‹ Prequel: To End the Rapture

All She knows is Bliss


~Jimmy's POV: I needed to find out who that was she was talking to on the phone. Shortly after she left I couldn't stop pacing back and forth, rubbing my palms together anxiously. I needed to find out a discreet way of finding out who it was she was going to see. But how? Five minutes went by and I thought of nothing. I needed transportation. It hit me. I called Matt.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Matt, it's me Jimmy I-" I was suddenly cut off.
"Jimmy?! Where the fuck have you been? Where the Hell are you? What were you doing all last night? Don't tell me you were screwing around with that chick." He angrily said.
"First of all, that 'chick' has a name; it's Jomaris. And no, I wasn't screwing around. So much shit happened to me last night. Look, I'm at her house. Will ya come get me, I need you to do me a huge favor."
"You're at her house? Where is that? Tell me so I can come get you."
I gave him the address.
He came within five minutes and honked the horn.
I walked out and quickly got in the van.
"Damn you're quick," I said.
"Okay, now tell me what is it that happened to you last night and why the Hell did you spend the night at her house?"
"Okay, let me make this brief for you because I also need to do me a favor now.
Well... I went to a Chiodos gig last night with Jomaris as you may already know," I started. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. But keep going."
"Okay, well after the gig, Jomaris went and got merch and all of a sudden these assholes came and stole her merch and bag. I obviously ran after them to get her stuff back."
"Okay.... and?" Matt questioned.
"Well I chased them through a pitch black alley and they fucking stabbed me," I angrily said. "Oh man I'm sorry I judged you like that. Are you okay?" He said.
"Well yeah, all thanks to her. She called and ambulance and got me to a hospital. She took me to her house afterward since the wound isn't all that deep. She helped me. So yeah you must feel dumb now, right?" I said.
"Yeah man sorry. I shouldn't have judged you the way I did. I'll tell the others. We are heading home tonight so thank goodness you called," Matt sighed.
"Wait, what? We can't leave now. Well at least I can't. I have business here- which brings me to what I called you for in the first place. Jomaris left sort of mysteriously not long ago. Someone called her this morning and she seemed really excited and left. She said she would be back shortly," I said.
"Okay..... and what do I have to do with this situation?" He said.
"Well I want to know who it was she was talking to. I need transportation so that is where you come in," I said with a smirk.
"Wait you want me to find her? How the Hell do I do that man? I don't even know what her car looks like or this place too well. Shit, man what are you getting me into? You are so obsessed. Let her go already."
"Look, she left like fifteen minutes ago and I have a good idea as to where she is, plus I know what her car looks like."
"Okay, where do you think she went?" Matt said.
"The park. She and I used to go there a lot and I know she loves it there so let's give it a shot, okay? I'll tell you where it is as we go."
"Ugh, fine man. I can't believe I am actually going to do this shit," He said as he started backing up and getting ready to go.
"Well ya better believe it," I said, chuckling.
As we arrived to the park, I immediately noticed Jomaris' car parked on the pavement.
"Shit, I was right," I muttered.
I discreetly peeked through the window to see if I could spot her..........End POV.

~Jomaris' POV: The phone call I had just received a few minutes ago made me feel really happy and excited. It was really unexpected and I honestly didn't think it would ever happen. On my way to the park, I kept smiling. The thought of seeing him again was really mind-blowing. Just the night before, I had felt like things between Jimmy and I were going great. I felt like I loved him all over again. The reason as to why I was so excited to see wiL again after this short time was because I really admire him. He is so talented and amazing that any girl can love and admire him. I intended on viewing him only as a friend and nothing more.
Jimmy had my heart, at least for the most part.
I arrived to the park and slowly got out of the car. I was greeted by a cute sight; wiL was awkwardly standing under a huge tree, looking at the dying leaves gently fall and swiftly sweep him by.
"Heya wiL!" I called out.
"Hey- Jomaris right? Sorry, I'm bad with names," He said.
"Yes, you're correct, the name's Jomaris," I said, chuckling as I went up to him and gave him a nice, tight, and friendly hug.
"Haha thanks, you give nice hugs," He said, laughing.
"Thanks.... So how was the rest of the tour?"
"Oh, the rest of the tour got canceled. Angel got really sick. He has some sort of chest thing- really bad.
So we decided to stick around and cancel the tour. So that is the reason why I am here sooner than expected," He said.
"Oh, well I'm sorry Angel is sick. I hope he gets better soon. I don't want you guys to delay your plans for a long time."
"Oh no it's okay. I actually kind of wanted it to get canceled. That way, I could see you sooner," He said, smiling.
"Whoa, really? You actually wanted to see me badly?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah why not? Is it that unbelievable?"
"Well no- more like incredible. But wow, I just can't believe you wanted to see me."
"Well here I am. I want to get to know you better."
We were awkwardly silent for some time.
"So... has that dumbass Jimmy that punched you that night bothered you lately?" wiL suddenly said.
"Well actually, we have been seeing each other lately- as friends of course and things between us have gotten a lot better. I am not mad at him anymore. We're good now, heh," I said.
"Oh, really? Hmmm, well if he ever bothers you again, you tell me, okay?"
"Yeah I will but he is a good guy so it's okay. He just got jealous that night. And for no reason. I am a big fan of yours so it's only natural that I get really excited around you," I said.

"Just a fan?" He questioned.
"Well now that you're here we can be friends so more now," I reassured him.
I was feeling really awkward around wiL right now.
He kept looking into my eyes with those piercing yellow-brown eyes.
It gave me butterflies.
Plus, I also felt like I was being watched for some reason.
I felt a presence.
wiL leaned over and motioned to kiss me.
I instantly jerked my face to the side to avoid impact.
"Whoa, sorry, I couldn't help it," wiL said, chuckling.
"Ha, I think I should get going now," I nervously said as I got up and walked to my car.
"Look, I'm sorry I did that, it won't happen again. Will I see you again?" wiL nervously asked.
"Sure, just call me later," I replied.
"Wait, let me give you my number so it's easier to keep in touch," He said, taking out a pen and writing his number on the inside of my hand.
"There, make sure to call me when you're not busy. Sorry again. See ya."
"Bye wiL, I'll see if I can call you later," I said as I slowly drove away.
"Wow that was awkward," I said to myself..........End POV.

~Jimmy's POV: As I was peeking, I immediately noticed Jomaris.
And she was with that wiL guy!
"Oh shit, look at her. We should leave," Matt said with a sarcastic tone.
"Shut up. Wait, I gotta see this. She could just be talking with him," I responded, peering out the window.
"Or making getaway plans from you," Matt mockingly said.
"Look, just shut the fuck up and wait," I said, glaring discreetly at Jomaris and wiL.
They were just standing under a huge tree, talking. They were both smiling. The sight really bothered. I didn't like the way he was looking at her. She went up to him and tightly hugged him.
"Oh Hell no, I gotta stop this now!" I said, about to open the car door.
"Wait you dumbass, hang on. Maybe it's just a friendly hug- chill," Matt said as he held me down.
I shrugged him off.
"Fine, whatever," I sighed.
I kept looking at what they were doing.
The minutes were excruciating.
I hated seeing her with another guy.
After a few minutes they were just looking at each other, silently. His face then went to hers. "Okay let's go!" Matt said, driving away quickly.
"Hey man why did you do that?! They were about to do something!" I yelled.
"Look, Jomaris has obviously moved on. Like I have said to you so many times before, let it go.
"I just can't damn it!" I said, on the verge of tears.
"Damn, what has this chick done to you? You are even crying. You know what? We should just head home already. You need a fucking break to get your head straight," Matt said.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I am tired of feeling this way; yeah let's just go," I said with a sigh.
"Oh, that reminds me, we have a radio show interview scheduled here so we shall do that before leaving," Matt suddenly said.
"Really? At what time?" I curiously asked.
"At 6:00 with a chick named Brandi Smith. I heard she is really hot," Matt said with a hinty tone.
"I don't think I'll agree with that but okay I'll try to act normal at the radio show," I mumbled.
"Yeah, it might take your mind off Jomaris. So it might end up being nice."
I decided to forget about Jomaris right now. I didn't even go back to her house.........End POV.

~To Be Continued. :D
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What do you think?
This chapter pretty much sets the story up haha.
Hope ya like it.