‹ Prequel: To End the Rapture

All She knows is Bliss


~Jomaris' POV: On my way home, I kept thinking about what had just happened with wiL at the park. I was slightly speeding since I knew I had kept Jimmy waiting and he might have been wondering where I was.
I arrived within five minutes.
I quickly got out of my car and walked to my front door. I came in.
"Jimmy, I 'm back!" I happily exclaimed.
I heard no reply.
"Hey man, where are you?" I said as I walked around the house looking for him.
He was nowhere to be found. I wondered where he could have been. I decided to call him. Maybe something bad had happened to him. I dialed the number. I got no answer.
"What the fuck?" I said to myself.
I dialed again. Still, I got no answer. The answering machine came on. I decided to leave a message.
"H-hey Jimmy. Where are you? Are you okay? I came home and you're not here. Please call me back," I said with a worried tone.
After sitting around doing nothing but wait for Jimmy's call, I decided to go look for him.
"I can't take this. I have to look for him," I said to myself as I got up suddenly and grabbed my car keys.
I thought that maybe he could be somewhere in town.
"What if he's at Starbucks?" I thought.
I got in my car and headed that way. On my way to Starbucks, I turned on the radio to get my mind distracted a bit. I noticed there was some sort of special radio show going on in the station. The girl talking didn't interest me so I decided to just turn it off. Just as I was about to push the off button, I heard something that infuriated me.

"Hey, we're back with the Krokk radio show, here with Avenged Sevenfold. Don't get too crazy ladies. I'm Brandi Smith and I'm so happy to be interviewing you sexy boys," Said Brandi.
"Thanks, we're glad to be here," Said Brian, chuckling.
"You know something? You guys look really good- in particular you Jimmy heh," She suggestively remarked.
"Ha, thanks you're not looking bad yourself. You're pretty hot," He responded.
"What the flying fuck is going on?!" I yelled out loud.
I parked on the side of the pavement and just listened to the rest of the interview with my mouth gaped. I couldn't believe Jimmy had ditched me without saying anything and was now flirting away with that Brandi bitch.
I only got more angry as I listened.
The interview was now coming to an end.
"Finally, be over already," I sighed.
"Alright, looks like this interview has come to an end. It was a pleasure interviewing you guys," Brandi said.
"No problem, it was great," They replied.
"But... the fun doesn't have to be over just yet. We have and afterparty coming up in one hour. Anyone is welcome to come to bring your mates, friends, enemies, whatever and just go wild. It's at 7:00 at the Krokk Studio, so feel free to come. You guys staying?" She asked thee boys.
"Sure, we'll stay if it's okay with Jimmy. Is it okay with you man?" Matt asked.
"Yeah man I'm down and I get to spend more time with Brandi," Jimmy said, laughing. "Ohhh well then I can't wait until 7:00. So join us fans! See ya then!"

At that moment I hit the off button with all my angry might.
"How could he do that to me? I could have sworn things were going great between us but I guess I was wrong," I sighed.
I hit the steering wheel.
That's when I noticed writing on my inner hand. It was wiL's number.
"Should I call him?" I thought to myself.
I slowly picked my phone up. I needed to go to that damn party. I had to see for myself what was really going on. I wanted to confront Jimmy really badly about what happened. I was so confused.
I also needed a friend to find my broken mind before it fell to pieces.
I just sat thinking about what I should do.
It hit me.
wiL could come to the afterparty with me so I wouldn't go alone.
"Yes!" I said as I grabbed the phone again and looked at my inner hand and dialed his number.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey wiL, it's me Jomaris," I said.
"Whoa hey, I didn't expect you to call this soon. What's up?"
"Well I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come with me to a Krokk afterparty at 7:00 tonight. I just heard it announced not long ago and it could end up being lots of fun. You interested?" I asked.
"Yeah sure why not, that sounds cool. You wanna meet there?"
"Oh no, I wanna go together. "How about you come pick me up? I'll give you the address."
"Okay that sounds like a much better idea; let's do that," He happily said.
"Okay then it's a date, see ya then," I said after giving him my address.
"Bye, see you a little before 7:00."
"Okay bye, hun."
After hanging up with wiL I quickly drove home and got ready in a flash.
I felt kind of bad because I was sort of using wiL as an excuse to go to that party.
All just to get to Jimmy- that lying idiot.
But I genuinely liked wiL; he was simply wonderful.
A few minutes later my doorbell rang. I opened it with a big smile.
"Wow you look great," wiL said.
"Not more than you," I said, returning the smile.
On our way to the party, I had a straight face.
I couldn't hide my anger no matter how hard I tried...........End POV.

~Jimmy's POV: It was already 5:00 and we were at the Krokk Studio for the radio show.

"Look, you better not screw this up, you dumbshit. Brandi Smith, the chick interviewing us is a very good-looking and famous person. We have to act really nice and compliment her occasionally- meaning you might have to say nice things about her looks. We have to act like we genuinely want to be here, got it?" Matt said before we walked in.
"I got it. You've been giving me the same speech over and over again for hours. I won't screw it up, okay?"
I really didn't feel like being there at all. I knew it would be really hard to act casual and chill at the interview, but I would give it my best shot.
As we walked in, we were greeted by a camera crew and seated.
As I was looking around, I instantly spotted a really beautiful chick talking to some members of the crew.
I wondered if that was that Brandi girl.
My suspicions were right.
She stopped talking to the crew and headed our way.
She was looking extremely good.
"Hey boys, ready for this interview?" She said, looking directly at me.
As the interview went on, Brandi had her eyes glued to me.
Two crystal blue little oceans.
I wanted to look away, but found it very hard to do so.
Her beauty struck me.
Although Matt had previously told me to say flattering things to her, I said them because I really meant them. I didn't feel forced anymore.
Brandi made me feel uncomfortable, yet intrigued.
"Anyone is welcome so bring your mates, friends, enemies, whatever and just go wild. It's at the Krokk Studio, so feel free to come. So you guys staying?" Brandi said.
"Yeah sure if it's okay with Jimmy. Is it okay with you, man?" Matt asked.
."Yeah man I'm down and I get to spend more time with Brandi."
"Ohhh, then I can't wait until 7:00, so join us fans! See ya then!" Brandi exclaimed.
We went off air.
"Whoa, that was the greatest interview I've ever done," Brandi said, looking directly at me yet again.
I looked the other way.
I felt my ears go red with fire.
"Well, we're gonna go get ready and shit. We'll be back soon," Said Brian as all of them got up and left the room.
I was about to leave when Brandi tugged my arm.
"You know I had my eye on you throughout that whole interview right, sexy boy?" She seductively said.
"Oh yeah I noticed why?" I said.
"Oh come on, can't you tell? I like you, and a lot too. Would you mind joining me for the night at the party? We'll have lots of fun," She said, rubbing my shoulder.
"Oh, well I don't see why not. Yeah sure we'll chill together tonight," I said with a smile. "Alright you better go get ready- party starts in less than an hour. I gotta go get ready myself. I wanna look hot for you," She said.
"Oh please, you already do," I nervously said.
"Why, thank you. Now go," She said as she got on her tip-toes and gave me a long kiss on the cheek, almost lips.
"Whoa, okay," I stuttered and nervously left to go get ready.

Brandi Smith made me really nervous for some reason. I felt a little like I felt when I was around Jomaris. But this feeling was a little different. I felt a lot of desire for Brandi. If things were to continue like they had been, anything could happen tonight...........End POV.

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What do you think?
There's another song reference in here.... not sure if you'll catch it. x]