If I Could Go Back in Time


Mercy waited in the kitchen as Jenna introduced Austin to his dad. She didn’t want to impose on their meeting so she stayed hidden. Things had been crazy around the house the last couple of days. Mercy had been hanging out with Zacky a lot, but it was awkward to say the least. Neither of them wanted to address what had almost happened in Zacky’s bedroom that night.

“Mercy?” Jenna called, “you can come out now.”

Mercy sighed and walked into the living room. She slightly smiled at Austin while little Austin just looked up at her.

“See, I told you she needed to tell you herself,” Mercy said.

Austin just nodded.

“Um, I think I’m going to let you guys have some time to catch up and I’m going to go see Zacky,” Mercy said.

Jenna grinned at her, “Are you going to finally tell him how you feel?”

Mercy shrugged, “Maybe, we will see.”

Mercy slid on her flip flops, grabbed her keys, purse and phone, then headed out of the house. She really would like to tell him, sober, anyway. They both confessed their so called love for each other that night and you know what they say, drunken words are sober thoughts. So she was hoping he really did love her.

She soon pulled up to Zacky’s house and walked right in without knocking. Icky trotted over to her and started barking, wanting to be picked up. So she leaned down and scooped him up, before walking into the kitchen.

“I figured it was you. Icky only barks for your attention here lately,” Zacky said.

Mercy smiled, “Well what can I say, Icky likes me.”

Zacky chuckled and Mercy set Icky back down on the floor.

The tension between the two of them was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

“Um, so…” Zacky trailed off.

“Zack, we need to talk about what happened the other night. I can’t stand it being so awkward between us anymore.”

Zacky just nodded.

Mercy took a deep breath, “I meant what I said. I’m in love with you. I have been for the past two years. You were with Gena and I didn’t want to ruin what you had with her. Then you guys ended it last year and I was going to tell you then, but I chickened out.”

Zacky stayed silent, taking in all of her words.

“I’m in love with you, too. I just didn’t realize it until the other night. And I would like for us to give the relationship thing a try.”

Mercy smiled and nodded, “I would like that.”

“So, will you be my girlfriend?”


Mercy walked closer to Zacky and wrapped her arms around him.

“So what do you want to do today?” Mercy asked.

“Want to just sit around, watch movies, and cuddle?”

“Sounds fun.”

Mercy walked into the living room with Zacky following behind her. They decided to watch Queen of the Damned, since that is one of Mercy’s favorite movies. They both sat down on the couch and Mercy laid her head on Zacky’s chest.

“So what was up with Jenna the other day?” Zacky asked.

“Well, Austin from Hinder…..is little Austin’s dad, apparently,” She replied.

“Are you serious?”

“Oh yeah. Jenna was introducing them to each other before I left so I decided to come over here to let them catch up.”

“Wow. I glad you came over though.” Zacky smiled.

“Me too.” Mercy kissed Zacky on the lips and settled back down to watch the movie.
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Sorry its taken so long.
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