The Letters of an Autophobic

Nothing Tasted Sweeter

I tugged at my beanie and brushed my baines to the side of my face. My overcoat was tight against me and I leaned in to swerve my body. Ice came up at my face as a result. I turned around, closing my eyes as I remembered the area of the iceskating rink. That was until I was shoved. Splitting pain ran up my spine and I clench my jaw. Shrieks of laughter filled the rink, leaving me to grimace. They can never leave me alone.

I got out of there, changed in the locker, and started to walk out the door. I caught the bus, and started playing my Nirvana CD. Kurt Cobain is such an awesome man. He's gonna be a legend in alternative rock. I also heard that Smashing Pumpkins was having a concert next week. My brother bought tickets too. I was so excited!

I opened the door to the house, ran up the stairs, and lunged into my bed. Nathan stared at me for a minute, but then shook his head; not bothering to question my actions. I didn't care really.

" A man called for you, El. Someone by the name of.... Gerard?" Nate said while flipping a page in his book, "Sounded serious."

"Oh...." I murmurred through the pillow.

I walked down to where the phone was. Grams was watching her shows in the livingroom, laughing at the man on tv. I picked up the phone, dialing the number next to the phone. Must of thought I forgot it. No sooner than I heard the ringing, I heard the man's voice.

"Hello?" the voice asked. It sounded a bit high for a man....

"Um, is this Gerard Way?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, who's this?" Gerard asked back.

"Oh, hey. It's Ellie. You called me?" I smiled into the phone.

"Yeah! Um, I was wondering how you've been lately. I haven't heard from you in a while," he sounded a bit distracted.

"School's been hectic since midterms are next week."

"Oh... I understand that feeling," he chuckled. Again, it sounded like he wasn't really there....

"Sorry Gerard, but am I distracting you or something wrong?" I questioned hesitantly.

"Naw... just drinking....." he giggled.

My eyes widened, "I'll call you back some other time."

"No, it's fine."

"No, it's not fine."

As I was put the phone on the ringer, I heard him yell my name, "Ellie! Wait, I'm--"