You Got Me Going Crazy

What the hell?

Sam's POV

"What the hell is going on in here?" I yelled

And why am I screaming you may ask? Well, I was peacefully sleeping, having one of the best dreams of my life when i was rudely awaken by the sound of dishes breaking. So of course, me being the nice, considerate person that I am, got up out of my warm inviting bunk to check on what was going on and to make sure no one was injured, as usual, or dead. And I of course, what do I see as I walk into the living area of the tour bus? I see Rachel, my best friend and band mate throwing plates at Joe Jonas, my fiance...yes...MY FIANCE, and her older brother.

Joe ducked as another late zoomed by his head and crashed into the wall behind him.

"Holy Shit. Ask her Sam, she's gone fucking nuts....AHHH" and he ducks again.

"Seriously Joe, now would not be the time to be calling your sister a nut job." I responded back.

God, why do I even bother trying to help this moron? Oh right, I love him. What a dumb ass I am, right?

I roll my eyes.

I walk up behind Rachel as she throws another plate at Joe.


I grab her arm and pull her away from the plates.

"Rachel, hun, calm the hell down and stop throwing things at Joe. Im sure whatever idiotic thing he has done now can be fixed."

"Hey! Why is it always assumed that I did something?"

Wow, I must really love him. Seriously, was that a serious question and ask my self that.

"Are you kidding Joseph? You fucking always do something stupid and this time I am REALLY gonna kill you!!! Brother or NOT! Your fucking dead!" And Rachel lunges for Joe.

Thank god I'm holding on to her or their would be no more Joe Jonas...literally.

Hmmm....maybe I should let her go. Oh who am I kidding. If joe's not here, my entertainment would not that just a little mean? Probably..but's to late at night to care. Why did I get up again? Oh right, Joe is about to die....wonderful. Why can't Kevin and Nick deal with this? Where the hell are they anyways....

"What did I do this time? I honestly have no idea! You just started throwing plates at my head." Joe yelled back, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh, you goddamn know what you did. Don't play stupid with me!" Rachel screamed back and attempted to jump at him again.

"Rachel..I don't know wha..."

"YES YOU DO!! YOU FUCKING ATE MY LAST FUCKING TWINKIE YOU ASSHOLE!!" Rachel screamed at the top of her lungs.

And then....their was silence.

Joe stood their just staring at his sister in shock. Me? I let go of her and walked in front of her so she was staring at me.

"I ate your last twinkie nimrod." I told her in the calmest voice i could muster, though I was trying not to bust out laughing. I knew i would be off the hook though because I'm the best friend and Joe is just her brothers..Ha Ha.

Rachel automatically relaxed and smiled at me.

"Oh, ok. That's ok. I don't mind. Just don't forget to buy me another box kay?"

"Already did Rachel" I smiled back.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Joe stated in shock. "You accuse me of eating your last twinkie and I get plates thrown at my face, but when Sam tells you it was her you smile and everythings ok?"

" that a problem Joseph?" Rachel threatened.

"YES!" he screamed

"Joe, love, please drop it. I like you alive very much and I know that if you keep opening your mouth, the next plate she picks up will hit you, so please just come to bed because I'm lonely and tired and I want to sleep and cuddle. Just leave this mess for your brothers because since they weren't here I had to break up this fight fest." I pouted

Joe sighed and walked over to me. He kissed me softly and led us to my bunk.

We climbed in and I snuggled into Joe

"Night Joe, love you"

"Love you to Sam" He kissed my head and we fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know what you think and I'll update it later tonight if I get awsome responses.

