Don't Be so Scared

Chapter 5

So this is the silence
This is the silence we became

Every word more intense and with every word the burning’s intensity increased.

The final It’s never quite over was the last bit of music that was played or heard of the evening even though the band’s plan was two songs but do to circumstances beyond their control those original plans were out the window.

The room went black in an instant, not do to a power outage or some blown fuse or something.

No it was bigger than that, much, much bigger.

There were agonizing screams through out the whole crowd, the one that drew the most attention was the still miked, William. Even after dropping the microphone you could hear it, loud and tortured.

Jaedyn’s screams weren’t heard by the masses nor were they half as pained as William’s.

When she realized that loudest scream was William her pain seemed insignificant. She even tried calling out to him. “William! William!”

She knew her words were lost in the abyss of screams but she had to anyways.

“Billvy!” her last feeble attempt.

Then she blacked out.

The stage lights went back up and the audience was met with a horrifying sight.

Butcher truly a mummy, decayed and decrepit.

Sisky was dead too, but fresh dead, not so on the verge of crumbling and he seemed more in control of his own actions. Plus his breasts were now truly a part of him.

Michael was the most comforting sight, being the good guy, Batman.

William still writhing in pain on the floor near the mike as all of his flesh seemed to melt away.

There wasn’t a puddle of skin, or ashes even, on the floor that should have been on him. It was like it was being pulled into his bones.

The pain of the flesh being ripped from said bone is what was causing his agonized howls.
Carden, well now Dr Fear, stood, guitar still around his neck with that haunting smile he wore when he made his first appearance during the band intro. He wasn’t putting on a show for the kids this time. This time that was his real smile.

The kids in the crowd out of costume began panicking attempting to flee when they looked all around them, the kids who came in costume had become what they were dressed as too.

The bartender was the only person that wasn’t turned into some horrible monster that was laughing.

Nurse Johnnie Blood (Jaedyn) regained consciousness only moments after the stage lights came up. She immediately hopped up, crouching on the table.

She was an alpha vampire, that’s what the double fangs meant, more power; alpha. The nurse part of the outfit hardly mattered, it only changed the way her body morphed and she carried herself.

Her breasts were now larger it looked like she had one of the stripper style boob-jobs they looked as if they would break free of the little dress.

She continued scanning around the room looking for people who she would need to teach to respect her dominance. She saw a vast array of vampires in the crowd, all the leaser, single fanged vamps.

They would be her minions.

Gabe was watching, sobered by the madness, from nearby knowing he’d have to do something to stop this.

He knew he’d need a little help from some friends, luckily all of Cobra had changed out of their costumes as did most of the people in the other bands.

First he had to set up some safety so no one would get hurt too bad.

The chaos that was going on in the crowd hadn’t quite happened on stage yet but it would soon so he knew he had to do this now.

He ran behind the speakers to where Superman (Mikey) was standing next to the mummy’s drum set.

“Superman!” Gabe called to him. “I need you to make sure that none of these creatures kill any humans! Actually make sure nothing gets killed. Please, you’re the only one who can do this!”

“I’m a superhero it’s what I do.” His voice was deeper more heroic than it was when he was plain old Mikey.

“Thank you! And any other heroes you find get him to help too.” Gabe said as he began to run over to Batman’s side of the stage.

“Batman!” He called out.

“Yes.” He spoke in the deep brooding voice that was Batman’s trademark, but lost the Australian accent that was his.

“Can you try to keep this crowd under control? Make sure nothing dies, human and monster alike, please something is direly wrong.” He pleaded again, now feeling even more fear than before because he was thinking about his band sitting in their dressing room completely oblivious then something could find them there and take them out without a second thought.

He didn’t say anything just dove straight into the crowd, getting to work.

Then Gabe was off to find his friends and solve this problem.


He rose from the ground surveying the scene, creatures of all types fighting or humans trying to escape what could be a horrible fate. He felt the urge to smile and the smile was evident in his chilling white eyes. He was wearing a big toothy grin anyways, there was no real way for the skeleton to stop flashing his pearly whites.

He leaned down to grab his scepter, to help him grasp his rule. He was the obvious leader, he was the skeleton king after all, he should be in charge around here.

Who would challenge him?

Amidst all the chaos he didn’t think that there would be any other people who would be dying to be a leader.

Plus he had the royal swagger and charm that would make his task all the easier.

All of the vampires submitted to Johnnie almost immediately with exception for one that she found at the head of the crowd, who called himself Jackula.

The other vampires followed her, already devoted to her as a leader, but if she showed weakness they would take their change to pounce and attempt to take control from her.

“Jackula? Are you serious?” She laughed maliciously. “That sounds like a bad porno.”

“You look like you belong in a bad porno.” He spit back.

“Listen, you cheap knock-off of a fictional character, you’re not as big and bad as you think you are. I’m an alpha, as in, stronger than you!” As she screamed that last bit she slammed her left palm into his chest and he flew on stage into the wall at the back of the stage.

She was there when he landed and put her foot on his neck.

“So who’s in charge porn boy?”

She took his whimper as a “You.”

She moved away with force, with such a movement she could have broken straight through the stage floor but she knew her strength, she was careful.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, ghosts, ghouls, and monsters of all kinds.” The Skeleton King had the same voice of the man he once was. The same smooth velvety voice that made people compelled to listen. “My friends,” They weren’t his friends. He didn’t even want them to be his equals. He wanted to rule them. ”Stop fighting. We should all be working together. All us monsters against all those humans. We should control the world anyways. They fear us, just look around at the humans in this room who are all panicked beyond all reason. How would they stop us with the way they fear us?” He was persuasive.

Even though Johnnie felt a slight unexplainable flutter at the sound of The Skeleton King’s voice she felt her leadership threatened.

She hadn’t yet made it all the way off the stage, she was standing by Michael’s mike.

“The vampires have claim on humans!” She hissed to the skeleton who was only a few feet from her.

His eyes snapped toward the woman who’d challenged him. He looked at her appraisingly. The skeleton approved, a smirk traveled to his eyes.

“So Nurse, who are you to bring up the claim?” He turned his whole frame to her.

“Who are you to try to take over.” She took a threatening step towards him.

“You’ve got spunk, I love women with spunk.” He took an arrogant step toward her.

“Piss off, bone boy.” she looked like she was going to strike him at any moment.

“Stop fighting!” A voice amid the audience, one of the superheroes? “Just let the vampires go it’s obvious she’s their leader and she doesn’t plan on being led.” The voice was a woman, she had moved to the front of the stage. She was Catwoman.

He looked at her, another revealing costume turned into something even more revealing. Again he approved.

Catwoman was blonde and more curvy than the girl she once was had been. Sleazy costumes caused women to have the bodies that looked like they came with a receipt.

But there was one thing that transcended the change, her motives.


Gabe jerked open the dressing room door and ran straight in slamming the door behind him.

That caused all his bandmates to look at him as if he’d grown three heads.

“What’s wrong with you Gabe? See a girl claiming to have your baby out there?” Ryland joked lightly.

“Dude you won’t believe me when I tell you what I saw out there.” He spoke with fear running through his voice. He was pale because of said fear, that’s what got his bandmates’ attention the most.

“Gabe what’s wrong?” Vicky-T asked seriously standing up to comfort him.

“Everything.” He said looking her straight in the eyes in a horrified tone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now how many of you saw that coming?
Bonus points if you did.