If I Could Go Back in Time

Twenty Four

Jenna didn’t want to get up from the sofa with her boyfriend. She was happy she could finally call him that again. After Mercy had left with Brian they had put a movie in, and she lay on top of him on the sofa and made herself comfortable. She wasn’t really watching the movie; she was more just enjoying being with her love.

“Ugh, I have to make breakfast. Austin will be getting up soon and he’ll be hungry, and we have to explain to him what’s going on now.” She said.

“I have to file the divorce papers.” Austin said.

“Well let’s worry about that later. This is a happy moment.” Jenna smiled and looked up at him and kissed him. He smiled back at her and held her tighter for a minute. She finally pulled away from him and went into the kitchen. She looked through the refrigerator for something to make for breakfast.

She was pouring the scrambled eggs into the pan when she heard her son’s footsteps coming down the stairs. She smiled a little bit when she thought of his reaction to his father living with them. She knew he would be happy.

“Good morning, mommy.” He said. He went straight to the kitchen.

“Morning Austin honey. How did you sleep?” Jenna asked, noticing her own happiness in her voice.

“Good. What’s for breakfast?”

“Eggs and sausage and toast.” Jenna smiled and turned the eggs around the pan. “I have a surprise for you.” She said.

“What is it?”

“Austin!” Jenna called. “Can you come in here please!?”

Austin walked into the kitchen, and Jenna laughed a little bit at the mess his hair was from laying on the sofa. “You rang?” He asked sarcastically. She pecked his lips.

“Yes I did. We have to break the news to little A.” She said.

“Oh.” Austin said and put his arm around her waist.

“Well…little man.” Jenna started, and then caught a glance at her love. “You dad is going to…move in here with us. He’s going to stay with us from now on.” She continued.

“Really!?” little Austin exclaimed, with obvious cheer running through him. He ran to his parents and hugged them.

“Yes really.” Jenna said and hugged him tightly.

“Are you going to get married?”

“Maybe someday kiddo.” Austin said and looked at Jenna. She looked at him with surprise. He smiled and kissed her. Suddenly his cell phone started to go off in his pocket. “Who the fuck …” He started and pulled his phone out, “great. Hello.” He said.

“Austin…please come back home. I need you to come back home.” Jami cried from the other end of the line.

“Jami, I’m not going back there. I’m sorry, it’s just not meant to be okay.”

“I’m sorry I was so mean about the kid! I didn’t mean all the hurtful things I said. He’s a great kid, really. He’s welcome to stay here at anytime. Just please come back.”

“Jami, stop begging. Let’s just move on okay. Jenna and I are meant to be together, and I don’t want to let her go again. Jami, trust me, I loved you when I married you, but Jenna came back into my life now and I can’t throw that away. I love her too much. I love her more than you know. Please don’t make this harder on yourself.”

“Austin please…I’m begging you to just come home.”

“I am home Jami.” He said and hung up his phone before she could start her begging again. “I really need to file the papers.

“Yea, you do. But do it tomorrow, okay?”

“Ok I will do it tomorrow. Today, I’m just going to chill with my family.”

“Daddy! I want to show you what I can do with the guitar now!” little Austin smiled.

“Alright buddy, let’s hear it.” Austin said and followed his son up the stairs. Jenna stayed in the kitchen and finished breakfast as her son started to play Lips of an Angel. He could only play about half of the song so far, but he was doing really good at getting further and further into it.

“Alright breakfast is ready.” She said as she walked into the room. Both her son and his father smiled at her and little Austin ran out of the room.

“He’s good.” Austin said and placed his hand on the small of her back.

“I know.” Jenna smiled and walked back to the kitchen with him. She enjoyed having breakfast with her family. She enjoyed finally having a family.
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so im sitting here listening to Hinder with the baby and just feeling icky.

i had a horible day. :(

Please comment it will make me feel better
