The Letters of an Autophobic

Switch Up

I stood outside of school, going by memory of what I think Ellie looks like and by how Gee explained how she looked. I coulda punched him this morning. Gerard had killed my dreams with calling the house phone. Dad yelled for me, but I ignored him. I think he shoved me out of bed since I was on the ground with the phone in my face.

"What?" I snapped at the phone.

"Good morning to you too Michael," Gerard said, a little taken back.

"Hi; why are you calling now?" I groaned, getting up off the floor and towards my dresser.

"Hey, I'd be sleeping too, but this is important. I need you to do something for me," he said quickly.

I held the phone to my head with my shoulder as I picked up a pair of jeans off the floor and slipped them on. He started telling me about how he met this girl named Ellie online and how she's been having some social problems like Gee had in high school. He thinks she goes to my school since she lives in Brooklyn and he told me what she looks like from what she told him.

By that point I was putting on my Adidas, "Okay, so I think I remember an Ellie at school, has an older brother named Nathan also. Cool guy, helped me out with my geometry."

"Yes! That's her! Shit, you have to keep an eye out for her. Try to be friends with her or something. Get Frank in on it, I don't care. Just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid."

"LIke you did?"

He sighed, "Yes, like me."

"Cool, I'll look for the chick. Come out here and visit me once in a while, Dad's nagging me more than Mom does."

We both hung up. I put some coffee in a travel cup and grabbed an apple. I handed the phone back to dad, picked up my bag, and headed towards school. It was a simple 4 blocks away, no sweat. I pushed my glasses up my nose and shifted my bag a bit on my shoulders. When I reached school, I sat on the front steps and sipped my coffee away waiting for Ellie. That's when I realized... I don't talk to girls. Period, I just never seemed to be able to talk to them. Jocks were square ahead, so I jumped down the stairs and walked off. Walking through the grounds... towards the parking lot. I was hoping for once Frank was early in getting to school on time. I don't think I could take him getting another detention for tardies again. He has to drive me to work! Sadly, my coffee was over and done with. I took my bag off and shoved it in my big pocket. I was about to get up when someone shoved into me sending us both falling.
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