‹ Prequel: To End the Rapture

All She knows is Bliss


~Jomaris' POV: It was already Tuesday and the Aiden show wasn't until Thursday. I had the rest of the week off considering I wanted to rest and go with full energy to the show. I was so happy. I could hardly believe I was feeling this way. This was the first time I had felt truly happy since I met Jimmy. It seemed to good to be true. A sudden gut feeling came over me. I was extremely happy, but at the back of my mind I knew something bad was about to happen.
"Shit I have to stop thinking negative thoughts," I murmured.
I sat contemplating silently for a few minutes. My thoughts were then broken by my cell phone ringing.
"Fuck, shut up!" I yelled as I angrily answered the phone.
"Hello?" I answered.
-No answer-
"Hello?" I said again.
-No answer-
"Whatever," I sighed and threw the phone.
I then realized I didn't look at the caller ID to see who it was that was calling. I picked the phone up and looked to see who called me.
It said, "Unknown caller."
"Hmmmm, that's weird."
I then decided to call the number back to see if I would get an answer. I got no answer. That mysterious call really got me paranoid. I really wanted to know who it was and what it was that person wanted. I decided to ignore my meaningless paranoia and gave Pammy a call. "Hello?" She answered.
"Hey, do you want to go to the mall with me? The Aiden gig is only two days away. We need outfits."
"Sure no problem that should be fun."
"Okay I'll come pick you up in around fifteen minutes okay?"
"Okay, I'll see you then."
I went to Pammy's house and picked her up a few minutes later. At the mall all I could think of was that weird phone call. I couldn't help but wonder who it was that wanted to reach me..................End POV.

~Jimmy's POV: Since yesterday when I found out about our last Taste of Chaos date being in Jacksonville, I just couldn't get my mind off Jomaris. I had her on my mind every single minute. It was only two days until I would see her again. I was so excited. I desperately wanted to talk to her, touch her, just see her again. I remember when she said she never wanted to see me again, I hid the piece of paper with her number in it to prevent me from calling her. I knew her number was somewhere in the tour bus. I started searching frantically through old pictures of her and I.
"Ah! Here it is!" I exclaimed.
I unfolded the wrinkled piece of paper and grabbed my phone.
"Should I?" I asked myself.
I started to think that maybe she might have changed her number since then.
"I'll just risk it."
Before dialing the number, I pressed * and 67 so that my number would come out as private on her caller ID. I dialed the number. It only rang once before I got an answer.
"Hello?" Jomaris answered.
At that moment I froze. Hearing her voice again put me in a state of paralysis.
"Hello?" She answered again, slightly irritated.
I then panicked and hung up.
"Shit!" I said as I sat down and dropped the phone on the floor.
I lied down to catch my breath. All of a sudden my phone started to ring.
"I'm fucked," I said.
I slowly reached over to see if I had the nerve to answer the phone but I just couldn't. I just let it ring.
"Dude what's going on? Why didn't you answer the phone? And what was all that noise? You woke me up," Brian muttered as he groggily rubbed his eyes.
"Sorry, I just tried calling Jomaris," I nervously said.
"Why the Hell did you do that?" Brian responded.
"I couldn't help it. I needed to hear her voice. I heard it so there!" I boomed.
"Okay fine. No need to be such an ass," Brian said as he angrily walked away.
"Fuck......" I sighed and lied back down.
For the rest of the afternoon before on of out Taste of Chaos shows, I just thought and thought about the last tour date. I wondered what would happen.................

~Two days later-

~As we were heading down to Jacksonville for the last Taste of Chaos show I was in a state of extreme joy. I didn't drink one bit since I wanted to look my best when seeing Jomaris. Even though I wasn't completely sure about seeing her tonight, something told me I would. The venue we were scheduled to play at Jacksonville was right next to a venue where the band Aiden was also scheduled to play at. In just a few hours I had great chances of seeing Jomaris!

~Three hours later-

~Here I was backstage, just a few minutes before coming out on stage to play our last Taste of Chaos show, more pumped than ever before. I was in such a good mood. As we came out on stage, I had the biggest grin. I sat down on my set and immediately scanned the crowd to see if I could find Jomaris in there. She was nowhere to be found. The crowd was huge so I figured I wasn't looking close enough. I scanned the crowd a few more times before realizing Jomaris hadn't come to the show. Throughout the whole show I was distracted thinking that all hope was gone. I thought I wouldn't see her tonight. That's when it hit me. I immediately remembered that Aiden was playing at the venue next to ours. As soon as the show ended, I stormed out to see if I could possibly find her there.
"Hey man where are you going?" Matt asked.
"Oh I just want to check out the Aiden gig for a bit," I responded.
"Why? Don't you want to stick around for a bit to meet some fans?"
"Oh, I'll come back shortly, just hang on a sec," I replied.
"Oh alright. Make it quick," Matt said with an irritated tone.
"I will," I said as I practically ran toward the other venue.
The show already appeared to be over. A crowd of people were gathered around the back. I walked closer to see exactly what was going on. As I walked closer I saw the best and worst thing ever. It was Jomaris!
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.
She looked amazing, slightly sweaty, but still perfect. I was standing around twenty feet away. I was so happy. At that moment I saw her go up to the lead singer and kiss him on the cheek.
"What the fuck is she doing?!" I exclaimed.
They were so close to each other in a suggestive way. I had to stop this. I decided to walk over there.....................End POV.

~Jomaris' POV: Two days had gone by since that odd phone call. I went to the mall with Pammy that day and got the best outfit ever; an Aiden Burn your Friends tee and some cute Skinnies. Pammy got the same thing. We wanted to match tonight. I was so pumped throughout the whole day since I was going to see Aiden in just a few hours......

~Three hours later-

~As Pammy and I were approaching the venue, we noticed there was a venue next to it that was also having a show. I was curious as to who was playing. I decided to forget about it and get in line immediately for the Aiden show. Opening for Aiden was Schoolyard Heroes, a band we weren't interested in at all. We waited around an hour and a half before Aiden came on. "
This it is Pammy, our dream is about to come true!" I said, handing her an Oreo.
"Yeah, only a few minutes from coming true!" She responded.
In around five minutes the lights dimmed and BOOM! Aiden came out.
"We're Aiden," wiL said before starting to jump around and lithely swing the microphone.
At that moment We Sleep Forever started blasting in our ears. The crowd went insane. Pammy and I were in the very front so we got to touch wiL and Nick a lot. It was amazing. Their set lasted around an hour and twenty minutes. They closed with The Sky is Falling. Best show ever.
"Pammy, we have to get out to the back now to meet Aiden!" I excitedly exclaimed.
"Yeah you're right let's go!"
We waited in the back for around thirthy minutes before Aiden came out to sign autographs.
"Ahh there they are!" I yelled.
wiL looked even better in person. I felt in love. Pammy immediately ran up to Angel and conversed with him for awhile. She looked so happy. I went to Nick, Jake Wambold, and Jake Davison. They were really friendly. After around ten minutes I decided to go up to wiL. He looked so gorgeous.
"Hey wiL," I nervously said.
"Hey enjoy the show?" He responded.
"Hell yeah you guys were amazing."
I stood silent looking at him for a minute or two.
"What is it?" He asked.
I said nothing. I just went up to him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Whoa thanks," He said with a surprised look.
"Can I hug you?" I shyly asked.
"Of course, come."
I then hugged him so tight. It felt so good. I was so happy. Little did I know that my happiness would be immensely interrupted tonight.................End POV.

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