Flying Solo

Chapter Two


Rayne's P.O.V.
I stood at the door in complete shock. Omg I really thought that she was not going to come back. Ya know, it was so great to be the top chick of Slytherin. Then this Black-Haired Bitch comes back to take it all away form me. Oh Hell to the no, she is not going to take that all away from me... no way in hell.

When we were at school together, like no one knew my name, is was known as Cassie's friend, or "The Posse".

Everything was going so well before today. I totally think that I am going to cry. I have to get out of this room or I'm going to puke.

Rayne-I have unpack.

Cassie just looks at me arching her perfectly shaped eyebrows.

Cassie-Yeah I think that you should go...unpack.

She says the last part slowly and shoots me one of her 'Yeah bitch, you know i beat you' looks.

I take this as an opportunity and leave to go back to my dorm.

Cassie's P.O.V.

Cassie-OK what the fuck is up with her ass.
I look at Alizee and Kerry for a response. Alizee just shrugs.

Kerry-Cass you do know that know that since your back she thinks that you are going to take everything that she has accomplished last year.

Cassie-Seriously? An what exactly has little miss fancy pants accomplished...besides getting all O's on her O.W.L.S.?

Alizee-Well I'm sure that you heard the her and Chris are still together...right?

What she said kind of hurt. I wanted to get over what happened...with him and myself in 5th year. I really don't like to talk about him...with Ray.

Cassie-Anyway...guys is the great Hall still open?

Kerry-Um...I highly doubt it...Why?

Cassie-Oh I just wanted to pick up my class schedule thats all.

Alizee-Well I'm sure that the schedules will still be there tomorrow before classes.

Cassie-Yeah I guess they will.

Then Kerry started to unpack her trunk, and me and Alizee were talking about my school in New York, and she asked if there were any hot guys that were there. Sadly all of the hot guys were dicks. We just laughed the whole night talking about past years at hogwarts, and a lot of remember whens. It felt so good to be back with my true friends again...just like old times. I looked at my clock and it was 1:34a.m.

When i looked over at Kerry and Alizee, they were Bethe knocked out. So I took this opportunity to take a "Breather".

First I made sure that the girls were in a deep sleep. Which they were, then I walked over to the window by my bed and slowly opened it. I carefully climbed out it onto the ledge. I saw a pipe-like thing that was connected to the castle.

I decided to use that to slide to the ground. I landed with a small thud. I checked my surroundings and they seemed clear. I creeped across the campus down to the Forbidden Forest*don don don dooooooon* I swear that I havn't eaten all day.

I ran extremely fast for about 4 miles or two away form campus. It took me about ten minutes, mainly because I was on foot. I came to a clearing, I heard something run across the leaves. It was a deer. With in a second I attacked it, and it came to a silent fall.

My teeth contracted and dug deeply into the deer's neck. When I was done feeding I stood up and wiped my mouth of the blood. I decided to got to the secret spot that I had found in third year.

When I got there it looked the exact same as it had before I fled for New York after my little love escapade with Chris, which is why I left...I just couldn't be around Rayne with such a thing that I done with her boyfriend since daycare. I sat by the little pond that had a single cherry blossom tree on the side of it. This was the most peaceful thing about the forbidden forest. Many animals never came around, which I have no idea why...but they just didn't.

Sitting under the cherry bloom tree made me feel more at home. At my main house, which was in Japan, we have a huge tree in the backyard. It made me think of my mom.
She died over the summer, killed by aurors. I try not to think of it, but I just cannot forget. Over the summer I would just try to clear my head, mainly by smoking. Yeah a fairly new habit I recently picked up. I turned to some drugs and sex and not just a little...A LOT, so much that I have seemed to lost count.

Trust me some of you think I'm crazy, but I'm just miss understood. I guess you can say I have an addiction to the things listed above. There the only comfort that I have. I started to see light in the sky. I think that it is time for me to get back to clean up for classes, and seeing old faces again...Oh Joy!!!!
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Once again thanks for reading, I'm having SO much fun writing this and yes..slow people Cassie is a vampire...RAWR! thought I'd throw in a twist for y'all. the next chapter will be a bio of characters. xoxo tigerlily2♥