If I Could Go Back in Time


Jenna watched as her son pulled his father by the hand up the stairs and into his bedroom. She wasn’t sure whether or not she was happy, but she was certainly relieved. It had been eight years since she had seen him, and now he was in her house with their son. She didn’t know what to do or say.

A few minutes later her son came running down the stairs with her ex boyfriend being pulled behind him by the hand. She laughed at how energetic her son was.

“Hey, kid, let me have a word with your mom, okay.” Austin said.

“Okay sure.” Little Austin said.

“Why don’t you gone on in the kitchen honey and get a soda.” Jenna said to her son. He looked at her and smiled.

“Okay mommy.” He said and hugged her tightly. “Thank you.” He said before running into the kitchen. Jenna looked at the ground as she waited for Austin to talk.

“I wish you would have told me.” He said after a long pause.

“I know and I feel bad for never calling you or anything.” Jenna said.

“Well it’s over with now right. He’s a great kid; you did a great job in raising him alone.”

“Well I wasn’t entirely alone; I met Mercy not long before he was born. She and her mom helped me through that. Then Mercy started working with the Avenged guys, and he just loves them. I have a lot of babysitters.” Jenna said with a small laugh.

“He is a really great kid. Got a ton of energy.”

“Just like his father.”


“He’s just exactly like you. You’d think he wouldn’t be, since he never met you, but he’s a mini you. He looks just like you…I swear, and he is just as damn stubborn as you always were. He can pitch.” Jenna said with a smile. It had been so long since she had talked to him.

“Really? I’ll have to take him out to play some day.” Austin said. “I don’t when I’ll be able to though. Jami…she’s kind of time consuming.”

“I can’t believe you’re married.” Jenna said with a little bit of sadness.

“Yea…I met her last year on a video shoot. She’s one of the dancers from the ‘Born to Be Wild’ cover video we did for NASCAR.”

“That’s nice. So are you happy with her?”

“Of course, she’s my wife. What about you Jen? You got a boyfriend?”

“Nope. I dated a few guys, but most of them went running for cover as soon as a told them about Austin. After a while I just gave up. I haven’t been on a date since he was five.”

“That’s a long time Jen.”

“Well it’s just the way it works. No guy wanted to have to play daddy to a kid that wasn’t theirs.”

“I can understand that in a way.”

“You look good. It’s been such a long time.”

“Thank you. You look pretty good yourself Jenna. Just as pretty as you ever were.”

“Thank you I guess. Does your wife approve of you complimenting other women?”

“Jami doesn’t approve of me looking at another woman. She’s a little on the jealous side.” Austin said and looked at the ground. “But she’s great.”

“She’s short.”

“So are you.” He reminded.

“Not that short!” Jenna protested. She was 5’6” tall. “You’re just too damn tall.” She said.

“Well, when can I come see him?”

“Anytime your wife permits.”

“Oh shit! What am I going to tell her?!”

“I don’t know. Tell her the truth.” Jenna said. Her son came out of the kitchen and went to them.

“Mommy, I’m hungry.” He whined.

“Oh…well what do you want to eat?”

“McDonalds.” He answered. Jenna looked down at him and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t think so.”

“But mom!”

“Austin, can’t you just have something here and home?”

“I want McDonalds.”

“Alright alright. Maybe after your dad goes home.” Jenna said.

“I don’t want him to go home. Why does he have to go home? Don’t go home dad.”

“I have to buddy. I can’t stay here; my wife will worry about me.”

“Can I go with you?” little Austin asked. Austin looked at Jenna.

“I don’t know Austin. It’s up to your mom, and I’d have to check in with someone before I can say yes.” He said.


Jenna was silent. She wasn’t sure she wanted him to go with him already, but she decided she had to trust him. He was his father no matter what. “Well…” she hesitated, “I suppose one night wouldn’t be too bad. If your dad can get it all straightened out.” She said.

“Yay!” little Austin cheered and ran up the stairs.

“Will you be able to take him? Will you be able to handle him?”

“I’m not sure. I have to call Jami…I can’t just show up with a kid.” Austin said and got his cell phone out of his pocket. He dialed his wife’s phone number.

“Hello.” Jami said.

“Hey honey, I have some news. I apparently have a son…and I was thinking about bringing him over for the night.”

“A son? Here, for the night? No Austin, I don’t want some little child over here for the night. What if he’s not yours? No. Just…no.” She said in shock and anger.

“Jami, he really wants to come with me ton…”

“No! That’s it, okay, I said no. Not until you can prove to me that he is your son.” She snapped and hung up the phone.

“Well it looks like I won’t be able to take him tonight.” Austin said to Jenna. Her son came back down the stairs with his little suitcase.

“Okay I’m ready!” He said. Austin looked at him and knelt down to his level.

“Hey little man, it looks like I’m not going to be able to take you with me tonight. But I will soon okay, I promise.” He said.

“Why not?”

“You wouldn’t understand okay. But I will see you all the time and I’ll take you with me soon. I got to go home now, so I’ll see you soon. Okay?” Austin asked.

“Okay dad.” Little Austin said and gave his father a hug. They hugged for a few seconds and then Austin stood up strait and looked at Jenna.

“I’ll call before I come back. It might be a few days.” He said. She just nodded and hugged him. She lifted her son up onto her hip and closed the door behind her ex boyfriend. Her son slept in her bed with her that night.
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:) comments would be greatly apprieciated.
~Jackie aka Hinder honey