If I Could Go Back in Time


Seven years ago, Mercy met her best friend Jenna. They were both nineteen years old, but Jenna was turning twenty and she was also eight months pregnant with a little boy. Jenna was all on her own because when she left her boyfriend, she didn’t know she was pregnant. It was fate, I guess you would say that they met. Mercy was a Certified Nursing Assistant and her mom was a OB/GYN. Jenna went into labor in the middle of a shopping center and Mercy and her mom just happened to be close by. Mercy ended up staying with Jenna the whole time she was in the hospital and even moved into the house Mercy lived in. Jenna asked Mercy to be Austin’s God Mother and of course she said yes.

Things have changed a lot since then and it is now 2008. Mercy works with Syn Gates’ clothing and is really close friends with the boys of Avenged Sevenfold. She has a huge crush on Zacky Vengeance, but won’t do anything about it.

“Mercy-boo, are you home?” Jenna called as she walked through the front door, her son Austin following behind her.

“Yeah, I’m in the kitchen,” Mercy replied.

“Hey, did you have fun at the park?” Mercy asked Austin.

“Yep, Mom played baseball with me,” He replied.

Mercy laughed, “Really now? I can’t see you playing baseball Jenna.”

“Haha, I’m pretty good at it, aren’t I Austin?”

Austin just giggled, clearly not agreeing with his mother.

“See, your own kid doesn’t agree with you.”

Jenna stuck her tongue out at Mercy.

“Oh so mature, mom.”

“Oh, hush, go get cleaned up,” Jenna said ruffling Austin’s hair.

“Yo, anyone home?” Zacky Vengeance yelled walking in the front door.

Mercy and Jenna rolled their eyes.

“Zacky, hun, if we weren’t home, we wouldn’t have the door unlocked,” Mercy replied giving him a duh look.

“Oh, right…” He trailed off.

“So I have a question for you Mercy.”


“Would you like to hang out with me tomorrow?”

“Sure,” Mercy replied and smiled.

“Mkay, oh and what’s for dinner?”

Jenna snorted, “You ask her to hang out tomorrow and then want us to feed you tonight? Gah, Zacky, you’re a bottomless pit.”

“Oh I know.” He smirked.

“ZACKY!” Austin yelled.

“AUSTIN!” Zacky yelled back.

Austin loves the Avenged guys, but he gets along best with Zacky for some reason.

“What have you been up to, buddy?” Zacky asked.

“Played baseball with mom at the park. I kicked her butt,” Austin replied.

Mercy laughed, “So he really did kick your butt, huh?”

“Yeah, he did.”

Zacky and Austin walked into the living room to play Guitar Hero. Austin may be seven, but he kicks major ass at Guitar Hero. When you have five rock stars as uncles, you better be good at something in music.