If I Could Go Back in Time


“It’s positive?” Jenna repeated. She looked at Mercy with wide eyes and took the test out of her hands. “Sit down Mercy! You’re hyperventilating!”

Mercy sat on the toilet and tried to catch her breath. She looked up at Jenna. “I can’t…I …oh my god.” She stuttered.

“Well is this good or bad?”

“I don’t know yet. I have to tell Zacky. I…I don’t know what he’s going to say.”

Jenna put her hand on her friends shoulder. “It’ll be fine Mercy.” She said, as she noticed the worry in her friends face. She looked at her cell phone. It was late. “Shoot Mercy, I have to go…I have to pick up Austin. I’ll be back in a bit.” She said. She hugged Mercy.

She left the house and went to the pick up her son from his father. When she got there she could hear him fighting with Jami. She could hear Jami’s voice cracking when she would scream back at him. She rolled her eyes and went to the front door. Austin had given her directions to his house so she could get her son, or take him over there to him. She walked up to the front door. She rang the doorbell and waited.

“What the fuck do you want? Are you here to fuck my husband again you stupid cunt?” Jami snapped when she opened the door. Jenna rolled her eyes at the woman standing in front of her.

“I came to pick up my son.” She said.

“Take him. I don’t want this little fucker here anyways! How did you get here? How did you even find this place?”

“Austin told me how to get here. In case I needed to come pick my son up.” Jenna said, and smirked, remembering more than one occasion over the last month she had been with Austin in the house. Jami looked at her with her mascara running down her face.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked gently, with sadness and anger.

“I’m not doing anything. I am here to pick up my son. I am not doing anything to you.”

“Why did you have to bring him here?”

“My child has the right to know his father. I’m not here to hurt you Jami.” Jenna said, only half lying. She wasn’t trying to hurt Jami, she had just realized how much Austin still was to her. Jami looked down and wiped a tear from her eyes.

She didn’t say anything else, she just left the door open. Austin came to the door a few minutes later with little Austin. Jenna looked at him, and she smiled. “Hi.”

“Hi Jen. Sorry, you came at a bad time. He’s all packed up and ready to go. I’ll be by to see him soon.” Austin said. Jenna looked down at her son.

“Mommy!” He yelled and wrapped his arms around her. She hugged him back tightly.

“Hi baby. Did you have fun with your dad?” She asked. He nodded. Jenna stood straight again and looked at Austin. “Well, I have to get back home. There is some stuff going on with Mercy.”

“Alright, I’ll see you later baby.” He said softly and leaned forward to peck her lips. She smiled against his lips, and resisted the urge to pull him into a deeper kiss. She left with her son.

Austin went back into his house and shut the door. When he turned around, Jami was right behind him. “Why would you tell her how to get here?” She asked.

“Because her son was here. I don’t really think that’s such a big deal Jami.” Austin answered.

“What are you talking about it’s not a big deal! You’re always with her! All you do is go with her! You don’t think that’s a big deal Austin? I mean if you weren’t my husband maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal! But you are! It is! She’s just a bitch that left your ass eight years ago and you are spending all your time with her and her little piece of shit son!” Jami yelled.

“Watch it!” Austin snapped.

“What are you going to do Austin?! I have a right to be pissed off! I know you’re sleeping with her!”

“Are you sure Jami? What makes you think that?”

“Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid! I know you are! I saw you kiss her goodbye! Why can’t you just give it up, give up this train of lies and all the bullshit Austin? I know you are fucking her.”

“You know what Jami, maybe I am. Maybe I am sleeping with her, but like I told you once before, I never fuck Jenna. I love her.” He snapped. Jami looked at him with sad, angry, and shocked eyes.

“You…love her?” Jami asked with sadness. She hated how this was going, and she hated that she was losing him so quickly. She hated Jenna for coming back and ruining everything.

“Jami, things between us just aren’t working. I can’t stay here anymore, I can’t stay here and lie to you. I’ve always loved her, and always will.” Austin said, and he heard her burst into tears. She stormed up to him and she slapped him.

“If you love her so much, why have you been here all this time playing games with me!” She screamed.

“I’m sorry. But I’m not going to anymore. I’ll be packed and gone in about an hour.” He said. He left her standing there and went up the stairs to pack. Two hours later he was gone.
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I think a few people have been wating for this one, so those of you there were, feel free to comment!