If I Could Go Back in Time

Twnety Eight

A couple weeks had passed and Jenna was planning like crazy, trying to get everything perfect for her wedding. Austin’s divorce wasn’t final yet, but Jenna didn’t care. She wanted to get everything ready so they could get married as soon as possible.

“Jen! Calm down…we have time baby.”

“I know, but I have to get the invitations ready, and who are we inviting?”

“Yea, I know honey, but my divorce from Jami isn’t even final yet.”

“Yea…I know.” Jenna said and sat back on the couch. “I guess I can calm down a bit. But still…when are we going to do this thing?”

“I don’t know…a few months. You want Mercy to come and stuff, and I think we should give her a little prep time. So maybe like…she’s been gone for what, two three months now, so maybe like…nine or ten more months and we can have the wedding.”

“That’s like a year!”

“Jen, it’s going to take at least that long before my divorce is final.”

“Well that sucks.” Jenna said with a sigh.

“I wouldn’t take that long if Jami would give it up. She’s working me for all I’ve got. I wasn’t even married to her for a year and she’s trying to take everything.”

“Well, she only gets a little bit. So why don’t they just get it finished?”

“Because she won’t let it go. She wants me to go back to her and not go through the divorce crap at all. But she knows I won’t, so she’s resorted to trying to force me to go back to her.”

“God! She’s just evil! How could you have married someone so mean and just…evil!?” Jenna snapped.

“Because at the time I didn’t have you baby. I loved her, but I mean, nothing compared to you.”

Jenna smiled and snuggled into her fiancé’s chest.

A few more months passed. Jenna spoke to Mercy on an almost daily basis, mostly through text, with the occasional phone call. It was getting close to Mercy’s due date and Jenna wanted to be with her friend so bad to help her through the child birth thing. But she was so busy with her wedding and it was so hard to get to New York, it killed her not being able to be there with her friend.

She was trying on her dress in her bedroom. She had locked Austin out of the room, and only she and her tailor were allowed in the room. The dress was white, despite all the teasing a few of her friends had given her about white meaning purity. She told them that she was marrying the only man she’d ever slept with so it counted.

It was close fitting satin with thin straps. It was relatively simple. No massive amounts of lace or anything. It has a string of pearls under the breast part. It was backless and ruffled right under the small of her back. From her hips it fit loosely but it was pretty and she had fallen in love with it as soon as she saw it.

“I don’t know about the veil. I mean, it’s too lacy.” She said as she straightened it on her head.

“We have plenty of veils to choose from. You don’t have to use this one.”

“This wedding thing is harder than I thought.” Jenna pouted and continued to have the dress fitted. Finally it was just right. “Perfect.” She whispered and looked at herself in the full length mirror.

She spent most of her time picking out flowers and such for the decorations.

“Mommy, do I really have to wear a suit?” Little Austin whined as he walked into his mother’s bedroom to see her looking through bridal magazine, looking for the perfect setting.

“It’s called a tuxedo, and yes you do. It’s only one day, you can live through that.” Jenna smiled and hugged his shoulders. He had turned eight earlier that year. She hated that he was getting so big. She feared the day when she would go from mommy to mom. She missed her baby.

“But I don’t want to!” He whined.

“What are you gonna be for Halloween?”

“I don’t know yet. Are you gonna dress up?”

“Maybe, if you daddy does.”

“Ok mommy. I hope you know I really don’t want to wear a suit.”

“I hope you know that this time, I don’t care. This is going to be a big day for me and your daddy.”

“I know.” Little Austin sighed. She couldn’t help but realize that he would be growing up sooner than later and for just a minute she was sad.

“So what do you want for lunch?” She asked and hugged him tighter.

“I don’t care.”

“How about me and you go out for pizza? Just you and me, the way we used to.” She asked. He smiled up at her.

“Ok mommy.” He said. She smiled happily at her son’s agreement and took him to get pizza. It was nice to have a break from all the wedding planning. Half way through the meal her cell phone beeped. She pulled it out of her pocket to read the text message.

Hi baby. Good News. The divorce is finally final. I’m 100% yours. it read. She squealed with happiness.

Good! Now everything is set into perfect motion. she typed back quickly.

Where are you?

Pizza hut with little A. But when I get home…you ARE MINE!!!!!

ha-ha, I won’t protest to that my love. See you when you get here.

She smiled and put her phone away. She finished eating with her son and went home to her fiancé. She kept her promise and when she got back to her house she pushed him into the room they shared and locked the door behind them.
♠ ♠ ♠
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