If I Could Go Back in Time


“And she told me to keep it down,” Mercy muttered and rolled her eyes as she got up the next morning. She barely got any sleep because of Austin and Jenna. She wasn’t angry that Jenna basically became the other woman; she was actually kind of proud of her. Mercy liked Austin and detested Jami. She thought that it would be great for Jenna and Austin to get back together. At least little Austin could have his mom and his dad. Mercy pulled on some jeans and a tank top, and then made her way down stairs.

Zacky and Matt were sitting at the kitchen table with Austin and the other guys from Hinder. Mercy couldn’t really recall their names. She walked over to Zacky and hugged him.

“Good morning, baby,” He muttered.

“Good morning. I’m tired,” Mercy replied and glared at Austin.

“What?” Austin asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Don’t what me. You and Jenna kept me up all night.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Jenna interrupted, she smirked at Mercy. Mercy raised an eyebrow.

“Sure you don’t,” Mercy replied.

“By the way, if you don’t remember, that’s Cody, Joe, Mike, and Mark,” Austin pointed at the other guys.

“Hi…” Mercy trailed off. Zacky pulled Mercy closer to him.

“Jenna, you don’t need Mercy to babysit tonight, do you?” Zacky asked.

“No, we’re supposed to go out together. Why?” Jenna replied.

“Because I’m going to kidnap her for the night.”

“Oh really now? And how do plan do this said kidnapping?” Mercy asked.

Zacky laughed, “Like this.” Zacky grabbed Mercy and threw her over his shoulder.

“ZACKY!” Mercy squealed. Zacky headed for the living room, with Jenna following.

“Here’s Mercy’s phone. Be good and use protection, kay?” She said.

Zacky grabbed Mercy’s phone and then nodded.

“Bye Jenna. Love you.”

“Bye, love you too.”

It didn’t take long for them to get to Zacky’s house.

“So why did you want to kidnap me?” They had just walked into the house and Mercy had plopped down on the couch.

“Because we haven’t had any real alone time in the last couple of days….and you’re always babysitting Austin or working. I miss you.”

“Awe, babe, I missed you, too, but you know you’re welcome to come over when I am babysitting…and at work.

Zacky pulled her up from the couch and led her to his room. Mercy walked over to Zacky’s bed and lay down. She then kicked her flip flops off before she stretched her legs out on the bed.

“I didn’t kidnap you so you could go back to sleep,” Zacky whined.

Mercy grinned, “I know it. Come here.” She sat up and Zacky stood between her legs.

“Did you lock the front door?” She asked.


“Bedroom door?”


“Mkay.” She leaned up and kissed him.

Pretty soon, clothes were all over the floor and noises were being made.

Three hours later, Mercy was lying wide awake in Zacky’s arms.

“I can’t believe Jenna slept with Austin…..but I know they still love each other.”

“It’s crazy though. I mean, I wouldn’t have even thought that little A was Austin Winkler’s son. Little A looks just like him though.”

“Yeah, he does. I guess I will talk to Jenna about it when I get home, since you kidnapped me before I could ask her.”

“Yeah….I love you, Mer.”

“I love you, too.”

Zacky got quiet for a minute.

“Promise me something?”


“If you were to get pregnant, don’t leave like Jenna did with Austin….”

“Baby, Jenna didn’t find out she was pregnant until after she left, but yeah, I promise. If that happened, I’m not going to leave. You have to promise the same thing. I’m afraid that if it did happen, you would leave me.”

“I won’t, I promise. I love you too much to do that to you.”

Zacky kissed Mercy’s forehead and she snuggled in closer to him before they both fell asleep.