If I Could Go Back in Time

Twenty Five

Mercy had walked into Zacky’s house and up the stairs. Brian was following behind her. She stopped at Zacky’s bedroom door and slowly opened it.

What she saw shattered her heart into a million pieces. Zacky was naked, in bed with another girl. All she could see is the blonde hair peaking from the covers so she didn’t know who it was at the time.

Mercy started to back out of the room when she backed right into Brian’s chest.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, confused. She just pointed to the heap on Zacky’s bed.

Brian felt his blood boil and he had to clench his fist to keep from waking Zacky up and beating the shit out of him.

“Let’s go,” Brian demanded. Mercy didn’t say anything and she couldn’t move. She couldn’t believe he had done this to her, again, even more so now that she was pregnant. Maybe he couldn’t accept it, but she had made up her mind the second Brian put her back into the Escalade.

It was a silent drive back to Brian’s house. Mercy guessed he decided to go there since it was closer. He pulled into the driveway and turned off the car.

“Mercy, I am so sorry about him.”

Mercy just shrugged and picked at her nails, “It’s whatever. I should have known it would happen again. I just can’t fucking believe that I will be raising this baby on my own.”

“You won’t be alone. You have all of us to be here for you,” Brian said.

“No, I don’t. I’m leaving California. I can’t stay here, Bri.” She got out of the car, walked over to the porch and sat down on the swing.

Brian got out and went over to her, “Leaving? Mercy, you can’t leave. We all need you here. What about little Austin? You’re his god mother.”

Mercy shrugged.

“Do you even know anyone wherever you’re going?”

“I think I’ll go to New York and visit my dad and step-mom.”

Brian bit his lip, and then he shocked Mercy by pressing his lips to hers. She kissed him back, but then pulled away.

“I….I can’t do this Brian.”

“It’s okay. You want me to take you home so you can tell Jenna what happened?”

Mercy nodded, “Thanks, and I mean for everything.”

“You’re welcome.”

It didn’t take long for them to get back to Mercy’s house.

“What happened?” Jenna asked.

“I found him in bed with a blonde girl and the funny thing is that he didn’t wake up the whole time we were in his house,” Mercy replied, sniffling.

“That motherfucker cheated on you again, while you’re carrying his baby? I swear to God, I will kill him this time,” She said.

“I don’t care what you do. I’m going to New York for awhile, maybe permanently. I can’t do this anymore Jenna. It hurts too badly. He doesn’t love me and he might have in the beginning, but he doesn’t now. So, I’m leaving.”

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Jenna asked.


“When are you leaving?”

“I don’t know. Just whenever I guess.”

“I’ll miss you and I’m pretty sure Brian will miss you, too. What about the baby?”

“Dad and Alex live in New York, so I know I can count on them to help me for a little while.”

The next couple of hours were spent just hanging around the house. Jenna and Austin decided to take little Austin out to the park. They invited Mercy, but she declined. She just wanted some time to herself. She had a doctor’s appointment the next day and was tempted to ask Brian if he wanted to come with her. Mercy had also called her dad, and he said that she could stay in their guesthouse as long as she wanted to stay.

Mercy heard the front door open and close from where she sat in the kitchen.

“Babe? Are you here?” Zacky called. Mercy sucked in a breath and sighed, getting up and meeting him in the living room.

“Hey, I haven’t heard from you today,” He said, putting his arms around her.

“Zack, don’t,” She said, pushing him away.

“I saw you in bed with her this morning. Brian drove me over there because I wanted to see if you were okay, and I saw you with her. Who is she?”

Zacky sighed and rubbed his neck, “Gena.”

“Gena, as in your ex-girlfriend Gena?”


Mercy shook her head in disbelief, “I’m done with you Zack. This drama and stress is not good for me or the baby. Get out. Oh and you might want to stay away from Jenna, because she’s already threatened to kill you.”

“Please can we work this out? I love you, Mercy. I’m such an idiot. I didn’t mean to fuck up again.”

“No, you don’t love me. If you loved me, then it wouldn’t have happened the first time and you wouldn’t have stormed off when I told you I was pregnant. Get the fuck out.”

Mercy gave him an icy look and they just stared at each other; then Zacky sniffled and walked out the door. Once he was out of the house, Mercy broke down and started bawling her eyes out. It only lasted about ten minutes before she walked up to her room and slammed the door. She pulled a couple of suitcases out of her closet and started packing things up. After she packed for about two hours, she got online and booked a flight for the day after next, which would be a Friday, for New York. She was getting out of California as soon as possible.
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Haha, Light In The Tunnel, you were right.
Now, before anyone jumps on my case, Gena is Zacky's girlfriend in real life and I don't hate her.I think she's a total sweetheart and Zacky and Gena are cute together.