If I Could Go Back in Time


Mercy was sitting in the garage apartment at her dad’s house when she got a call from Jenna. It had been a month since she left California for New York and she is currently three months pregnant. Since she is skinny, her baby bump has started showing up even more.

“Hello?” Mercy asked as she answered her phone.

“MER! I’M ENGAGED!” Jenna yelled. Mercy pulled the phone away from her ear.

“Seriously? Holy shit, dude, that is amazing,” Mercy replied.

“So whenever we get this thing planned, you’re gonna be my maid of honor, right?”

“Of course.”

“Sweet. I love you Mercy. You know you’re like my sister. Oh and by the way, I beat the shit out of Zacky earlier.”

Mercy smiled, “I know. I love you, too. Are you serious?”

“Yeah, dude, I saw him with Gena at the restaurant Austin took me to earlier and I lost it.”

“I…thanks. You really didn’t have to resort to violence, but I knew if you had seen him out then you would try to kill him.”

“You’re welcome, hun. Well, I guess I will let you go. I’ll text you later.”

Mercy said her good-byes and closed her phone.

She sighed as she rubbed her stomach. She was happy for Jenna and Austin, but that meant going back to California for the wedding.

Of course she didn’t really think Zack would be invited, but she would have to see Brian too. Things were still awkward between them, but they were still good friends. Zacky was the only one she didn’t keep in touch with.

Oh well, she could cross that bridge when she got to it.

“I’m sorry your daddy is an asshole,” Mercy said as she looked at her belly. She didn’t know what was going to happen when the baby was born. Mercy would love for the baby to be around Jenna and the other family out in California, but Zacky didn’t want them. Knowing Mercy’s luck, the baby would look just like Zack because she is angry with him.

“Mercy? Are you home?” Mercy’s dad called.

“Yeah, come in,” Mercy replied.

Her dad, James walked into the apartment.

“How are you holding up?” He asked.

Mercy shrugged, “I’m okay. I talked to Jenna a few minutes ago. She’s engaged, which is crazy, but she’s engaged to little Austin’s dad.”

“Well, that’s great.”

Mercy nodded and bit her lip to keep from crying. James walked over and wrapped his arms around his only daughter.

“Things will work themselves out Mercy. You just have to have faith. Your name means you have compassion and forgiveness for other people. Maybe in time you could forgive Zack and at least let him have something to do with his baby, if that is what he wants.”

“Maybe. I would like for him to be a part of the baby’s life, but it is completely up to him. I don’t even love him anymore, daddy. He broke me into little pieces and I just can’t love him anymore. Brian has been there more for me then Zacky ever has and I’m thinking that Brian is the person I am supposed to be with.”

“I know, hunny and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that shitty situation. Maybe Brian really is the one for you. I’ve always liked him more than Zack anyway.”


James nodded his head and Mercy slightly smiled.

“Well, I hope things work out for us then.”

“Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll come get you when dinner is ready?”

“Okay, and thanks dad. I love you.”

“You’re welcome. I love you, too kiddo.”

James walked out of the apartment and Mercy lay down to take a nap.
♠ ♠ ♠
Random comment, Zacky has a nice ass.
Like for real.
