Don't Be so Scared


We had been on tour for 2 months.

I was new to the touring thing and as a girl the showering situation troubled me more than most. That may be the whole reason the tour business is male dominated.

Well we’d been on the road for about eight weeks but it still felt like the first day, except I’m way more tired and haven’t smelled quite as good as I did the last time I showered at home. Ok I miss home, I don’t want to be surrounded by nasty sweaty men who have no shame nor fear of walking around the bus naked.

I was touring with guys I knew pretty well though. They’ve even avoided staring at me until more recent weeks because they could only stop themselves for so long.

I don’t blame them though. I’m actually really used to it, I was an early bloomer and people have even given my breasts funny names before, or given me nicknames based upon them. In seventh grade I was given the nickname “Jelly Jugs” and I hated it.

Every time I ran to get something done I could feel eyes on my rear or chest.

I guess another reason I don’t take it personally is because I’m even watching them now too.

We’re all only human.

Sorry, sexual frustration aside, today is October 28, 2007. We’re in Lancaster and we’re running a little late because the boys being the fantastic people they are stayed like an hour late signing stuff last night, but if you’ve ever been on tour you’ll know being an hour late isn’t too bad.

I should tell you what tour I’m on!

Sorry again.

I’m on the Sleeping with Giants tour with The Academy Is, Cobra Starship, Armor For Sleep, The Rocket Summer, and Sherwood.

I work for The Academy Is. I do merch and I help move their stuff too. I don’t let them not let me carry shit just because I’m a girl. I can lift more than Bill.

Just kidding
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A Beckett fic I had on my laptop that I finally moved to my desktop with a jump drive.
This is just the introduction to the main character Jaedyn Johnson