If I Could Go Back in Time

Twenty Two

Jenna stood in her kitchen fuming. She was so mad at Zacky for running out on Mercy the way he had. She knew deep inside that he didn’t mean to hurt her, but she had been left by so many men because of her son, she couldn’t help but be mad at Zacky. She had a cup of coffee sitting next to her, though she wasn’t really drinking it, but was more trying not to call Zacky and scream at him. It was driving her nuts, as she tried to concentrate on her nails clicking against the counter top instead of her anger.

There was a knock on the door. She rolled her eyes, expecting it to be Zacky. “I swear if that motherfucker is here right now I will strangle him and kill that son of a bitch with my bare hands!” She murmured to herself as she stormed to the door. “What do you want?!” She snapped as she pulled the door open angrily, not paying attention to who was standing in front of her.

“Did I come at a bad time?” Asked an all too familiar raspy voice. Jenna looked up at him.

“Oh my god Austin…I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you.” She said, feeling embarrassed.

“It’s ok. Can I come in?” He asked softly. She looked at him and sighed.

“Yea…I need you right now anyways.” Jenna said gently. She let him in.

“Do you mind if I bring a few things in with me?”

“Like what?” Jenna asked. Austin kicked a black suitcase gently to call her attention to it. “Why do you have that?”

“I left her Jen.” He said proudly, hoping to make her smile. She looked at him with shock for a few seconds, and then threw her arms around him and kissed him hard on his lips. He smiled against her kiss and put his hands on her back.

“Thank you for doing that today! I needed some good news like this!” Jenna exclaimed, not letting go of him.

“I’m all yours.” He smiled.

“Come in…do you need a place to stay?”

“I can get a hotel if you have a lot of drama going on here right now?”

“No! Stay here with me. Please.” Jenna begged.

“Well, tell me what’s going on first, and we’ll see if I stay?”

“Well, Mercy is pregnant, and Zacky freaked out and left her sitting on the doorstep crying. That’s where I found her…oh I could kill him!” Jenna snapped, that anger filling her again. Austin put his arms around her and kissed her neck to calm her. “So, she’s upstairs crying, I think Brian is with her, so at least one of those guys cares about her.”

“Zack cares about her.”

“Don’t defend him Austin.” Jenna glared.

“I’m just saying it from a man’s perspective. It’s hard on us sometimes, to get that kind of news. I probably would have panicked too if you told me you where pregnant when you were. That doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”

“Whatever Austin. Are you staying here or not?”

“Do you think Mercy will mind?”

“Well…we can ask her tomorrow, when she’s feeling better. I think Brian is staying here tonight, so you can stay tonight without her permission.” Jenna said and led him to the sofa. He sat next to her, and she cuddled into him. “I love you.” She said.

“I love you too Jen, always have, and I will die loving you.” He said and kissed the top of her head. They stayed like that for a long time, eventually falling asleep together in each other’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
yea it;s a little short
sorry for the wait
i've been a bit sick :(
Comments are love!