If I Could Go Back in Time

Twenty Nine

October 31, 2009 at 12:05 am, Brianna Rose was born into the world. Mercy was in labor for ten hours. She was kind of disappointed that Jenna or the other guys couldn’t be there, but her mom flew out to New York. She also had her dad and step-mom with her. Brianna was of course, named after Brian. Mercy thought it was only fitting since he means the world to her. Brianna is the spitting image of Zacky, though.

“Hey Brianna,” Mercy cooed, “I’m your mommy.”

The first thing that had gone through Mercy’s mind when she saw Brianna, was that everything would be okay. Brianna was her saving grace, pretty much.

Mercy and Brianna went home two days later. Mercy was sitting on the couch with Brianna in her arms when her cell phone rang.

“Hey girlie,” Jenna’s voice came through the phone.

“Hey, Jenna. How are you?” Mercy replied.

“Great. Brianna is gorgeous. Zacky is kicking himself for being such an ass and Brian is ecstatic that you named her after him. How are you guys doing?”

Mercy smiled, “Amazingly. This is going to be tough though. I can’t wait to go home and see you guys. I hope you figure out a date soon. I think I will stay for good. I wanna be with Brian so bad I can’t stand it.”



“Nothing, I just find it funny that you have had a crush on Zack since forever, you had his baby and now you want Brian. I don’t blame you though.”

“Haha, yeah, I guess. Well, I need to go. Brianna is hungry, so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Alrighty girlie. Love ya.”

“Love ya too.”

Mercy closed her phone and then went to feed Brianna.

I hope Brian still wants to be with me. The last time I talked to him was last month and he said he was willing to wait on me, but I really didn’t want to ask him to do that. Mercy thought as she burped Brianna.

“You will get to meet your god-mommy soon, and also your daddy, maybe.”

Mercy put Brianna down in her crib and took the baby monitor with her when she walked back to her room. She then found some of the boxes she used when she moved to New York and started packing things that she didn’t need at the moment.
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Really short, I'm sorry.
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