If I Could Go Back in Time


December 6th. That was the date Jenna and Austin had settled on for their wedding. The divorce was final and everything was ready, and the wedding was in a few days. Mercy had come back a few days before and she was getting settled back in California.

“Oh Mercy I’m so happy to have you here again!” Jenna cried and she hugged her best friend for the millionth time.

“Can’t…breathe!” Mercy gasped and Jenna let her go. “I missed you too.”

“Not nearly as much as little A missed you! He’s probably happier to have you back than anybody.” Jenna laughed. “I’m nervous.”

“Why?! Austin loves you, you love him, it’s easy. You get married you live all happy and that’s it.”

“But it’s going to be weird, to move out of here…”

“So stay here. I don’t see the problem with that…it’s not like I never heard the two of you have sex.” Mercy teased. Jenna blushed.

“Yea but still Mercy, don’t you think you’d be uncomfortable living with me and my husband.”

“Why? I lived with you and you’re boyfriend for a few days. I could handle it …if that’s what you want.”

“Well, we are going to be staying in here for a while. We haven’t looked for a house or nothing.” Jenna said. Mercy smiled.

“Aunt Mercy!” Little Austin yelled and ran to Mercy. Mercy hugged him tightly. “Mom’s making me wear a suit.” He pouted.

“It’s called a tuxedo!” Jenna corrected.

“It’s a suit!” little Austin protested. Mercy laughed.

When the wedding day finally came Jenna was shaking with nerves. “Oh my god Mercy, you realize I’ve been waiting like ten years to marry him!”

“So what is the problem Jen!”

“I don’t know….do I look alright?”

“You look amazing! Calm down…what is wrong with you? This wedding thing can’t be all of it.”

“Mercy…” Jenna started with a little bit of worry.


“I’m a little…late…”

Mercy looked at her with confusion before she realized what she was talking about. “That’s…a good thing?”

“I don’t know! I mean yea…but it’s weird…and it’s been eight years since I’ve had a child. And I’m scared Austin will get mad.”

“I’m sure he won’t. He loves you Jenna.”

“Well…I don’t know if I am…so it doesn’t matter….yet.”

“Well find out! We still have like an hour and half…if you want I’ll go get you a test.” Mercy said. Jenna looked at her and sighed. She nodded after a minute, and Mercy left.

By the time she took the test and got her results she was out of time. She was dressed and made up and ready to go, and she had to go fast. She walked out and her father was there to give her away. He walked her down the aisle , and noticed her shaking.

“What’s the matter Jenna?” He asked.

“I’m just nervous.” She whispered back. He nodded a little bit, but he could tell there was something wrong with his daughter other than nerves. He’d known her for 28 years, there was no way he would believe that she was only nervous.

When she got to the alter Mercy looked at her as if to ask what the test said. Jenna just looked back without any readable response. The ceremony went smoothly and the reception was pretty with roses and candles everywhere.

Jenna was happy to finally be able to call her son’s father her husband. After the food was served and eaten and toasts given, she pulled him out to the dance floor for the first dance as husband and wife. She rested her head on his shoulder for a minute.

“Austin…I have something to tell you.” She said.

“What is it baby?” He asked. She took a deep breath, not really sure if this was the right place or time. She wanted to tell him badly, but it was hard to think that this was the right time to do it. “Just tell me Jen, it can’t be that bad.”

“I’m…not really sure that now is the right time is all.” She said.

“Well Just go ahead and tell me baby…it’s ok. Seriously, whatever it is can’t be that bad.”

“Well…you know how I’ve been kind of…sick and stuff lately.”

“Yea…you kept saying it was just nerves.” He answered. Other people had started to come out onto the dance floor, but it seemed like no one had noticed their secret conversation. “Is something else wrong?”

“Austin…I…I’m pregnant.” She whispered. He didn’t answer for a minute, and she got a little worried. “I knew this wasn’t the place or time.”

“No, baby…I’m happy you told me! That’s great.” He said, and Jenna looked at him with surprise.

“You’re happy?”

“Of course! This time I won’t miss everything in my child’s life.” He smiled and kissed her. She laughed.

“Dad…Move! I want to dance with mommy!” little Austin said as he ran up to them. Austin laughed.

“Alright kid, but I want her back!” Austin laughed and let his son dance with his mother.

“You look pretty mommy.” Little A smiled.

“Thank you. You look pretty handsome in your tux.” Jenna said as she danced with her son. “So, you’re going to be ok with Grandma and Grandpa for a week while daddy and I go away right?”

“Yea I guess. Why can’t I go with you?”

“Cause it’s our honeymoon. You’ll understand when you’re a little older.” Jenna smiled. The reception when well, and Jenna and her husband cut the wedding cake and fed it to each other. It was everything Jenna had wanted for her wedding, with the added surprise of the baby.

She finally had a family and her husband and he was hers and no one could change that now, and she knew that he had been hers all along, she had just made a mistake by leaving him, and now she was in his arms again. When the white limousine with the words “Just Married” spray painted on the back window pulled out of the drive way with her and her husband inside and no one else, Jenna threw her arms around Austin.

“I love you.” She smiled.

“I love you too, Mrs. Winkler.” He smiled. She kissed him hard.

“You have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that.” She said and kissed him again. This was her riding off into the sunset. This was her fairytale ending.
♠ ♠ ♠
K this is my last Chapter, Hannah has one more. :) But this is it for me.
So i hope you enjoyed,
Comment plz