believe Austin married you. What the fuck was going through his head?”

“How dare you!?”

“Well seriously, what are you anyways? A star fucker?” Jenna snapped. “Did he get you some free publicity?”

“Oh you fucking whore! You don’t have any idea what you’re fucking talking about! I married him because I love him, and at least I’m not trying to plant some little fucking bastard child on him! What was it Jen, you weren’t making enough money on the corner you work on!?”

“I’m not the one that came into Chuck E Cheeses looking like a hooker off of Sunset BLVD! Insult my son one more fucking time you little titless bitch and see what happens to you!”

“Keep the little shit away from my husband and I won’t.” Jami said, and before she could say anything Jenna slapped her. “Don’t touch me!”

“I told you to shut the fuck up!” Jenna screamed. People were starting to stare at them, and by the time Austin got back to them they were both screaming over each other, and it was not comprehendible what either of them was saying.

“Whoa whoa, Ladies knock it off!” He said pushing in between them.

“You tell your stupid fucking wife to stop talking about my son that way! Before I kill her!” Jenna snapped, with tears filling her eyes.

“What did she say?”

“Ask her, not me! He’s not a bastard…he’s my son. He’s your son.” She cried, now with the anger bringing her to tears.

“Jami, did you say that?” Austin asked in disbelief.

“I might have. I was just telling the truth, and I can’t believe you don’t see it Austin. She just needed someone to put him on so she could get something out of it!”

“Jami, shut up. He’s my son okay. Jenna was my girlfriend, get it in your fucking head! I don’t think I’m going to bring you again. Great, look what you caused, people are fucking staring at us and she’s gone.”

“Good, maybe she’ll get her little brat and take him with her.” Jami mumbled under her breath. Austin shot her a look. She shut her mouth quick.

“We’ll talk when we get home. I shouldn’t have brought you in the first place; all you ever do is start shit.” Austin said and walked away from her to go and find his ex girlfriend.

Jenna was sitting in a corner by the basketball nets with her son sitting on his knees next to her. “Mommy’s crying.” Little Austin said.

“Jen, don’t let her upset you. She’s just…jealous is all. It’s not your fault.”

“I’m tired of her saying that he’s not your son! It took all my strength not to kill her. I know he’s your son, he can’t be anybody else’s. I hadn’t slept with anybody else.”

“Jen, I know he’s mine. I do not doubt you at all, I know you better than to lie about it.” He said and hugged her tightly. She stopped crying and got up off the ground a few minutes later. “Come on, let’s get you back to your place. This hasn’t gone well at all.”

“Yea I want to go home anyways. Thank you…for the hug. I needed it.” Jenna said. They left the restaurant and Austin dropped his son and his mother off at the house they shared with Mercy before driving back to his own house to argue with his wife. He wondered how the hell things had gotten so bad between them, and he wondered if it would get any better.
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Can i get at least two comments for this one please. thank you!